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Kamui Discussion thread


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Possibly! None of the siblings on either side have pointy ears, so I'm more inclined to think it's a weird manifestation of their draconic traits. The last bit could also be the main reason why Kamui was stolen, and another reason why Nohr invaded Hoshido but hides it behind a reasoning of wanting to expand their sphere of influence and gather resources.

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Possibly to keep Hoshido from growing more powerful and prosperous than them. The wiki page on Nohr says that they're going through a bad year with crops failing, so it could also be a way to steal more resources again and/or as a scapegoat redirecting the anger of the populace away from the Nohrian royalty's poor policies.

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I think it's just that Garon is a power-hungry madman like his description basically states and that his ambition guides him, clouding his better judgement. If he's trying to use you for your dragon blood/power, which would make sense otherwise why bother raising a captive child as your own in the first place, then it's probably just because he wants as much power as possible so nothing can stand in his way. Sure he needs the lands of Hoshido for his people but I have a feeling he couldn't give a damn about his people and mostly just wants to crush Hoshido for opposing them, you and your siblings probably realize that he's more or less gone off the deep end in the Nohr path and try to stop him in order to better your country.

Afterthought: He could just be using Kamui as a weapon against them, instead of actually taking the power for himself. I have a feeling he's involved in something crazy dark but that's mostly related to the way his character looks and acts, plus that scene in one of the trailers where it looks like he swings a weapon/attacks and then a dark explosion emerges in the middle of a bunch of soldiers. Perhaps he has the fire emblem and has gone mad from it like Ashnard the king of Daein in PoR?

Edited by Kyza
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Goddamn, so many mega haters, especially Thane. Jesus Christ.

I think Kamui looks pretty cool, I can't speak on his/her personality just yet as we don't know.

I'm tired of the bitchers on here though, Why are you even on the forum? Go away if all you want to do is leaves bashes on every thread. I just don't understand the drive to constantly complain.

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Goddamn, so many mega haters, especially Thane. Jesus Christ.

I think Kamui looks pretty cool, I can't speak on his/her personality just yet as we don't know.

I'm tired of the bitchers on here though, Why are you even on the forum? Go away if all you want to do is leaves bashes on every thread. I just don't understand the drive to constantly complain.

Woah now, feel free to disagree with me, but calling me out like that's not good forum manners, and you know that. I even outright offered to leave the thread since I don't have much nice to say about Kamui to spare you all my whining.

As for why we're on the forum...well, I imagine it's for the same reason you're here: to discuss a series we like and occasionally other things when we feel like it. That also includes negative aspects; if we all agreed that everything was awesome there wouldn't be a reason for a forum in the first place.

If you think Kamui looks good, then great, there's nothing I can do about that, nor is there a reason to. However, you must also be prepared to accept other people's point of view, and mine happens to be the opposite of yours, and there's nothing you can do about that, nor is there a reason to.

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Goddamn, so many mega haters, especially Thane. Jesus Christ.

I think Kamui looks pretty cool, I can't speak on his/her personality just yet as we don't know.

I'm tired of the bitchers on here though, Why are you even on the forum? Go away if all you want to do is leaves bashes on every thread. I just don't understand the drive to constantly complain.

Thane has hardly been "Constantly complaining". He simply does not like the designs in this game (mostly because Kozaki is FE's Nomura with less belts and zippers and less pants). Furthermore, this is a discussion thread, not a "Kamui is the best thing since sliced bread" thread, he has the right to voice his criticisms and concerns. At the very least he's being respectful and accepts other's PoV, and as shown by the fact that your telling him to leave the forum, you seem to lack this quality.

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More like Dialga Xerneas and Mikoto had a very crazy threesome! I mean Kamui dragon form looks like what would happen if Xerneas and Dialga had a forbidden pokebaby!

What the hell is going on in this thread? =_=

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What the hell is going on in this thread? =_=

I know right ? He doesn't even know that Legendaries cannot have eggs ! :p

Apparently, DragonKamui spins around too, it... make more sense than him doing that in his human form, I guess ? A lot of classes in FEA did that too, even though it was dumb. Like Paladin and Great Knigh. Eww.

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I know right ? He doesn't even know that Legendaries cannot have eggs ! :p

I do know they can't have eggs. I should have used the word impossible instead of forbidden.

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My personal theory is that Mikoto doesn't have a husband and is like a gecko: she can make children without needing sperm. She's like a gecko because she has dragon blood.

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Additionally; the English trailer for the game (localised as Fire Emblem Fates) has been released. Kamui's male voice sounds really deep for a guy who looks rather young, Garon's is appropriately evil sounding ("you're my child now!") and the rest of the VAs sound cool enough. I prefer the Japanese version of Aqua's song though.

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It seems to be all but confirmed that Kamui's half dragon form is his critical animation. What surprised me though was that it looked like he morphed two arms into one, and that those looked completely different from his complete transformation.

Edit: dang, missed that it was an ability called "Dragon Fang". Still surprised over the different transformation though.

Speaking of transformations, was that Kamui glowing all purple in the cutscene? I thought they would be from his point of view since he's a customizable character.

Edited by Thane
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It seems to be all but confirmed that Kamui's half dragon form is his critical animation. What surprised me though was that it looked like he morphed two arms into one, and that those looked completely different from his complete transformation.

Edit: dang, missed that it was an ability called "Dragon Fang". Still surprised over the different transformation though.

Speaking of transformations, was that Kamui glowing all purple in the cutscene? I thought they would be from his point of view since he's a customizable character.

I think it's Leon, I paused at 1:07 and hair-wise it looked like him. Could be Marx though but I dunno, it seemed to happen because of the (what looks like to be) 'Elise death scene' but that could've just been because of the order they put the CS's in.

Edit: But maybe not, they did have the pointed ears. I mean I originally thought it was Kamui but I have no idea how that would work if there is customization involved... I mean the only reason it worked with Kamui and Aqua in that one scene is because Kamui was in dragon form.

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I think that scene where the person is glowing purple (in the E3 trailer) has to be Kamui. Besides the pointed ears, pausing at 1:06 looks like a wing is coming out, so I'm thinking this could be a scene where Kamui turns into that deer dragon. It would give weight to the idea that the transformation is painful (since he's yelling) and also confirm that it's Kamui himself. But why in front of what appears to be a person from Hoshido is the question (since Aqua has appeared to be the cause for the transformation consistently) and why it looks so different from the more seamless looking transformation in gameplay has me stumped.

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One problem I´m having with the change to Corrin is that it wouldn´t make much sense for the default name. As we saw in the treehouse gameplay, Susukaze was able to recognize the name, which meant that Garon didn´t bother changing the Avatar´s name after kidnapping him/her. That would mean that they kept the hoshidan name the avatar received, and to be honest, Corrin is not really Hoshidan when you compare it to the Hoshidan siblings, whose names weren´t changed as far as I was able to see.

Just my opinion though

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I'm gonna be honest here & say I hate how goody two shoes he was in the Treehouse preview. it's not like I wasn't expecting him to be a nice person, all of our FE heroes have been nice people, but ohmygod. I was watching the stream & was yelling "kill them!!" after he fought Rinka & Suzukaze. but nah. he played the good boy act & refused to do so. oh well, it's just main character nature in video games to be good willed.

aside from that, I seriously am anxious to know what's going on with him & Aqua. & also why he glows purple while screaming out his lungs, ASSUMING that's Kamui, but I mean, I recognize Zakki's screams. & that sure as hell sounded like a Zakki scream.

I'm gonna be honest again & say I seriously hope he ends up losing 110% of his sanity (kind of already confirmed??) & causes mass destruction to everyone around him lmao I'm positive this won't happen the way I'm imagining it, but eh. he's intriguing me more than I thought he would, in any case.

also: Corrin? what a strange name. Lyndis I think I'll change it back to Kamui when I play the game, so his 'new name' isn't that big of an issue for me.

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