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Kamui and Aqua's Fighting Style


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Oh I will certainly agree that Kamui jumping around like a kid on a sugar rush is hilarious, at the very least.

The problem I have with Aqua isn't just that she's spinning, but how she actually hits her opponents; she uses her lance - with one arm - to SLICE, not thrust, the enemy. She also has her right elbow fairly close to her hips when she does it, and if you try to hit someone like that you won't gain any momentum and you'll quickly injure your arm, all for the sake of visual appeal.

Some people like it and that's great, but I'll probably roll my eyes every single time I see it.

Anime style son.

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Oh I will certainly agree that Kamui jumping around like a kid on a sugar rush is hilarious, at the very least.

The problem I have with Aqua isn't just that she's spinning, but how she actually hits her opponents; she uses her lance - with one arm - to SLICE, not thrust, the enemy. She also has her right elbow fairly close to her hips when she does it, and if you try to hit someone like that you won't gain any momentum and you'll quickly injure your arm, all for the sake of visual appeal.

Some people like it and that's great, but I'll probably roll my eyes every single time I see it.

She's getting some mad torque out of that thing. Using a nice long lance you can spin a lot at one end and the pointy end will be spinning even faster.

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She's getting some mad torque out of that thing. Using a nice long lance you can spin a lot at one end and the pointy end will be spinning even faster.

Still dosent matter if you hit them with the blunt bit like she does

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She's getting some mad torque out of that thing. Using a nice long lance you can spin a lot at one end and the pointy end will be spinning even faster.

So because she's striking quickly - something everyone does - it doesn't matter that she holds the lance in one arm close to her body which risks injury? And the fact that she uses it to slash rather than thrust is also irrelevant?

Alright. Here's what I want you to do: grab a long, rather robust stick or other object that has the rough shape of a polearm, and then try to attack in the same way Aqua does. I don't mean you have to include the spins or anything, I just mean that I want you to try to hit something fairly large and heavy with something long, with one arm next to your hips the same way she does.

And since I don't want you to hurt yourself, I'm going to warn you not to swing that stick or whatever too quickly, or you'll risk hurting your arm.

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Eh, whatever I don't really care since I'll probably just have animations turned off most of the time.

Don't see why it bothers people so much.

Edited by The Geek
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Well, you said earlier that you "mostly agreed" with me when we were discussing this earlier, when I explained at length why both Kamui and Aqua's fighting animations make no sense other than to look visually appealing to some people.

People are always entitled to their own opinions, and I don't mind flashy moves every once in a while, but I can't think of any word other than "stupid" for their fighting styles, Aqua being the worst offender. However, if you had bothered to remember the arguments you had responded to earlier today, you'd understand why some of us are complaining, so don't give me that nonsense.

That simply means that, in my opinion, your arguments weren't strong enough. Never did I say you're not entitled to your own opinion, but we're all well aware you hate the combat animations by now. Frankly, I'm getting quite fed up with "X about Fire Emblem If sucks" posts and topics. If you hate it so much, just stick to awakening and go do something productive instead of complaining on Serenes Forest. What do you hope to gain from nitpicking all the time? Of course you don't have to agree with me and think everything that's been revealed about the two games so far is brilliant, but it seems as if you're just complaining for the sake of complaining and that revolts me. If you think it's justified to apply real life physics to a game and complain about the functionality of fighting styles, complain about magic, wyverns and healers too, because those aren't exactly what I'd call realistic either.

Do me a favour and don't respond. I'm getting worked up over nothing at all.

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That simply means that, in my opinion, your arguments weren't strong enough. Never did I say you're not entitled to your own opinion, but we're all well aware you hate the combat animations by now. Frankly, I'm getting quite fed up with "X about Fire Emblem If sucks" posts and topics. If you hate it so much, just stick to awakening and go do something productive instead of complaining on Serenes Forest. What do you hope to gain from nitpicking all the time? Of course you don't have to agree with me and think everything that's been revealed about the two games so far is brilliant, but it seems as if you're just complaining for the sake of complaining and that revolts me. If you think it's justified to apply real life physics to a game and complain about the functionality of fighting styles, complain about magic, wyverns and healers too, because those aren't exactly what I'd call realistic either.

Do me a favour and don't respond. I'm getting worked up over nothing at all.

So, wait...explaining why a fighting style won't work and providing a video link with a professional pretty much backing up what I've got to say is not strong enough of an argument? Sounds to me like you're taking this way more seriously than I, if solid proof is not enough to wake you up from your delusions.

As for "complaining needlessly", I believe I mostly just complain about three things: character designs, animations and voices. I discuss my opinions and views with other people here, which leads to discussions; there wouldn't be a need for a forum if we all just agreed with each other all the time. I've mentioned multiple times how much I look forward to the story and the choice given to us. I said that I greatly enjoyed what we saw of the prologue last night and that I'm more hyped than ever. I've even made a list dedicated to helping people like me who aren't that good at Japanese understanding the kanji so that they can both learn the language and play semi-normally.

And in regards to physics and fighting styles...well, have you ever heard the idiom "you can make the audience believe the impossible but not the improbable"? It fits quite well here. I don't question magic in Harry Potter, but I question the things that seem like deus ex machina or things that seem needlessly contrived like the Time-Turner. If Harry Potter had jumped two meters in the air without the help of magic and did a somersault only to cast a spell in a visually appealing way, then I'd question the need for that as well.

Honestly, I've got no idea why you're getting worked up because I dislike a few aspects of the game and discuss them with people on an internet forum that's dedicated to debate. The fact that you ask me not to respond to a post specifically addressed to me in a very public manner makes me wonder if you understand how forums work.

Edited by Thane
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I don't think there is anything wrong about pointing out a rather obvious issue. Namely that the animation while done in 3D is more akin to something you'd see in 2D, that they're still using a rather outdated mindset. Realistic or not the what some seem to forget is that the graphics are markedly better than Fire Emblem 1 through 8, obviously as you do not use sprites, so yes it is obvious that the series had a run of unrealistic attack animations.

I think it was in poor choice that they thought more was better in this case, when in fact it is harder to get away with more when the graphics are markedly improved enough to scrutinize detail. I don't think there is anything offensive or nitpicking about pointing out that the animations don't quite match the graphics.

Edited by Devola
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