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With the old fighters making a return, could this mean...


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Pichu will come back too? I really don't see Young Link making a return since we already have Toon Link but it's Nitendo and Sakurai likes to troll.

Pichu could be alright if we give him a new moveset and remove his ''I hurt myself each time I use electricity''.

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By now, I expect just about everyone to return, seeing how the old characters are properly easier to make then entirely new ones. And all of them have their fans simply on virtue of having been in Smash already.

Edited by BrightBow
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My sister and I were talking about how Pichu may not come back since he/she/it was just there for Pokemon Gold/Silver promotion.But,I guess Mewtwo was in Melee for the first movie,so...

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No. I really don't think Pichu needs to come back at all. If we're going to do a Pikachu clone (which I would rather we not have anyway), make it someone else, and give them a better gimmick.

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Roy was also only in to promote his game, and look who's available to buy now.

I think there is a chance Pichu and Wolf may return too, but Young Link, yeah no. We don't need three different Links, even Sakurai must think that's silly. If Zelda gets another rep, it needs to be Vaati! :3

EDIT: Dai, Pachirisu, plz? It's so cute! And not a mouse!

Edited by Anacybele
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pichu's nair, if carried directly over, would wreck half the cast by itself. i approve this.

i'd obviously like it to happen, but i doubt it will, even if he's a veteran.

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No more Pokemon. Seriously, there are more than enough. Same goes for the Mario franchise.

Wolf is pretty much a giving, I think, and then there's still room for one final character until they need to change the layout of the character-select screen on WiiU.

Edit: Oh wait, they already changed it.

Edited by Ragnar
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No more Pokemon. Seriously, there are more than enough. Same goes for the Mario franchise.

Wolf is pretty much a giving, I think, and then there's still room for one final character until they need to change the layout of the character-select screen on WiiU.

I really want them to change the layout now so all the characters match up with their series.
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Oh yeah, if Pachirisu were to get in, like I said, I don't think it'd be a Pikachu clone. It might share a few A moves, that's it. Basically, the cute squirrel would be a Luigified Pikachu. Similar A moves, but different specials:

B: Discharge - Pretty much the same as in the games, can hit multiple targets at once.

Up B: Quick Attack - Similar to Pikachu's, only a little weaker, but a little faster. Also has little sparks coming from it so Pachirisu has electricity in more than just one attack.

Side B: Super Fang/Hyper Fang - Can be charged, and becomes Hyper Fang when fully charged. Launches Pachirisu forward.

Down B: Sweet Kiss - Tough to land since it's a bit slow, but when it does, it makes the target dizzy.

Final Smash: Last Resort - It's the most powerful move it can learn in the games... :P

I'd totally put Pachirisu in my secondaries and get its Amiibo if it got in! But yeah, chances are like zero. XD I based this off of Dawn's Pachirisu in the anime, btw. It knows Discharge, Super Fang, and Sweet Kiss.

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No. I really don't think Pichu needs to come back at all. If we're going to do a Pikachu clone (which I would rather we not have anyway), make it someone else, and give them a better gimmick.

Well... it doesn't matter if you think he needs to come back, it's really up to the dlc poll/dlc that they may have planned

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No more Pokemon. Seriously, there are more than enough. Same goes for the Mario franchise.

At least they have justification for having a large number of characters. Unlike a certain SRPG franchise.

As for Pichu, I never used him in Melee, and don't really want to see him back.

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At least they have justification for having a large number of characters. Unlike a certain SRPG franchise.

As for Pichu, I never used him in Melee, and don't really want to see him back.

The Fire Emblem franchise is huge and offers plenty of capable characters.

The fighters shouldn't be chosen explicitly based on the popularity of a franchise.

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The Fire Emblem franchise is huge and offers plenty of capable characters.

The fighters shouldn't be chosen explicitly based on the popularity of a franchise.

The Mario franchise is huger and also offers plenty of capable characters, the same with the Zelda and Pokemon franchises. So your point is... what exactly?

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The only remaining cut character who I think has a strong chance to come back is Wolf, though the way the Direct was worded seems to imply that no more returning characters will be DLC (unless they have a strong showing in the poll, of course. Also, I'm not sure if it was a 100% accurate translation of what Sakurai actually said in Japanese or not). I'd also like Snake back myself, but there's no way that's happening especially since Konami fired Hideo Kojima (for those of you who don't remember, the reason Snake was in Brawl was that Kojima asked Sakurai to put him in, and the two of them are friends).

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The only remaining cut character who I think has a strong chance to come back is Wolf, though the way the Direct was worded seems to imply that no more returning characters will be DLC (unless they have a strong showing in the poll, of course. Also, I'm not sure if it was a 100% accurate translation of what Sakurai actually said in Japanese or not). I'd also like Snake back myself, but there's no way that's happening especially since Konami fired Hideo Kojima (for those of you who don't remember, the reason Snake was in Brawl was that Kojima asked Sakurai to put him in, and the two of them are friends).

Well in that case Kojima could just do it to piss off Konami. Then again I don't know who owns the rights to Snake...Probably Konami.

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There's a chance but I'd put my money on Wolf or even Ice Climbers (for Wii U) coming back before Pichu.

Ice Climbers, as much as I want to see them return, most likely will not return because the 3DS can't handle processing 4 pairs of Ice Climbers simultaneously apparently. Perhaps the New 3DS can give hope to the possibility of their return, but unless they can get the two to work on the 3DS without crashing the system or suddenly decide to make them Wii U exclusive, I believe our Ice Climbing duo are not gonna return sadly.

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The Mario franchise is huger and also offers plenty of capable characters, the same with the Zelda and Pokemon franchises. So your point is... what exactly?

Mario and Pokemon are overepresentated.

They have enough representatives, it's not supposed to be a Mario/Pokemon fighting game after all.

Zelda is fine, by the way.

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Roy was also only in to promote his game, and look who's available to buy now.

Sakurai has said multiple times he was planning to put Leif in, but changed to Roy when IS gave him a sneak peak at what they had planned for FE6. He thought that the fire sword lent itself better to making a character that was distinct from Marth.

It wasn't just to promote FE6 like so many people say at all.

Also I can't wait to see a Pichu hat for Mii Fighters, and Ice Climber Mii costumes as well.

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Zelda is fine, by the way.

Zelda and FE now have the same number of reps. Zelda is one of Nintendo's big 3 (the other two being Mario and Pokemon), while FE is second tier. And Zelda hasn't had a unique newcomer since Melee (Toon Link is another Link and is just Young Link in a different art style anyway). Zelda needs a newcomer.

Vaati would be perfect, Sakurai, plzzz. He's been in three Zelda games, would represent handheld Zelda, and add to the number of villains!

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Zelda and FE now have the same number of reps. Zelda is one of Nintendo's big 3 (the other two being Mario and Pokemon), while FE is second tier. And Zelda hasn't had a unique newcomer since Melee (Toon Link is another Link and is just Young Link in a different art style anyway). Zelda needs a newcomer.

Vaati would be perfect, Sakurai, plzzz. He's been in three Zelda games, would represent handheld Zelda, and add to the number of villains!

Vaati? Err.. that guy doesn't even have moves unless he's in his demon form. You can't make a fighter without any sort of base.

I think Zelda already has it's most iconic characters as representatives. Sure, there's Impa, but I don't really consider her iconic and we already have a "Shiek"ah in the rooster.

I also don't think it's necessery for every big franchise to constantly get new reps.

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I mean, did Zelda really have moves before she was in Smash? It's not like they haven't completely made up movesets in the past.

That being said I don't think Vaati is at all likely, since his games are kind of neglected by Nintendo to begin with, on top of the most recent one being relatively old.

Ghirahim is more likely, but I'd think if Zelda is getting a new rep it'd be someone from Zelda U...

edit: I do agree that it's fine for big franchises not to get new reps rather than force something

Edited by Euklyd
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