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Extended Commercial and E3 Intro video Translations


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There *ARE* slight difference. Like what Elise says.

Also I really dislike Kamui's "I won't surrender!" in the English trailer.

Made me freaking cringe!

E3 Video:


Extended TVCM:


As a note: I *WILL NOT* be translating the class trailers. I want to keep it a surprise for myself. And while I love doing things for the fanbase, I will not be sacrificing my own fun for the sake of translations. I'm just not willing to go that far.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Thank you very much!^^/

Also I really dislike Kamui's "I won't surrender!" in the English trailer.
Made me freaking cringe!

Yeah! I was just 'Ughn no'... for the rest the dub trailer was quite good.

Edited by darkALYE
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Thanks very much for your efforts.

Small nitpick (which considering the non-existent knowledge of japanese I have feel free to disregard): The part around where Ryouma goes this is fpr father I can't help put to feel it should be more in the vein of You're not getting past here or I won't let you pass.

Again I know nothing so it maybe just my imagination :P.

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Thanks very much for your efforts.

Small nitpick (which considering the non-existent knowledge of japanese I have feel free to disregard): The part around where Ryouma goes this is fpr father I can't help put to feel it should be more in the vein of You're not getting past here or I won't let you pass.

Again I know nothing so it maybe just my imagination :P.

That's the line I had the most difficulty with.

I even had a conversation with Kirokan:

What do you think it is?

I went with it.

I tried every possible variation after とう?ん




Yeah I just went through and him referring to his father makes the most sense.

I make mistakes, so as always take the translations with the grain of salt.

The trailer line quality isn't always the best.

It was the same with Ryouma's line in the extended TVCM.

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Edit: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to double post. I was just so distraught at my mistake!

Mods please forgive me!

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Ah okay, it just kept bugging me thanks for clearing the context. Considering all I can do is go by ear and context :P.

Edited by Duke
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I loved every single one of the English voice cast... EXCEPT Kamui.

THIS. Hopefully that isn't final. Or if it is, there'll be other, better voice options.

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Thanks for the translations.

I hate Kamui's voice, too. Everyone else sounds great, but Kamui sounds terrible. What are the chances that some things like voices, names, and the dialogue shown were just quickly put together so they could have English gameplay for the Tree House event?

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I still don't see what's wrong with Kamui's voice

I like the voice too since it sounds like Yugi's awesome English voice in Yu-Gi-Oh, but I have to admit that it could've been done a little better, especially if it IS the same actor as Yugi's. Yugi's show was over a decade ago!

But again, SoC, thanks so much! It seems that the English isn't actually too different from the Japanese. I do wonder about the few larger differences though, like Garon's line when he grabs Kamui to take for his own.

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I don't like Kamui's voice either lol... "I won't surrender" sounds really weird in that voice...

However, I really love Elise's English VA. I'm not really a fan of the high-pitched key of the Japanese Elise, so the English one really ties it all in for me. And also Kazahana, it's like those two are the ones that have drastic pitch differences.

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I like the voice too since it sounds like Yugi's awesome English voice in Yu-Gi-Oh, but I have to admit that it could've been done a little better, especially if it IS the same actor as Yugi's. Yugi's show was over a decade ago!

I'm pretty sure that isn't Dan Green.

Kamui's voice reminded me of Keisuke from Devil Survivor Overclocked (Doug Erholtz). I have no problem with the "I won't surender", but the scream was lame, and this is from the guy who prefers dubs to subs.

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I'm pretty sure that isn't Dan Green.

Uh, Dan Green didn't voice Yugi. He voiced Yami/Atem and Trudge in Yu-Gi-Oh shows. I'm pretty sure someone else did Yugi.

*looks it up*

Oh, so it WAS Dan Green. But still, to clarify, I'm talking about the actual Yugi that's short and 16, not his deeper-voiced counterpart, Yami/Atem.

I still think Kamui's voice sounds a LOT like Yugi's.

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Thank you very much!^^/

Yeah! I was just 'Ughn no'... for the rest the dub trailer was quite good.

I loved every single one of the English voice cast... EXCEPT Kamui.

Look on the bright side, there might be several possible voices for him. And if not, there's always Fem Kamui.

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Uh, Dan Green didn't voice Yugi. He voiced Yami/Atem and Trudge in Yu-Gi-Oh shows. I'm pretty sure someone else did Yugi.

*looks it up*

Oh, so it WAS Dan Green. But still, to clarify, I'm talking about the actual Yugi that's short and 16, not his deeper-voiced counterpart, Yami/Atem.

I still think Kamui's voice sounds a LOT like Yugi's.

So... I thought about it. At first, I was like "Are you crazy?" But then I thought about it, listened to the voice, compared...

Oh my god. It DOES.

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