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There has to be something good about Nohr!


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They have better character designs, more interesting personalities (i.e. seemingly not all one dimensional anime tropes), and probably better/more challenging gameplay. Good enough for me.

Edited by Xander
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In the inevitable future, a thread in the FE:F board will rise, being called "Mikoto is actually much more evil than Garon"

But really, Garon's harsh and aggressive nature makes him a somewhat good leader. He's using fear to not only gain the loyalty of his people, but to protect his people too. He's almost always serious because he knows how chaotic and barren Nohr is, and if he's using fear and power to justify his authority, it's "good" for the sake of a strong Nohr. In a lawless area like Nohr, kindness and peaceful negotiation won't do anything. Perhaps his fearful and powerful image keeps the chaos in check?

Even if I'm joining Hoshido, I don't overlook the Nohr royal family's good parts. Elise loves you as a brother no matter what lineage you are/were a part of. Xander might follow Garon's orders unquestionably, but he seems like a guy who'll put family over duties later in the story. Leon is much more caring than I thought he would be. I thought he'd be arrogant, but he's caring but just doesn't show it outwardly as much. And as much as Camilla is possessive of you, she still has the big sister instinct and nonetheless genuinely cares for you it seems.

Edited by Jester Capri
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It's one thing to be ruthless and not tolerate insubordination but to kill one of your own children is over the line. Considering Kamui's siblings love and are protective of him, outright ordering his execution only serves to alienate the rest of Garon's kids. If Kamui were a nuisance, Garon could always just demote him to an insignificant role in the army or imprison him. As for being a possible spy/traitor, Garon has small evidence to believe this other than Kamui having gone missing in Hoshido for a while. Certainly not enough to go by to order his immediate execution. When Kamui returns, Garon is enraged as though Kamui failed his mission by not dying. The fact that he's so happy about Kamui suffering and dying alone makes me think he's just insane. I'm starting to think of Mad King Aerys now.

But Kamui isn't Garon's son, all Kamui is is a tool to use against Hoshido, and after waiting so long to see the fruit of his labors, Kamui strait up apposes him. I wont argue that Garon isn't mad, i don't think he's completely insane, but i defiantly think he's over paranoid. honestly I also think Garon kidnapped Kamui because of whatever hidden power he might have, which also makes Kamui a threat if he does decide to go against him, and that fueled with paranoia can cause someone to not care about what his children might think (at least in my opinion). and regardless i get the impression that Garon doesn't really care that much about what his children think in the first place.

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It's one thing to be ruthless and not tolerate insubordination but to kill one of your own children is over the line. Considering Kamui's siblings love and are protective of him, outright ordering his execution only serves to alienate the rest of Garon's kids. If Kamui were a nuisance, Garon could always just demote him to an insignificant role in the army or imprison him. As for being a possible spy/traitor, Garon has small evidence to believe this other than Kamui having gone missing in Hoshido for a while. Certainly not enough to go by to order his immediate execution. When Kamui returns, Garon is enraged as though Kamui failed his mission by not dying. The fact that he's so happy about Kamui suffering and dying alone makes me think he's just insane. I'm starting to think of Mad King Aerys now.

I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that Garon's mind is going. He definitely looks like he's getting on in years, and being the leader of a resource poor kingdom cannot be good for one's mental health.

To add to this: we have Iago whom many people have compared to Grima Wormtongue from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. So maybe Garon could be like Theoden: a reasonable king whose mind has been poisoned.

Basically he could be Denethor or Theoden.

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I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that Garon's mind is going. He definitely looks like he's getting on in years, and being the leader of a resource poor kingdom cannot be good for one's mental health.

To add to this: we have Iago whom many people have compared to Grima Wormtongue from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. So maybe Garon could be like Theoden: a reasonable king whose mind has been poisoned.

Basically he could be Denethor or Theoden.

Basically this. I'm thinking more Denethor than Theoden though, since Theoden turned out pretty cool after he got out from under Wormtounge's influence.

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From what I've seen the good things about Nohr lie in the siblings and the general footsoldiers who seem loyal to a fault. Just look at Silas and Elise's bodyguards. Also there is something to be said about Marx/Xander putting his neck on the line to send them for Kamui/Corrin knowing that if he went alone it would be certain death.

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Basically this. I'm thinking more Denethor than Theoden though, since Theoden turned out pretty cool after he got out from under Wormtounge's influence.

I'd like a case of Denethor, someone whose sanity is failing from the general despair of the situation, but I don't really see it. Garon is joyfully evil. He actually relishes the idea of Kamui suffering.

I'm getting more of a Mad King Aerys feel. He is paranoid, orders the execution of anyone who even slightly opposes him, uses fire to kill people and seems pretty jolly about his cruelty. He also orders his closest subordinate (Jaime in GoT) to personally kill a member of his family.

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Here's what I bet is gonna happen:

Garon knows something about Hoshido that nobody else does. Something bad about Hoshido, like a really deep, dark, grim secret that only Garon and 1 other person know. Garon did kidnap Corrin but only so that Hoshido couldn't indoctrinate him/her and have him/her fight for Hoshido's side. Garon initiated war against Hoshido to stop the truly evil thing that they house and Garon is being really tough on Corrin and his children to make sure that they are ready for whatever major abomination that Hoshido could be hiding. Like I said, only Garon and 1 other person would know about this evil thing Hoshido is hiding so not everyone on Hoshido's side would know that there's something evil in there but are still willing to fight for Hoshido to the death. Since Nohr is glory seeking, they would fight Hoshido not just to end the evil threat but to also gain glory and the resources that Hoshido is blessed with (Much like Ganondorf's story about his waste-landed kingdom and the thriving Hyrule)

I mean, think about it. Not everything is truly 100% good. There's always a little bit of evil in there. I also speak from experience when I say that bad things may seem evil but actually have good intentions.

Edited by The Adonis
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