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Ryoma Discussion Thread


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WHAAATTT?!!!! NONONONONONONONO!!!! I was prepared to do anything to let him live on the Nohr route! Even if all the other siblings died, at least he had to live (although I'd prefer it if they all lived...even Takumi lol). I'll...idk...I'll defeat the enemy in one turn if I have to!

I know, I'm suuuuper sad as well, but I kinda saw it coming with his cutscenes in the trailers TT^TT

But none of the streamers I follow has gotten to this point yet, so this info is from someone in the hype thread whose friend has finished the Nohr route, so we will just have to wait and see how exactly this plays out. I don't think my heart is ready, though, especially if the scene is fully animated :(

[spoiler=]I think he and Takumi are the two inevitable sibling deaths on the Nohr route, similar to Marx and Elise on the Hoshido route.

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There are times where it feels like I'm the only one making lobster art and it sucks because I don't actually have that much time in a week to do art

But have some draw

There's a couple more on my blog but most of them are more rough/sketchy since they're done for more humor or quick design than anything, actually tried to art on this one

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Could you link to the actual post instead of just posting the image link? The art belongs to someone I follow and as a fellow artist I don't like seeing art unsourced.

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Could you link to the actual post instead of just posting the image link? The art belongs to someone I follow and as a fellow artist I don't like seeing art unsourced.

Sorry. The post has been edited.

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I'm not sure if this is the best thread to ask, but since it's all about Ryoma I figured I could get an anwser here,

Anyway the thing I wanted to ask is:

Is it true that in chapter 12 of Nohr, Ryoma has Elise poisoned and refuses to give a cure unless the Avatar return to Hosido?

Is it also true that he says that he doesn't care if Elise dies?

Because as much as I like Ryoma, that's a pretty dirty move

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I'm not sure if this is the best thread to ask, but since it's all about Ryoma I figured I could get an anwser here,

Anyway the thing I wanted to ask is:

Is it true that in chapter 12 of Nohr, Ryoma has Elise poisoned and refuses to give a cure unless the Avatar return to Hosido?

Is it also true that he says that he doesn't care if Elise dies?

Because as much as I like Ryoma, that's a pretty dirty move

It'd probably be better asked in a thread that garners more translator traffic, and this might not be entirely accurate since my Japanese skills basically run off of Chinese only but through what I could understand:

They're in some territory outside of Nohr, Elise gets sick (nobody poisioned her) of a local illness, Kamui goes to find the medicine in a castle but it was already occupied by the lobstersquad. Lobster says that if Kamui will join him, he'll retreat. Lobster did not personally poison Elise.

I can't tell you the specifics of what he says, though. You'll need a real translator for that. But considering I follow a bunch of nohr-favoriting translators and they haven't made an outrage at Ryouma's chapter 12, it's likely that's just a rumor.

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It'd probably be better asked in a thread that garners more translator traffic, and this might not be entirely accurate since my Japanese skills basically run off of Chinese only but through what I could understand:

They're in some territory outside of Nohr, Elise gets sick (nobody poisioned her) of a local illness, Kamui goes to find the medicine in a castle but it was already occupied by the lobstersquad. Lobster says that if Kamui will join him, he'll retreat. Lobster did not personally poison Elise.

I can't tell you the specifics of what he says, though. You'll need a real translator for that. But considering I follow a bunch of nohr-favoriting translators and they haven't made an outrage at Ryouma's chapter 12, it's likely that's just a rumor.

I looked some translators but none anwsered me, but I'll try again,

The reason I asked this is because this go against his character so much, it's not even funny,

And I began to wonder if there some sort of mistake in the translation,

Another thing that contradict this rumor, is the fact that Ryoma vows to help the people of Nohr in the Hoshido path

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I looked some translators but none anwsered me, but I'll try again,

The reason I asked this is because this go against his character so much, it's not even funny,

And I began to wonder if there some sort of mistake in the translation,

Another thing that contradict this rumor, is the fact that Ryoma vows to help the people of Nohr in the Hoshido path

Yeah it's probably just a rumor, a lot of people want to make Hoshido look bad for some reasons

I would say disregard until a known reliable translator in the community comes up with the actual details, though

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Yeah it's probably just a rumor, a lot of people want to make Hoshido look bad for some reasons

I would say disregard until a known reliable translator in the community comes up with the actual details, though

See, I've read about this story at Tvtropes, which I know isn't the most reliable source of information, but the article on Ryoma, was saying that he was an hypocrite, and and would use a lot dirty tricks in Conquest's story, the article also said that Xander/Marx never did anything wrong on Birthright's story, and was always calm and honorable, despite you opposing him.

So after reading it over again, I began to suspect that this whole thing was a repeat of the "Sakura torn apart by Faceless" rumor

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See, I've read about this story at Tvtropes, which I know isn't the most reliable source of information, but the article on Ryoma, was saying that he was an hypocrite, and and would use a lot dirty tricks in Conquest's story, the article also said that Xander/Marx never did anything wrong on Birthright's story, and was always calm and honorable, despite you opposing him.

So after reading it over again, I began to suspect that this whole thing was a repeat of the "Sakura torn apart by Faceless" rumor

DEFINITELY don't trust TvTropes. There's a lot of anti-Hoshido sentiment floating around and it's very likely a smear campaign against him. Only trust direct translations from known, reliable translators. Until Kirokan or Rey or someone I know to know their shit comes forth and say that x happens, there's no reason to believe it, especially if it came from TvTropes.

Isn't that where the Sakura rumor came from anyway?

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DEFINITELY don't trust TvTropes. There's a lot of anti-Hoshido sentiment floating around and it's very likely a smear campaign against him. Only trust direct translations from known, reliable translators. Until Kirokan or Rey or someone I know to know their shit comes forth and say that x happens, there's no reason to believe it, especially if it came from TvTropes.

Isn't that where the Sakura rumor came from anyway?

Don't worry, I know better than to trust Tvtropes, I just wanted to clear this up, before this rumor gets out of control (this is the Internet after all), since there would be people who would believe it, and most likely start a #BlameRyoma before we know it,

But mostly I was shocked, because the Character Page of Fates villifies Ryoma to a stupid extent,

seriously read it to see what I'm talking about.

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Don't worry, I know better than to trust Tvtropes, I just wanted to clear this up, before this rumor gets out of control (this is the Internet after all), since there would be people who would believe it, and most likely start a #BlameRyoma before we know it,

But mostly I was shocked, because the Character Page of Fates villifies Ryoma to a stupid extent,

seriously read it to see what I'm talking about.

jesus that is bad

>Deconstructed, as his volatile reactions turn him into a very personally-invested and vindictive enemy of the player character should they not side with Hoshido

This one was also debunked by Kirokan just a few days ago when 3rd route DLC came out. Granted, it was actually a misinterpretation to one of Vincent's translations (which I think I might know where exactly the mistake might've been--- chapter 12 3rd route is likely supposed to be them pursuing Ryouma's tracks instead of the other way around and that got mixed up in translation, which turned "pursuing Ryouma" to "pursued by Ryouma" or something idk but given what I know that's what likely happened) but Ryouma didn't even try to chase you. For one he doesn't have time to when he's too busy fighting Marx.

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jesus that is bad

>Deconstructed, as his volatile reactions turn him into a very personally-invested and vindictive enemy of the player character should they not side with Hoshido

This one was also debunked by Kirokan just a few days ago when 3rd route DLC came out. Granted, it was actually a misinterpretation to one of Vincent's translations (which I think I might know where exactly the mistake might've been--- chapter 12 3rd route is likely supposed to be them pursuing Ryouma's tracks instead of the other way around and that got mixed up in translation, which turned "pursuing Ryouma" to "pursued by Ryouma" or something idk but given what I know that's what likely happened) but Ryouma didn't even try to chase you. For one he doesn't have time to when he's too busy fighting Marx.

As I thought that whole Ryoma chases you thing was wrong, I'm starting to wonder if someone on Tvtropes, has something against Ryoma

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Wow, someone over at TV tropes really doesn't like Ryoma. I'm rather afraid to look through the rest of the character's entries.

If it helps, there's nothing but praise in Xander/Marx's article.

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I'll go to TVtropes and change Ryoma's profile and a lot of Ryoma related stuff also Marxander because it's too good and third route things. Damn I have a lot of work...

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I'll go to TVtropes and change Ryoma's profile and a lot of Ryoma related stuff also Marxander because it's too good and third route things. Damn I have a lot of work...

Thanks, I thought about doing it myself, but I didn't want to post information on a game I don't have, after all I could be posting wrong information as well.

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I'll go to TVtropes and change Ryoma's profile and a lot of Ryoma related stuff also Marxander because it's too good and third route things. Damn I have a lot of work...

I've been trying to keep an eye on Ryoma's tab the last day or so and I just went and fixed Marx's of the same stuff that Ryouma's had.

Why people like lying like this I'll never know.

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I pulled the conversation from the textdump, at any rate, that pertains to the one between ryouma and kamui

[spoiler=the exact dialogue in question, from the textdump]

KAMUI: ここがマカラス宮殿ですか…ん? 何です?宮殿の奥から、誰か…!!あれは、白夜王国の兵!?それに…
RYOUMA: …待っていたぞ、Kamui。
KAMUI: リョウマ…兄さん…
RYOUMA: 会うのはあの国境で別れて以来か?随分、久しいな。今ではすっかり、暗夜王国の戦士が板についているように見受けるぞ。
KAMUI: まさか…どうして、白夜王国の兵がここにいるのです?私たちがマカラスにいることが、どうしてわかったんですか?
RYOUMA: それに答える必要は無いだろう。経緯はどうであれ、こうして出会ってしまった以上は剣を交えるほかない。
KAMUI: すみません…兄さん。今は見逃してくれませんか。妹が…エリーゼさんが病気にかかって、一刻も早く薬が必要なんです。
RYOUMA: ほう…?暗夜の王女が、病気なのか。…では、交換条件だ。お前が白夜王国に戻るというのなら、俺は今ここで、兵を退こう。
KAMUI: !白夜王国に…?いえ…それは、できません。私には、こちらの国でやるべきことがあるのです。
RYOUMA: そうか…ならばやはり、闘うしかないようだな。さあ、刀を抜け、Kamui。その神刀で力を示してみせろ。
KAMUI: 兄さん…やめてください!確かに私は暗夜王国側につきました。でも、こうして白夜王国と争い合うことを望んでいる訳ではないのです!
RYOUMA: ふん、綺麗事を…!お前はそうでも、ガロン王は違うだろう!?暗夜王国のやり方を知らぬお前に何がわかる!
KAMUI: 兄さん…!
RYOUMA: 力ずくでも、お前を白夜王国に連れ帰る…今日こそは一歩も引かぬ!!白夜王国第一王子の刀、受けてみよ!はあああっ!!!!
KAMUI: っ…!!
???(LAZWALD): …させないよ!
???:PIERI: 殺しちゃうのっ!

[spoiler=my interpretation]

From what I can tell (also backed up with a little bit of google translate lol), while Ryouma wants you to join Hoshido in exchange for him retreating and getting the meds, he does not say he doesn't care nor did he poison her.

Real translators please confirm, I can format the entire chapter convo instead of just this blurb if need be.

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Thanks, I thought about doing it myself, but I didn't want to post information on a game I don't have, after all I could be posting wrong information as well.

I'll mostly take away all the bullshit it's going on in Ryoma's profile put Nice guy and Cool big bro because it's true.

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TvTropes is as classy as ever I see.

Not saying its all bad, but there are some outstanding examples of stupidity.

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Should I take away OOC is serious business, sadistic choice and would hurt a child? And how does he take the Avatar siding with Norh? I don't really remenber...

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