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My biggest fear for this is that marriage and children will now become a staple for Fire Emblem, and they will remain in all future releases of the franchise... I understand that IS is moving onto new plateaus, but did it really have to be like this? Oh well, I still love FE for being what it is and will continue to support them either way.

Let's all just hope Fire Emblem remains a tactics RPG with dating sim elements rather than turning it the other way around.

If it turns out that children here really aren't connected to the main story, then I'd guess IS pretty much is setting it up as a recurring feature from now on that can be added to any FE game even if the main story doesn't tie into it directly. I know that IS has randomly removed fan favorite features before for no reason, like paired endings and support conversations in PoR and RD, but I don't think we'll see that constantly happening, especially after they backtracked and brought back what they had removed.

Anyway, I don't think the supports and romance in FE can even be considered "Dating Sim" elements. In a dating sim, there's only the player avatar and every character can only romance that avatar. If there's any other romance, it'll either be minor secondary characters (like older married couples) or portrayed with a negative view. Making other characters date among themselves goes directly against the point of a dating sim.

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Anyway, I don't think the supports and romance in FE can even be considered "Dating Sim" elements. In a dating sim, there's only the player avatar and every character can only romance that avatar. If there's any other romance, it'll either be minor secondary characters (like older married couples) or portrayed with a negative view. Making other characters date among themselves goes directly against the point of a dating sim.

The fact remains that they are expanding on the ways you can interact with your army. Especially the petting, bathhouse meetings, and actual marriage scenes with the groom and bride. The way FE is evolving, we'll get a MU with a green diamond above his head in Sims15 FE15.

I know, I know.. It's all just hyperbole, so don't misunderstand where I'm going with this. They're basically mixing two different genres, and they're the first ones to do so with these two specific ones (tactics and 'dating sim'). Fates has been advertised as a "create yourself in your very own anime world"-game, so I just feel uneasy about the whole thing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still gonna play it. I'll just keep in mind that I'm playing this Shin Faia Emuburemu and not what it used to be, so I can proceed to hate it afterwards.

Unless I end up loving the game in its entirety please surprise me IS

Edited by Val'air
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My biggest fear for this is that marriage and children will now become a staple for Fire Emblem, and they will remain in all future releases of the franchise... I understand that IS is moving onto new plateaus, but did it really have to be like this? Oh well, I still love FE for being what it is and will continue to support them either way.

Let's all just hope Fire Emblem remains a tactics RPG with dating sim elements rather than turning it the other way around.

I agree with you there, to be fair. As long as the main focus is on the gameplay staying the same and the cool stories and characters, we're all good. Besides, there's more than enough dating sims already. I just meant I like being able to ship the couples I like together inside the game itself, rather than speculating on boards about it.

But yeah, FE is always gotta be about the strategy first. You aren't missing me there.

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My biggest fear for this is that marriage and children will now become a staple for Fire Emblem, and they will remain in all future releases of the franchise...

I hope not, and especially if remakes of 2, 8, 9, 10 happen down the road. I feel the same about avatars. FE14 is not helping to ease those worries though.

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I'm into marriage, but kids are a min-maxer nightmare (provided they works like in Awakening).

My only hope is that they get proper character development. In Awakening, they were optional and their supports were limited. It divided the generations, and I felt like I had to choose between one generation or the other, which wasn't great.

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Well, Soren's subtext is absurdly strong, to the point it's really hard to see him as anything else. And Kyza is actually gay, but wasn't mentioned in-game. The developers did confirm it, however.

In what source did the devs confirm Kyza was gay? Googled around, and there was nothing of the sort; you shouldn't put words in the devs' mouths like that :/

Anyway, I have faith that the children mechanic will be pulled off in a nice way. I mean, based on the trailers, they've been pushing the plot quite a bit; even going so far as to hire a really experienced writer. If the children mechanic isn't pulled off well, then that's a hit to the guy's reputation.

...unless he decides to cite the development process as a factor that led him to make whatever less-than-stellar narrative decisions involved in the awkwardly-implemented mechanic. Rhianna Pratchett noted that the game dev process affected the narrative (aka how she wrote for the game), so it could be a fair justification.

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I know there's always a theme with every two games they make since the west release.
Rekka no ken and SS are kinda the same,
PoR and RD graphics wise, mechanic wise and other reasons,
Shadow D. and Mystery (See above),
Awakening and now Fates have so many in common compared to other FE's like the other pairs.
So, if this doesn't go well, then IS will try to swing away from it. But I think the Awakening of FE13's direction basically gave a new name for the franchise.

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In what source did the devs confirm Kyza was gay? Googled around, and there was nothing of the sort; you shouldn't put words in the devs' mouths like that :/


Someone here linked me that, so yeah...kinda had a source for that bit of info. Note how it mentions that Kyza "has the body of a man, but the heart of a woman". That can either mean trans or gay (with how Japanese can be sometimes, it can be hard to tell what they mean). Either way, Kyza is on the spectrum.

Anyways, A+ support is confirmed among certain same-sex supports. Fingers crossed that means something. Info still being unclear is making me both anxious and hopeful at the same time, since that in itself was really unexpected.

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I agree with you there, to be fair. As long as the main focus is on the gameplay staying the same and the cool stories and characters, we're all good. Besides, there's more than enough dating sims already. I just meant I like being able to ship the couples I like together inside the game itself, rather than speculating on boards about it.

But yeah, FE is always gotta be about the strategy first. You aren't missing me there.

Don't get me wrong, I love shipping as much as the next guy. The issue with me was always the "marriage"-part, which eventually HAS to lead to children, for some reason. I just wish that the S-supports didn't necessarily have to be marriage, but something less uptight.

Anyways, A+ support is confirmed among certain same-sex supports. Fingers crossed that means something. Info still being unclear is making me both anxious and hopeful at the same time, since that in itself was really unexpected.

YESSS! More supports! :D

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