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Topic of Marriage, Supports, and Children.


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I have Kagero with Jakob. So I should keep Sakura with Saizo?

Yeah, pretty much. Just know, Mitama will not be the best child post-game, but can do well during game.

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Thanks. Though I have one last question. Is FeliciaXKaze good?

Felicia!Midori is actually pretty good. She will have decent magic, skill and speed growth along without too much of a hassle from defense or resistance. You would also say goodbye to her strength growth as it's not going to be that good, other wise she is a decent choice.

Support wise, it's as cute and generic as it's get. Kaze helps Felicia with her jobs and chores and they end up being good friends. It's a "safe" support. It's not as impressive as the ones that are really good and also have some missed potential ideas. (Since they are the "younger" twins, you expect them to talk about their older siblings at least once.) However it's not horrible or boring, and it also have some meaningful character development to be considered passable. You can still expect them to be great friends, yet their relationship is still believable enough to be romantic.

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Soon i will start my lunatic Run and i need advice of my pairings some are the ones from my hard run, also i know i full aware i will lose a child.

Corrin x Selena ( +Strength -luck) the talent i still thinking to choose Samurai or Ninja Much like I said, I wont say anything on this since it is your MU. If decide against it, pair Selena with Kaze and Beruka with Benny.

Jacob x Azura It's very good. Not only support wise, but both kids are really good.

Silas x Mozu A good pairing.

Kaze x Beruka It's meh. Beruka is not the best mom in the first place. I suggest switching Beruka and Felicia around.

Ryoma x Kagero It's really good. Shiro wont be extremely fast like normal, but Shiro is always amazing so yeah.

Takumi x Hana One of Takumi's best pairings.

Saizo x Orochi Really good.

Kaden x Peri Very good. Selkie will be a very good mage killer.

Hinata x Rinkah Sorry, no. Hisame will not be good. If anything, I would kill off Hisame and pair Benny with Rinkah, you would get a really good child then. Another option, if you want Hisame, is pairing Rinkah with Ryoma, Kagero with Kaden and Peri with Hinata. Shiro will still be amazing, Selkie will still be a great mage killer and will be stronger and Hisame will actually be good.

Azama x Felicia See Kaze.

Subaki x Hinoka A great pairing.

Hayato x Nyx Probably the best Rhajat.

Xander x Charlotte Probably the best Siegebrt.

Keaton x Effie I great pairing, though, a suggestion, switching Effie to Azama and Beruka here. Velouria is like Shiro, she is hard to screw up, even Elise!Velouria kicks ass, and having Grisly Wound!Savage Blow combo is amazing.

Arthur x Setsuna An odd, but good pairing.

Lazlow x Camilla A good pairing.

Niles x Oboro See Arthur!Setsuna

Odin x Elise Probably Ophelia's best mother.

Leo x Sakura Same as above.

Hope this helped.

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Thanks for your opinion i will change ryoma x Rinkah, kaden x kangero , kaze x felicia, keaton x Beruka, azama x elfie and Hinata x Peri.

Your welcome. And sorry if I appeared bit dickish when I was talking about Hisame. Oh and good luck in Lunatic.

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Your welcome. And sorry if I appeared bit dickish when I was talking about Hisame. Oh and good luck in Lunatic.

Nahh dont worry everyone have his own opinion on each character and i respect that. About my avatar talent which you suggest ninja, samurai , cavalier or spear fighter?

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Nahh dont worry everyone have his own opinion on each character and i respect that. About my avatar talent which you suggest ninja, samurai , cavalier or spear fighter?

Since you are marrying Selena, Samurai can work for Swordfaire and Astra. Selena can get Cav from Peri. Spear Fighter is nice if you want Rend Heaven and Quixotic. Lancefaire is nice if you plan to go Falcon Knight of Kinshi Knight or even if you buddy Cammy or Beruka to go Wyvern Lord.

But it depends on who Selena is buddying:

If Cammy or Beruka, go Spear Fighter (Final class should be Falcon Knight of Wyvern Lord)

If Peri go Samurai (Final class, what ever you want)

If Setsuna go Samurai or Spear Fighter (Final class, Kinshi Knight or Bow Knight)

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Since you are marrying Selena, Samurai can work for Swordfaire and Astra. Selena can get Cav from Peri. Spear Fighter is nice if you want Rend Heaven and Quixotic. Lancefaire is nice if you plan to go Falcon Knight of Kinshi Knight or even if you buddy Cammy or Beruka to go Wyvern Lord.

But it depends on who Selena is buddying:

If Cammy or Beruka, go Spear Fighter (Final class should be Falcon Knight of Wyvern Lord)

If Peri go Samurai (Final class, what ever you want)

If Setsuna go Samurai or Spear Fighter (Final class, Kinshi Knight or Bow Knight)

Ok thanks for the tips.

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I'm probably not the best at this (still waiting for someone to answer me lol), but I'll give it a shot.

Azura and Kaze make great babies, they'll get sweet +4 Skill and +7 Speed modifiers. The -3 Defense kind of stings, but the speed makes them kickass Master Ninjas and it's not like you'll be using them as tanks.

Dwyer's a mixed bag. His ability and growth make him a little difficult to work with. It really depends on what you're planning to do with him. His dad gives him good physical modifiers and growths from the get-go so you're probably gonna want to capitalize on that, so Selena's not a bad choice, imo. Peri's pretty good too.

Velouria wants either Effie or Camilla. I'd go with Camilla, but they're both excellent.

Hmmm, again, not too sure what to do with Selkie. Her Defense growth and modifier aren't gonna be great no matter what you do though, so I'd go with Charlotte if she's free. I went with Setsuna (the other moms were taken) and I was quite satisfied with the results, it's kind of hard to mess up Velouria and Selkie.

Shiro's probably gonna be a Spear Master, so Kagero's really good. His other moms (except for Camilla) tend to go a bit too far with the negative modifiers for him imo. Like, Hana gives him a -4 Defense modifier.

Caeldori wants Oboro or Hinoka.

You're probably gonna want to get someone else's opinion on this as well, but that's my two cents. I hope I helped, at least!

Well, I think yours is fine too. Not sure if I'll keep going for Selkie but I'll remember Charlotte for her.

Shiro usually has Camilla as a mom. Is that fine?

Hinoka will work better for me to get Caeldori.

Thanks a lot for the help.

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Time for the Hoshido pairings












Leaving Jakob alone again


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Time for the Hoshido pairings

CorrinXHana Like I've said before, I wont tell you not to do this, it is your MU.

SilasXHinoka Perfectly fine

RyomaXKagero A great pairing.

RinkahXSaizo While I said Ryoma had a great pairing, I reccomend switching these two around. Rinkah ruins most children. Shiro is an exception to this.

TakumiXOboro Perfectly fine.

SakuraXHayato Same as above.

AzamaXOrochi No. Sorry, but again, like I have said, Azama is not a magic dad and he completely wastes Orochi high Mag mod. Give Orochi to Saizo and Kagero should go here. Asugi is an odd case in which he does better with a Mag mom then Str, Mitama wants high Str, Kagero gives her that.

HinataXSetsuna Hisame, IMO, is just a bad child, but this pairing fixes him.

KadenXMozu Not bad.

SubakiXAzura It's not a bad pairing, but it is not the best. A switch with Takumi would fix this, but it is completely optional.

FeliciaXKaze Perfectly fine.

Leaving Jakob alone again


I just want to address something about Azama:

While pairing him with a Mag mom is fine in-game, for post game, it is not a good idea. In-game, all pairings are free game since the only problem you'll have in game is growths, but post game (Which I assume is what you a optimizing for) is all about mods and which child is more powerful.

If this just for in-game, your pairings are fine, but for post, I recommend switching around your pairings like I suggested.

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My Revelation Pairings (I'm a total complitionist, so I'm trying to make them all at least somewhat good :) don't really wanna bench anyone...)

F!Kamui x Silas (+spd/-lck (?))

Kaze x Azura

Jakob x Setsuna

Ryoma x Kagero

Takumi x Hana

Saizo x Orochi

Kaden x Oboro

Hinata x Selena

Azama x Effie

Subaki x Hinoka

Hayato x Felicia

Xander x Charlotte

Leo x Sakura

Benny x Beruka

Keaton x Camilla

Arthur x Mozu

Odin x Elise

Laslow x Peri (Although I really like Selena with him- Is Selena!Soleil any good?)

Niles x Nyx

Which leaves Rinkah single... I like her, but I really don't know where to put her other than with Ryoma, but I think Shiro is better off with Kagero... (then again a lot of kids want Kagero... hm...)

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My Revelation Pairings (I'm a total complitionist, so I'm trying to make them all at least somewhat good :) don't really wanna bench anyone...)

F!Kamui x Silas (+spd/-lck (?))

Kaze x Azura Really fast kids. Just be careful, they will be made of paper. But very good.

Jakob x Setsuna An odd pairing, but it's fine.

Ryoma x Kagero Really powerful and a solid pairing.

Takumi x Hana Read above.

Saizo x Orochi Read above XD.

Kaden x Oboro Again, odd, but good.

Hinata x Selena Selena is a meh mom, she has really weird mods, but it increase Spd, which Hisame needs, so it's not bad.

Azama x Effie Really powerful, once you promote Mitama, she will wreck face.

Subaki x Hinoka A very good pairing.

Hayato x Felicia Not Hayato's best (His best is Nyx), but not bad.

Xander x Charlotte Amazing.

Leo x Sakura Above.

Benny x Beruka Beruka and Rinkah are interchange for Benny. Rinkah seems to make Iggy more tanky, but I prefer Beruka since she is more usable by herself IMO.

Keaton x Camilla Really good.

Arthur x Mozu It's odd but it can work. I personally like Setsuna here, but Mozu does work.

Odin x Elise Probably his best pairing since no important stat is screwed over unlike when you pair him with Orochi or Nyx.

Laslow x Peri (Although I really like Selena with him- Is Selena!Soleil any good?) Good. For some reason, Laslow, like Selena is really weird in terms of mods.

Niles x Nyx While Niles and Nyx get nothing from marrying, Nina becomes amazing and is arguably, along with Ophelia, the best possible Witches in the game. She also gets Diviner.

Which leaves Rinkah single... I like her, but I really don't know where to put her other than with Ryoma, but I think Shiro is better off with Kagero... (then again a lot of kids want Kagero... hm...)

As for Selena!Soleil, it's not bad perse. You could do it and easily switch Peri to Hinata and it will still be good, but really which you do is up to you. I would read the supports first and see which you prefer for this one.

Hope this helped.

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So I've started my Rev run and I was wondering which pairs were best for in-game skills. Some notes:

-Im marrying Jakob with Sakura cause of Live to Serve

-Azura's final class is Kinshi Knight

-My F!MU has a boon/bane of Str/Skl (based off of an OC of mine) and Samurai

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I would like your opinion on these pairings, Initially i wanted a physical Caeldori and found the only way to do so would be to either drop Hisame(I feel like him or Dwyer are probably the worst of the batch) but figured it would be difficult and opted to just use her as a Bolt Naginata user thinking then I would be able to fit all the children with ideal or close to ideal parents while providing the parents partners that would help them in terms of skill synergy. Although in the end I probably will end up doing MyCastle for skills.

Dwyer!Kana (MU is +Str -Def)












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I would like your opinion on these pairings, Initially i wanted a physical Caeldori and found the only way to do so would be to either drop Hisame(I feel like him or Dwyer are probably the worst of the batch) but figured it would be difficult and opted to just use her as a Bolt Naginata user thinking then I would be able to fit all the children with ideal or close to ideal parents while providing the parents partners that would help them in terms of skill synergy. Although in the end I probably will end up doing MyCastle for skills.

Dwyer!Kana (MU is +Str -Def)












I would stick with what you got. Overall they're very decent and quite usable or post-game and in-game. The only problem you may have is sticking with a Bolt Naginata is not a viable strat since Procs and crits are very important. I would say switch Caeldori to Basara so she has Tome access and still has her Lance rank to take full advantage of Orochi as he mother.

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Thoughts on these Revelations Pairings? Is Ignatius or Dwyer a better kid to forego entirely?

Corrin!Shigure @Hoshido Noble

Azura!Kana @Nohr Noble

Camilla!Shiro @Swordmaster or Wyvern Lord

Sakura!Forrest @Strategist

Elise!Ophelia @Sorcerer

Oboro!Kiragi @Sniper or Spear Fighter

Peri!Soleil @Hero

Effie!Percy @Berserker or Wyvern Lord

Setsuna!Mitama @Sniper or Priestess

Hinoka!Caeldori @Falcon Knight or Spear Fighter

Kagero!Dwyer @Head Ninja or Butler

Beruka!Midori @Merchant

Selena!Velouria @Wolffsegner

Charlotte!Siegbert @Paladin

Nyx!Rhajat @Onmyoji

Felicia!Nina @Adventurer

Mozu!Selkie @Nine-Tales

Hana!Sophie @Swordmaster

Rinkah!Hisame @Master of Arms

Orochi!Asugi @Master Ninja

Also, what's the best boon/bane for a Female avatar who is supposed to marry Shigure? And the best father for Shigure?

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I would stick with what you got. Overall they're very decent and quite usable or post-game and in-game. The only problem you may have is sticking with a Bolt Naginata is not a viable strat since Procs and crits are very important. I would say switch Caeldori to Basara so she has Tome access and still has her Lance rank to take full advantage of Orochi as he mother.

I'm assuming Dark Flier here would also be good right?

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As for Selena!Soleil, it's not bad perse. You could do it and easily switch Peri to Hinata and it will still be good, but really which you do is up to you. I would read the supports first and see which you prefer for this one.

Hope this helped.

Thanks a bunch :) I might switch Setsuna & Mozu (poor Mozu, she deserves better than that jerk, but well, somebody has to marry Jakob i guess...)

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I need a Boon/Bane for Female Corrin and a father for Shigure, who she will be marrying. This is for Conquest, btw!

I like the mods that +Magic, - Strength give my Kana if her father is Kaze!Shigure....

-4 Strength, +5 Magic, +3 Skill, +9 Speed, -1 Luck, -4 Defense, +3 Resistance.... Any other ideas?

Niles! Shigure gives the same mods with better luck and defense and less skill though....

If Corrin is going to marry Niles!Shigure or Azura!Nina, which Boon/Bane will give the best stats to Kana? I think that +magic or +speed makes the most sense, but I can't fathom which bane.

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I need a Boon/Bane for Female Corrin and a father for Shigure, who she will be marrying. This is for Conquest, btw!

Who is Siggy's father?

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How are my pairings for Revelations?

Avatar x someone(probably Velouria)

Jakob x Azura

Kaze x Mozu

Ryoma x Rinkah

Takumi x Oboro

Saizo x Orochi

Kaden x Setsuna

Hinata x Peri

Azama x Effie

Subaki x Hinoka

Xander x Charlotte

Leo x Sakura

Benny x Beruka

Keaton x Camilla

Arthur x Kagero

Odin x Elise

Laslow x Selena

Niles x Nyx

Silas x Hana

How is it? The two that I'm not sure about are Silas x Hana and Laslow x Selena. I don't know if Sophie is going to be good or not with Hana. She was the only one left after I paired everyone else so I'm not too sure. If there's a better parent for her, I'd appreciate the help.

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