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Cipher Trading/Selling Thread


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Updating my current list of wanting and selling/trading. I will also update the list once I've gotten the booster boxes from series 5.

I've moved my cards listings from Ebay to Gumtree due to the insertion fees. Transactions can be done via messaging on the forum.

[spoiler=What I'm Trading/Selling]

Series 1:

B01-060N - Sprightly Cleric, Lissa x 1

B01-057R(+) - Exalted Strategist, Robin (Female) x1

Series 2:

B02-011N - Young Prince of Hoshido, Takumi x1

B02-067N - Instinctive Slaughterer, Peri x1

B02-069N - Cold Killer, Beruka x1

Series 3:

B03-047SR - Demon in Blessed Armor, Black Knight x1

B05-053SR(+) - Diva of Dawn, Azura x1

Series 4:

B04-001SR - The Golden Idol, Tsubasa Oribe x 1 (SOLD)

B04-002N - All-Out Idol, Tsubasa Oribe x 2

B04-003HN - Dreaming Schoolgirl, Tsubasa Oribe x 2

B04-004N - Mystical Pegasus Knight, Caeda x 2

B04-006N - Brilliant Pitchhitter, Toma Akagi x 2

B04-007HN - Extraordinary Extra, Toma Akagi x 2

B04-008N - The Phantom Lionheart, Cain x 2

B04-009R - The People's Imouto, Mamori Minamoto x 2

B04-009R(+) - The People's Imouto, Mamori Minamoto x1 (Traded)

B04-010N - Charming Courage, Mamori Minamoto x 2

B04-011HN - Microwave Idol♪, Mamori Minamoto x 1

B04-012N - Short and Stout Mirage, Draug x 2

B04-013R - The Best of the Best, Yashiro Tsurugi x 1

B04-014N - The Man Who Knows Our Bonds, Yashiro Tsurugi x 2

B04-015HN - Steelborn Heart, Yashiro Tsurugi x 1

B04-016N - Crimson Silence, Navarre x 2

B04-017HN - Ethereal Folkaloid, Tiki x 1

B04-051SR - The Right Stuff, Itsuki Aoi x1 (SOLD)

B04-052N - Apprentice Entertainer, Itsuki Aoi x 3

B04-053HN - Normal Kid, Itsuki Aoi x 1

B04-054N - Neophyte Phantom Prince, Chrom x 3

B04-055R - Cool or Cutesy?, Kiria Kurono x 1

B04-056N - Cool Beauty, Kiria Kurono x 1

B04-057HN - Charismatic Singer, Kiria Kurono x 1

B04-058N - Mirage of Darkness, Tharja x 2

B04-059R - Precious Actress, Eleonora Yumizuru x 1

B04-060N - Forceful Heroine, Eleonora Yumizuru x 2

B04-061N - Ambitious Young Actress, Eleonora Yumizuru x 1

B04-062HN - Magnificent Mirage Archer, Virion x 2

Promo/Bonus Cards:

P03-001PR - Normal Kid, Itsuki Aoi (Series 3 Promo, Sealed in packaging) x1

P01-001PR - Crown-Prince of Hoshido, Corrin (Male) (Series 1 Promo, Sealed in packaging) x1

[spoiler=What I'm Looking For]

Bold = High Priority

Series 1:

B01-001SR - Savior of Archanea, Marth

B01-016SR - War-God of Talys, Ogma

B01-046SR - Manakete Princess, Tiki

B01-078R - Wellspring of Youth, Nowi

B01-091SR - Chosen Warrior of Hope, Owain

Series 2:

B02-006SR - Trueblade of Roaring Thunder, Ryoma

B02-030SR - Capable Maid, Felicia

B02-060SR - Prince of Darkness, Leo

B02-070R - Unyielding Bow Knight, Selena

B02-080SR - Fighting Butler, Jakob

Series 3

B03-001SR - General of the Divine Blade, Ike

S05-004SR - Wings Praying for Restoration, Elincia

B03-006SR - Vestal of Order, Mist

B03-010SR - Windswept Votive, Soren

B03-051SR - Divine Dragon of Embers, Corrin

B03-058SR - Leeward Shinobi, Kaze

B03-076SR - Zenith of Ashes, Corrin

B03-078SR - Diva of Dusk, Azura

Series 4

B04-063SR - Iris of Destiny, Lucina

B04-067SR - Scourge of Ferox, Lon'qu

B04-072SR - Pure Genius, Cordelia

B04-076R - Sword Princess of the Resistance, Say'ri

B04-094SR - Sordid Romantic, Severa

B04-036SR - Sunset Ruby Princess, Minerva

B04-044SR - Dark Emperor, Hardin

B04-048SR - Saint of National Salvation, Nyna


P01-005PR - Prince of Just Convictions, Chrom

P01-007PR - Healing Hero, Wrys

P01-009PR - Platonic Pegasus Knight, Cordelia

P01-013PR - Stoic Prince, Marth

P01-015PR - Enigmatic Tactician, Robin (Male)

P02-003PR - Watchdog of the Dragon Princess, Bantu

P02-004PR - Noble Beast Warrior, Panne

P03-003PR - Duke Tanas, Oliver

P03-004PR - Legend of the Four Riders, Black Knight

P03-013PR - Princess of the Lost Kingdom, Elincia

P02-002PR - Princess of Hoshido, Corrin (Box Promo)

P02-009PR - Hidden Dragon Prince, Corrin

P02-010PR - Hidden Dragon Princess, Corrin
P02-011PR - Fiery Princess of Hoshido, Hinoka

P03-014PR - Withdrawn Tactician, Soren

P03-017PR - Virtuous Songstress, Azura

P04-001PR - Young Lord of Pherae, Roy (Box Promo)

P04-003PR - Considerate Brother, Matthis
P04-004PR - Challenger of the Depths of Wisdom, Miriel

P04-009PR - Prince of the Alliance, Marth
P04-010PR - Falchion's Heiress, Lucina

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+1 ChibiToastExplosion

+1 omegaweapon



HN B01-020 (Low priority)

HN B02-003 Corrin (M) (Low priority)
SR B02-010 Takumi (Low priority)
SR+ B02-051 Corrin (F) (High priority)
SR+ B02-056 Xander (HIGH priority)

SR B03-001 Ike (Meh priority)
SR+ B03-001 Ike (HIGH priority)
SR+ B03-021 Mia (HIGH priority)
SR B03-051 Corrin (F) (Low priority)
SR B03-076 Corrin (M) (Low priority)

Marker cards for Corrin (M/F), Marth, Lucina, and any of the C89 marker cards.

I have:

Series 1

SR B01-051 Chrom

All Rare
B01-057 Robin (F)
B01-070 Lon'qu
B01-097 Inigo

Series 2

SR B02-001 Corrin (M)

All Rare
B02-004 Aqua
B02-024 Hana
B02-026 Subaki
B02-045 Matoi
B02-047 Saylla
B02-064 Lazward
B02-066 Pieri
B02-070 Luna
B02-072 Odin
B02-093 Foleo
B02-095 Soleil
B02-097 Ophelia

Series 3

SR B03-001 Ike
SR B03-047 Black Knight
SR B03-085 Flora

R+ B03-036 Jill

All Rare (I have at least 3 copies of each)

B03-025 Marcia
B03-032 Nephenne
B03-043 Tibarn
B03-044 Naesala
B03-062 Kanna (M)
B03-069 Mitama
B03-083 Silas
B03-086 Kanna (F)
B03-091 Eponine

Series 4

SR B04-001 Tsubasa
R B04-009 Mamori
R B04-013 Navarre
R B04-055 Kiria


Chirstmas Camilla
P03-014 Soren
P04-003 Mathis (?)
P04-004 Miriel
P04-005 Tsubasa
P04-006 Peg Sis Trio
P04-007 Cosplay Itsuki
P04-008 Severa

Also have 5 tournament packs for series 4 promos if you want to try your luck.

Other stuff:
Since my brother and I got copies of the Fates Special edition and we don't see the point of having two art books, one of the art books is up for trade.

Got an extra copy of the FE 25th anniversary concert DVD. Its sealed so it will come with the Marth promo card. Or you can make an offer for them individually.

Also have various N/HN cards for sale. Ask and I'll double check to let you know if I have it.

Got one extra copy of the magazine the Soren promo came in. You'll get the magazine and two promos if you are want to trade/buy it. Or you can just trade for the promos.

Looking for two copies of the poster that came in the Nintendo Dream magazine that held P4 Marth.

Also have a couple of sleeves I'd like to trade for other sleeves or cards.

x1 PoR Promo sleeve from booster box
x4 Awakening Promo sleeve from booster box
x2 Corrin (M) sleeves
x3 Nohr Promo sleeves from booster box
x2 Tharja character sleeves

Looking for a couple of the Blue Character Pixel sleeves from the C89 box.

Thanks for looking!

Edited by Chuy
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Been a long time since I last made a sale pst. I'm away from home now so I dont know my entire inventory at the momment but I'd like to throw out there that I'm looking for some cards.

Set 2
Hinoka SR 4x
Sakura SR 3x

For Sale
Set 3
Mia SR 4x $18 ea. Or all 4 for $65.

Set 4
Lucina SR 3x Make an offer.

P04-009PR Marth 1x
P04-010PR Lucina 2x

I'll update this with a complete list when I get back but feel free to inquire if I have a card. Open to both trades and sales.

Edited by AyvuirRed
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Just got my Set 5 cards in, woo. Here's my Masterpost. Updated Masterpost here.

I'll probably agree to trade domestically (USA) if you have at least one mid priority or higher to offer.

I'll trade internationally if you have a high priority card, or a serious ton of mid priority cards.

I won't go out of my way to trade for the low priority section, but I do still want them. You can offer these cards to even out a trade/sweeten a deal/etc.

I'm willing to buy high/mid priority cards I'm looking for. However, I am not looking to sell cards.

I don't have hard and fast rules about trading different rarities. Let's negotiate.

For Trade

Set 3 (FE9/14)
B03-076SR Male Corrin

Set 5 (FE6/10)
B05-038R+ Thito (AKA Tate)
B05-017R+ Dieck

B05-004SR Lilina x2

[spoiler=Rares from Sets 3, 5]

B03-025R Marcia x2
B03-032R Nephenee
B03-036R Jill
B03-040R Ranulf
B03-044R Naesala x2
B03-046R Leanne
B03-063R Male Kana x2
B03-063R Shigure
B03-069R Mitama
B03-072R Selkie (AKA Kinu) x3
B03-083R Silas x3
B03-095R Velouria

B05-007R Allen x2
B05-009R Lance x2
B05-017R Dieck x3
B05-044R Fa
B05-046R Juno x2
B05-057R Edward x2
B05-080R Lucia x2
B05-084R Sigrun x2
B05-090R Soren

I also have tons of Ns and HNs from Sets 3 and 5. Just ask.

I'd be happy to bulk trade Ns/HNs from 3/5 for a bunch of HNs I'm missing from 1/4.

Looking For:

High Priority

P03-013PR Elincia

P05-015PR Micaiah

Mid Priority
[spoiler=Mid Priority]

B01-050SR Camus
B01-091SR Owain

B02-008SR Hinoka
B02-058SR Camilla

B03-001SR+ Ike

B04-018SR Marth

B04-048SR Nyna
B04-094SR Severa

B04-035R Feena

B04-076R Say'ri

B05-086SR+ Sanaki

P04-010PR Lucina

Low Priority

[spoiler=Low Priority]
[spoiler=Set 1 (Missing a lot)]
B01-001SR Marth
B01-004SR Caeda
B01-016SR Ogma
B01-022SR Navarre
B01-051SR Chrom
B01-057SR Female Robin
B01-073SR Gaius
B01-075SR Cordelia
B01-080SR Tharja

B01-028R Merric
B01-030R Minerva
B01-035R Linde
B01-038R Palla
B01-042R Est
B01-068R Sumia
B01-070R Lon'qu
B01-078R Nowi
B01-084R Cherche

B01-003HN Marth
B01-006HN Caeda
B01-011HN Draug
B01-018HN Ogma
B01-024HN Navarre
B01-025HN Lena
B01-027HN Julian
B01-034HN George
B01-048N Elice
B01-062N Virion
B01-064HN Sully
B01-082HN Tharja
B01-094HN Severa
B01-099HN Tiki
B01-100HN Anna

B02-030SR Felicia
B02-051SR Female Corrin
B02-080SR Jakob

B02-043R Asugi (AKA Grey)

B02-011N Takumi
B02-061N Leo
B02-074HN Zero
B02-075N Zero

B03-005N Elincia
B03-007N Mist
B03-008HN Titania
B03-009N Titania

B03-011N Soren

("But Ammie, how are you still missing Normal Soren?" you might say.

I'm not. I just have a lot of friends who all like the same characters so I'm constantly running out of some particular cards because I gift them so often. If you have extras I would very much like them.)

[spoiler=Set 4 (Missing a lot)]

B04-001SR Tsubasa

B04-044SR Hardin

B04-065SR Male Robin

B04-068SR Lon'qu

B04-029R Julian

B04-045R Hardin

B04-047R Michaelis

B04-053HN Itsuki(?)

B04-057HN Kiria

B04-062HN Virion

B04-066HN Male Robin

B04-068HN Lon'qu

B04-073HN Cordelia

B04-080HN Donnel

B04-099HN Ema

B04-100HN Shade

B05-053HN Micaiah

First edition misprint cards:

B01-034HN George

Non-misprinted versions of these cards:

B01-037N Midia

B01-044N Astram

B02-025N Oboro

B03-066N Shiro (AKA Shinonome)

B05-098R Kurthnaga

Other nice things I'd like: Any Ike sleeves, Micaiah sleeves, Takumi sleeves, Sakura sleeves, any set box sleeves from set 4. I don't need a whole lot of them -- just one or two would make my day.

Edited by Amielleon
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Hi guys ! I want to apologize to the people I haven’t replied to in the past month ! My set 5 boxes came and so I took the time off to update my post and to reply to everyone (again I aplogize !!!)

+1 LucinaofYlisse

+2 Zukonima (for his patience and for being such an upstanding guy)

Updated on latest page! (or click on link in signature)

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Got my cards in for series 5. Still posting things to my eBay. Some stuff I will not post till next month, but again, things will be added and edited. Got all SR cards so far up. http://www.ebay.com/usr/collector3571

Also, I got a B07-002R+X not sure what it's designation is supposed to mean past the usual card number. Here is a pic => http://imgur.com/X7gLdIA

Looking for:



For the + cards I will do a trade and some cash payment in addition if need be with paypal.

For the others we can talk about exchanges as they come.

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I just got my boxes of Series 5 so here's my updated list.
I'm willing to sell Ns ($2 each, .50 for additional N cards), HNs/STs ($3 each, .75 for additional HN cards), and Rs ($3 - $7).
I'd rather trade my R+ and SR cards, but I'll sell for a decent offer.

Series 5 R+ cards with alternate art are a low priority but I'll still take offers.

Vol. 1

54SR Lucina
80SR Tharja

Vol. 3

06SR Mist
10SR Soren

21SR Mia
58SR Kaze
78SR Azura

Vol. 4

36SR Minerva

63SR Lucina
65SR Robin

Vol. 5

01SR Roy

04SR Lilina

34SR Fir

51SR Micaiah

89SR Ike

92SR Mia


I have duplicates of all STs, Ns and HNs, but these are my Rs and SRs.

Vol. 1

1x Promotional Card 001 Kamui (M) (still in plastic)

2x 007R Cain (holo)

1x 009R Abel (holo)

1x 028R Merric (holo)

1x 035R Linde

1x 040R Katria

1x 042R Est

1x 070R+ Lon'qu

1x 083R Olivia

1x 084R Cherche

Vol. 2

2x 004R Azura

1x 028R Subaki

1x 054R Azura

1x 064R Laslow

2x 066R Peri

1x 070R Selena

1x 097R Ophelia

Vol. 3

1x 025R Marcia (holo)

1x 036R Jill

1x 040R Ranulf

1x 045R Reyson

1x 046R Leanne

1x 063R Shigure

1x 069R Mitama

Vol. 4

1x 029R Julian

1x 031R Sirius

1x 045R Hardin

1x 047R Michalis

1x 055R Kurono Kiria

1x 055R+ Kurono Kiria (signed)

1x 059R Yumizuru Eleonora

1x 083R F!Morgan

1x 087R Inigo

1x 092R Cynthia

Vol. 5

2x 007R Alen (holo)

1x 009R Lance (holo)

1x 017R Dieck (holo)

1x 038R Tate

1x 042SR Sofia

1x 046R Juno

1x 054SR Sothe

1x 077R Nephenee

1x 084R Sigrun

1x 098R Kurthnaga

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Series 5 stuff came in, updating my list!

What I Want

[spoiler=High Priority]
Series 5:

B05-029SR - Rutger

B05-086SR - Sanaki

B05-034SR - Fir

P05-014PR Lilina

Series 5 tourney promo: Lilina, Sophia

[spoiler=Med Priority]

Series 5:

Any R+/SR+ cards that I don't have.


P01-003PR - Marth

Comiket Heroes Playmat

Caravan Binder (High Priority)

What I Have

[spoiler=Series 1]
B01-050SR - Camus

B01-080SR - Tharja

B01-007R - Cain x2

B01-009R - Abel x2

B01-028R - Merric x2

B01-030R - Minerva

B01-035R - Linde x2
B01-038R - Palla
B01-040R - Catria x2

B01-042R - Est

B01-057R - Robin

B01-059R - Lissa

B01-068R - Sumia

B01-070R - Lon'qu

B01-083R - Olivia

B01-097R - Inigo x2

[spoiler=Series 2]

B02-030SR - Felicia

B02-060SR - Leo

B02-080SR - Jakob

B02-004R - Aqua x2

B02-014R - Saizo x2

B02-024R - Oboro x2

B02-026R - Hana x2

B02-028R - Subaki x2

B02-043R - Asugi

B02-045R - Matoi x2

B02-047R - Rhajat

B02-054R - Aqua x2

B02-064R - Laslow

B02-066R - Peri

B02-072R - Odin x2

B02-093R - Forrest x2

B02-097R - Ophelia

[spoiler=Series 3]

B03-051SR - Kamui (F)
B03-053SR - Aqua (White)

B03-025R - Marcia
B03-032R - Nephenee
B03-036R - Jill x3
B03-036R+ - Jill
B03-040R - Ranulf
B03-043R - Tibarn
B03-044R - Naesala x2
B03-045R - Reyson x2
B03-046R - Leanne
B03-062R - Kana (M) x2
B03-063R - Shigure
B03-072R - Selkie x2
B03-072R+ - Selkie
B03-083R Silas
B03-086R - Kana (F)

[spoiler=Series 4]

B04-005SR - Toma

B04-065SR - Robin

B04-009R - Mamori

B04-013R - Yashiro

B04-029R - Julian x2

B04-031R - Sirius x2

B04-035R - Feena

B04-038R - Merric

B04-045R - Hardin

B04-047R - Michalis x2

B04-055R - Kiria

B04-070R - Gaius x2

B04-076R - Say'ri

B04-085R - Owain x2

B04-087R - Inigo x2

[spoiler=Series 5]
B05-004SR - Lilina (will only trade for specific things)
B05-051SR - Micaiah

B05-007R - Alen x2
B05-009R - Lance x2
B05-038R - Thite
B05-044R - Fae
B05-046R - Juno x2

B05-057R - Edward
B05-073R - Nailah
B05-080R - Lucia x2
B05-084R - Sigrun x2
B05-090R - Soren x2
B05-098R - Kurthnaga x2

B07-002R+X - Eliwood

P05-013PR - Roy

B04-065SR+ - Robin (only toward other SR+)

B07-002R+X - Eliwood

Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition (US Ver) sealed

Edited by Zenakku
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New into the fray and just got my series 5 cards. Looking to trade or sell so just hit me up if interested.


B03-004SR - Elincia

B03-078SR - Aqua

B03-051SR - Corrin(F)

B03-006SR- Mist

B03-036R+ - Jill

B05-048SR+ - Narcian

B05-051SR - Micaiah

B05-034SR - Fir

B05-029SR - Rutger

B05-082SR - Geoffrey

and random rares and normals

Looking for

B03-080R - Lucia

B05-086SR - Sanaki

B05-092SR- Mia

B03-047SR - Black Knight

B01-080SR - Tharja

B07-002R+X - Eliwood (High Priority)

Edited by LatiosG
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[spoiler=Wants:]Series 1:
Cordelia SR (Low/Medium priority)
Lissa R+ (Low priority)

Series 2:
Sakura SR+

Xander SR+

Series 3:
None as of right now

Series 4:
Tsubasa SR+
Lucina SR
Marth SR
Cynthia R+

Series 5:

Lilina SR+

Fir SR

Sophia SR x2

Narcian SR+ (Low Priority)

Elincia R+

Sanaki SR+

Promos: (All are Low Priority)
P02-003PR Bantu
P02-004PR Panne
P02-009PR Corrin (M)

P04-011PR Itsuki Aoi

P05-006PR Lilina

P05-007PR Macaiah

P05-008PR Sophia

P05-009PR Corrin (F) (High priority)

P05-010PR Corrin (M) (High priority)

P05-011PR Felicia (High priority)

P05-012PR Flora (High priority)

P05-013PR Roy

P05-014PR Lilina

Elder Sisters Playmat (Camilla vs Hinoka) (Highest Priority)

[spoiler=For Trade:]
Every R ($1 each; NO NOWIS), HN ($0.50 each), and N ($0.25 each) from all three sets, with multiples of at least 3 for each one!

Series 1:
Lucina SR
Marth SR
Ogma SR
Camus SR x3

Lon'qu R+
Gaius SR
Chrom SR

P01-001PR Corrin (M) (Sealed) x2
P01-002PR Corrin (F) (Sealed) x2
Fredrick ST+
Ogma ST+
Navarre ST+

Series 2:
Corrin (M) SR x2
Ryoma SR x3
Felicia SR

Xander SR x3
Jakob SR

Tsubaki R+
P02-001PR Ike (Sealed) x2
P02-002PR Corrin (F) (Sealed) x3
Ryoma ST+
Takumi ST+

Xander ST+ x3
Leo ST+ x3
Jakob ST+ x2

Series 3:
Mist SR
Black Knight SR x4

Aqua (Hoshido) SR
Flora SR
Mia SR
Mitama R+
Kinu R+ x2

Velour R+
Itsuki PR (Sealed)
Tsubasa PR x2 (Sealed)
Titania ST+
Soren ST+
Griel ST+

Series 4:
Tiki HNX (Blue) x2
Hardin SR x2
Toma SR x4

Tsubasa SR x2
Itsuki SR
Lon'qu SR x3
Minerva SR
Yashiro Tsurugi R+
Michalis R+

Roy PR (Sealed) x4

Series 5:

Mia SR

Rutger SR x2

Roy SR x2

Dieck R+

P02-010PR Korrin(F)
P02-011PR Hinoka

P03-013PR Elincia
P03-010PR Camilla (Christmas) x2
P03-014PR Soren x3

None as of right now

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New to this, so send me a PM if you're interested in anything! Would love to sell, but I'll also have the cards I'm missing listed below in case you'd prefer to trade. $1.50 per any N or HN, Rs and SRs by individual basis. Everything should be in here now.

In the case of any series (1-3, 5), if you're looking for any N or HN card, just ask me, and I'm highly likely to have at least one.

Available to Trade

Series 1 (Booster)

028R (Merric)

030R (Minerva)

035R (Linde)

038R (Palla) (x2)

040R (Catria) (x2)

042R (Est)

059R (Lissa)

070R (Lon'qu)

073SR (Gaius)

078R (Nowi)

083R (Olivia)

084R (Cherche)

Series 2 (Booster)

004R (Aqua) (x2)

010SR (Takumi)

014R (Saizo)

024R (Oboro)

026R (Hana) (x3)

028R (Tsubaki)

043R (Asugi)

045R (Caeldori)

047R (Rhajat)

054R (Aqua) (x2)

064R (Laslow) (x2)

070R (Selena)

072R (Odin)

093R (Forrest)

095R (Soleil)

097R (Ophelia)

Series 3 (Booster)

010SR (Soren)

025R (Marcia) (x1) (in-progress)

032R (Nephenee)

036R (Jill) (x4)

040R (Ranulf)

043R (Tibarn)

044R (Naesala) (x3)

044R+ (Naesala)

045R (Reyson)

046R (Leanne) (x2)

053SR (Aqua)

058SR (Kaze)

063R (Shigure)

069R (Mitama)

083R (Silas)

086R (Kana ♀)

091R (Nina)

095R (Velvet)

Series 5 (Booster)
007R (Alen)
009R (Lance) (x2)
017R (Dieck)
025R (Lugh) (x2)
038R (Tate)
042SR (Sophia)
048SR (Narshen) (in-progress)

057R (Edward)
077R (Nephenee)
080R (Lucia)
084R (Sigrun)
090R (Soren) (in-progress)
098R (Kurthnaga)

Looking for

Series 1

004SR (Caeda)

016SR (Ogma) (in-progress)

Series 5
+Alternate cards for Thany, Tate, Juno, Elincia, or Soren (low-priority)

Edited by Mallow
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Now that set 5 is out, here is my trading/selling list:

I have:

B05-009R Lance
B05-017R Dieck
B05-022R Shanna
B05-025R Lugh
B05-057R Edward
B05-073R Nailah
B05-074R Elincia
B05-077R Nephenee

S05-002ST+ Elincia (and other non+ starter 5 cards)
S07-004ST+ Shanna (and other non+ starter 7 cards)

Sealed Chrom/Sigurd promos from set 5 boxes

Packet of 5 Radiant Dawn sleeves from set 5 boxes

Edited by ChibiToastExplosion
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Just finished going through my boxes! Here's my updated list. Mostly looking to trade/sell at the moment

[spoiler=For trade]

4 complete Series 5 H/HN sets


P02-001 Ike

P02-002 F!Kamui x 2

P03-002 Tsubasa x 2

P03-001 Itsuki

P04-001 Roy

P04-011 Itsuki x 2

P05-013 Roy

P01-013Pr/P05-002PR x 2

Starter deck exclusives:

S01 Marth x 2

S01 Ogma

S01 Navarre

S02 Chrom x 2

S02 Kellam

S02 vieke

S03 M!Kamui

S04 F!Kamui

S05 Ike x 2

S05 Mist

S05 Soren

S06 Itsuki x 3

S06 Tsubasa x 3

S06 Toma

S06 Kiria

S06 Eleonora

S07 Roy x 3 2

S07 Lilina x 2

S07 Marcus

S07 Shanna

S07 Rutgar

Series 5:

001 SR Roy x 2

048 SR Narshen x 2

051 SR Micaiah x 2

054 SR Sothe

082 SR Geoffrey

007 R Alan x 2

009 R Lance

017 R Dieck x 2

025 R Lugh x 3

044 R Fae

022 R Shanna x 2

038 R Thite x 2

046 R June x 2

057 R Eddy x 2

077 R Nephenee x 2

098 R Kurthnaga x 4

084 R Sigrun

074 R Elincia x 3 2

090 R Soren

080 R Lucia

Series 4:

009 Mamori R

013 Yashiro R x 2

029 Julian R

031 Sirius R

035 Feena R

038 Merric R

044 Hardin SR

045 Hardin R

047 Misheil R x 2

048 Nyna SR

059 Eleonora R

070 Gaius R

076 Say'ri R

082 Cynthia R

Series 3

006 SR Mist

025 Marcia R x 2

032 Nephenee R

036 Jill R

040 Ranulf R

043 Tibarn R

044 Naesala R

045 Reyson R x 2

046 Leanne R

047 Black Knight SR

062 M!Kanna R

063 Shigure R x 2

069 Mitama R

072 Kinu R

083 Silas R x 2

086 F!Kanna R

091 Eponine R

095 Velour R

Series 2:

004 Azura R x 2

024Oboro R x 2

026 Hana R x 2

028 Tsubaki R x 3

045 Matoi R

047 Rhajat/Syalla R x 2

054 Azura R

064 Lazwald/Laslow R

066 Pieri R

070 Luna R x 2

072 Odin R

093 Foleo R

095 Soleil R x 2

097 Ophelia R

Series 1

007 Cain R

097 Inigo R+

Marker cards

Azura black



*P03-009 Tsubasa

*P03-011 Summer Sakura

P04-003 Mathis

P04-004 Miriel

P04-005 Tsubasa

P04-006 Catria

P04-008 Severa

Series 5:

001 SR+ Roy

017 R+ Dieck

022 R+ Shanna

029 SR Rutgar

034 SR Fir

038 R+ Thite

046 R+ Juno

048 SR+ Narshen

051 SR+ Micaiah

086 SR & SR+ Sanaki

089 SR Ike

090 R+ Soren

Series 4:

009 Mamori R+

063 Lucina SR+

Series 1:

001 SR+ Marth

004 SR+ Caeda

022 SR+ Navarre

030 Minerva R+

038 Palla R+

040 Catria R+

042 Est R+

051 SR Chrom

054 SR+ Lucina

057 R+ Robin

059 Lissa R+

070 Lon'qu R+

080 SR+ Tharja

Series 2:

001 SR+ M!Kamui

004 R+ Hoshido Azura

006 SR+ Ryoma

012 SR+ Sakura

026 R+ Hana

051 SR+ F!Kamui

062 SR+ Elise

095 Soleil

Series 3:

001 SR+ Ike

006 SR+ Mist

021 SR+

036 R+ Jill

043 R+ Tibarn

047 SR+ Black Knight

072 R+ Kinu

091 R+ Eponine


Lucina Marker (dot set)

Flora Marker(dot set)

Black Knight Marker (dot set)

Anna(dot set)



Tiki 05/2016

Marth 05/2016

Minerva 05/2016

Hardin 05/2016


(Looking to get a single sleeve of each!)

FE13 Takumi

FE14 Sakura

FE15 Camilla

FE16 Elise

FE17 Ike

FE18 Mist

FE26 Tiki

FE29 Roy

FE30 Lilina

FE31 Micaiah

FE32 Soren

Edited by yunjaelove
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Finally got my Series 5 cards in today. Everything I have/don't have listed is down below, and as always feel free to PM if you have any inquiries!

What I have for sale/trade

Series 1 Cards I Have On-Hand:

  • B01-022 SR Navarre x2
  • B01-042 R Est x1
  • B01-050 SR Camus
  • B01-097 R Inigo

Series 2 Cards I Have On-Hand:

  • B02-004 R Aqua x3
  • B02-014 R Saizo x2
  • B02-026 R Hana x2
  • B02-028 R Tsubaki x2
  • B02-043 R Asugi x3
  • B02-045 R Caeldori x3
  • B02-047 R Rhajat x3
  • B02-054 R Aqua x3
  • B02-056 SR Xander
  • B02-064 R Laslow x4
  • B02-066 R Peri x3
  • B02-070 R Selena x1
  • B02-072 R Odin x2
  • B02-093 R Forrest x3
  • B02-095 R Soleil x3
  • B02-097 R Ophelia x3

Series 3 Cards I Have On-Hand:

  • B03-043 R Tibarn
  • B03-091 R Nina

Series 4 Cards I Have On-Hand:

  • B04-005 SR Toma x2
  • B04-009 R Mamori x3
  • B04-013 R Tsurugi x2
  • B04-029 R Julian
  • B04-031 R Sirius
  • B04-035 R Fina x2
  • B04-038 R Malik x2
  • B04-047 R Misheiru
  • B04-055 R Kiria
  • B04-085 R Owain

Series 5 Cards I Have On-Hand:

  • B05-001 SR Roy
  • B05-004 SR Lilina [PENDING]
  • B05-007 R Allen x4
  • B05-009 R Lance x2
  • B05-017 R Dieck x3
  • B05-022 R Shanna x2
  • B05-025 R Lugh x5
  • B05-029 SR Rutger
  • B05-034 SR Fir x2 [1 PENDING]
  • B05-038 R Tate x3
  • B05-042 SR Sophia
  • B05-044 R Fae x3
  • B05-046 R Juno x3
  • B05-057 R Edward x2
  • B05-073 R Nailah x2
  • B05-074 R Elincia x4
  • B05-077 R Nephenee x2
  • B05-080 R Lucia x4
  • B05-082 SR Geoffrey x2
  • B05-084 R Sigrun x3
  • B05-086 SR Sanaki x3 x2 [1 PENDING]
  • B05-089 SR Ike [PENDING]
  • B05-090 R Soren x3
  • B05-098 R Kurthnaga x3

Promo Cards I Have On-Hand:

  • P01-001 PR Kamui x2 (sealed)
  • P02-001 PR Ike (sealed)
  • P02-002 PR Kamui f x2 (sealed)
  • P04-011 PR Itsuki Aoi (from Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE)
  • P01-005 PRr Chrom
  • P01-013 PRr Marth x3
  • P05-001 PR Sigurd x3
  • P05-002 PR Xander
  • P05-013 PR Roy
  • P05-014 PR Lilina

Extra Goodies for Sale:

  • Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Fortissimo Edition [Japan Import] w/out Tsubasa Promo card
  • x2 Binding Blade Sleeve Pack
  • x2 Radiant Dawn Sleeve Pack

What I'm looking to trade for:

- High priority:

  • B05-001 SR+ Roy
  • B05-004 SR+ Lilina
  • B05-017 R+ Dieck
  • B05-022 R+ Shanna
  • B05-038 R+ Tate
  • B05-073 R+ Nailah
  • B05-086 SR+ Sanaki
  • B05-090 R+ Soren

- Low Priority:

  • B05-048 SR+ Narshen

What I'm looking to trade for/buy

- Series 5 Tourney Promo cards P05-003 to P05-008

  • Marth FE01 Sleeve Pack
  • Kamui f FE10 Sleeve Pack
  • Lilina FE30 Sleeve Pack

- Cipher Caravan Items:

  • 1st Anniversary Cipher Caravan Pixel Playmat (with Roy and Sigurd sprites)
  • 1st Anniversary Cipher Caravan Ballpoint pen
  • 1st Anniversary Cipher Caravan Felicia and Flora promo cards
  • 1st Anniversary Cipher Caravan Card Binder
Edited by Dv_US
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S1: Complete! Not looking for anything here.

SR B02-010 Takumi (Low priority)

SR+ B02-051 Corrin (F) (High priority)

SR+ B02-056 Xander (HIGH priority)

SR B03-001 Ike (Low priority)

SR+ B03-001 Ike (HIGH priority)

SR+ B03-021 Mia (HIGH priority) (in progress)

SR B03-051 Corrin (F) (Low priority)

SR B03-076 Corrin (M) (Low priority)

S4: Complete! Not looking for anything here.

SR B05-004 Lilina (High priority) (in progress)

The rest are medium priority

SR B051 Micaiah (in progress)

SR+ B051 Micaiah

SR 054 Sothe (in progress)

SR+ 054 Sothe

Sigurd Promo and re-release Chrom promo.

Marker cards for Corrin (M/F), Marth, Lucina, and any of the C89 marker cards.

I have:

Series 1

SR B01-051 Chrom (in progress)

All Rare

B01-057 Robin (F)

B01-070 Lon'qu

B01-097 Inigo

Series 2

SR B02-001 Corrin (M) (in progress)

All Rare

B02-004 Aqua

B02-024 Hana

B02-026 Subaki

B02-045 Matoi

B02-047 Saylla

B02-064 Lazward

B02-066 Pieri

B02-070 Luna

B02-072 Odin

B02-093 Foleo

B02-095 Soleil

B02-097 Ophelia

Series 3

SR B03-047 Black Knight

SR B03-085 Flora

R+ B03-036 Jill

All Rare (I have at least 3 copies of each)

B03-025 Marcia

B03-032 Nephenne

B03-043 Tibarn

B03-044 Naesala

B03-062 Kanna (M)

B03-069 Mitama

B03-083 Silas

B03-086 Kanna (F)

B03-091 Eponine

Series 4

SR B04-001 Tsubasa

R B04-009 Mamori

R B04-013 Navarre

R B04-031 Sirius

R B04-055 Kiria

Series 5

R+X B07-002 Eliwood (in progress)

R 022 Thany (in progress)

SR 034 Fir (in progress)

R 038 Tate

R+ 038 Tate

R 057 Edward

R 073 Nailah

R 074 Elincia

R 077 Nephennee

R+ 090 Soren (in progress)


Chirstmas Camilla

P03-014 Soren (in progress)

P04-003 Mathis (?)

P04-004 Miriel

P04-005 Tsubasa

P04-006 Peg Sis Trio

P04-007 Cosplay Itsuki

P04-008 Severa

Also have 5 tournament packs for series 4 promos if you want to try your luck.

Other stuff:

Got an extra copy of the FE 25th anniversary concert DVD. Its sealed so it will come with the Marth promo card. Or you can make an offer for them individually.

Also have various N/HN cards for sale. Ask and I'll double check to let you know if I have it. Mostly like will have them if they are from S3 and S5.

Got one extra copy of the magazine the Soren promo came in. You'll get the magazine and two promos if you are want to trade/buy it. Or you can just trade for the promos.

Looking for two copies of the poster that came in the Nintendo Dream magazine that held P4 Marth.

Also have a couple of sleeves I'd like to trade for other sleeves or cards.

x1 PoR Promo sleeve from booster box

x4 Awakening Promo sleeve from booster box (in progress)

x2 Corrin (M) sleeves

x3 Nohr Promo sleeves from booster box

x2 Tharja character sleeves

x3 Binding Blade sleeves from booster box

x4 Radiant Dawn sleeves from booster box

x10 Male character sleeves

x10 Female character sleeves

Looking for about 15 of the Blue Character Pixel sleeves from the C89 box and one of each of the S5 sleeves minus the booster box ones.

Thanks for looking!

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Time for a Series 5 update!

All available cards are valid for either cash purchase (via PayPal) or direct trade for my Wanted cards unless otherwise stated. I am also willing to buy via PayPal instead of trade for some cards (marked with a ***) If you're interested in anything, get in touch with me via PM or post here.

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands (Europe). I'm happy to ship worldwide. I've been trading/selling Pokémon cards for some time now too, so I'm kind of familiar with the whole internationally shipping cards deal.

Looking For:

S5 Lilina SR+
S5 Elincia R+
S5 Eliwood R+X

S5 Tournament Promos - Ilyana, Lilina, Micaiah, Sophia, or sealed packs
S4 Tournament Promos - Matthis, Miriel, Catria, Severa, or sealed packs


Promo Cards:

Sigurd P05-001PR (S5 Box Promo)
Chrom P01-005PRr (S5 Box Promo 1st Anniversary Print)
Soren P03-014PR (Nintendo Dream Promo)

Series 5 Cards

R: Alan x2, Dieck, Lugh, Tate x2, Juno, Lucia, Sigrun x2

Series 4 Cards

SR/R+: Lucina SR
Kiria R+ (signed)

R: Yashiro x2, Julian, Merric, Kiria x2, Eleanora x2, Say'ri, Owain, Inigo

Series 3 Cards

Nohr Azura SR (078)

Marcia, M!Kanna x2, Kinu, F!Kanna, Eponine

Series 2 Cards

R: Hoshido Azura, Caeldori, Peri, Odin

Series 1 Cards
R: Abel, Merric, Linde

N/HN Cards:
I have many Normal and High Normal cards available for all 5 sets. I hope to make up a spreadsheet or something soon to list them. If there are any N/HN cards you are interested in in the meantime, feel free to ask! I would be happy to look through for you.

I also have an unopened Awakening/Blue structure deck available as well as an extra set of fates pixel promo sleeves from the S3 booster boxes, if anyone is interested in those. I also have single sleeves available from the Character version of the Comiket Players Box, as well as singles of the Chrom, Lucina S1, Gaius, Camilla, Lucina S4, and Lilina sleeves. I also have codes available from the S1 box and the S2/S3 structure decks.

Edited by Kirie
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