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So, Effie learns Cavalier skills if you class up to Great Knight?


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I don't know how, but Effie learnt the two Cavalier line skills after I reclassed to Great Knight. Unfortunately I somehow missed this and didn't see it happen (I saw her acquire Luna at level 5 though). I classed her to General after getting Great Knight and that's when I noticed she had the skills from the Cavalier line.

I also had her marry Silas so I don't know if that effects anything but I found this strange.

(I'll upload a picture later I'm only here cause I'm taking a break from the game lol)

To clarify I went Knight to 20 -> Great Knight to 5 -> General to around 7 I think atm.

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Interesting. According to currently known information, S-supporting with a spouse adds that character's base class to one's reclass options via the Buddy Seal iirc, and leveling up in a promoted class also gives access to the base class' skills, one per level. Presumably the explanation lies somewhere in there.

From what I can tell, there aren't any individual class overlaps in the known class sets for individual units, either.

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I am pretty sure that is just from Silas being her husband since I don't think they would allow characters to gain extra skills when they never had access o the class in the first place.

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Interesting; I've had Takumi gain a few levels as a Golden-Kite Warrior and he hasn't learned any Pegasus Warrior skills. So is it just that they gain skills from associated base classes they have access to? What happens if a character has access to both Knight and Cavalier but doesn't have any skills from either class yet and reclasses from another class tree to Great Knight?

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I am pretty sure that is just from Silas being her husband since I don't think they would allow characters to gain extra skills when they never had access o the class in the first place.

I think so, because I never saw it until after they were married. I did not use an S rank seal, just the normal parallel one.

Interesting; I've had Takumi gain a few levels as a Golden-Kite Warrior and he hasn't learned any Pegasus Warrior skills. So is it just that they gain skills from associated base classes they have access to? What happens if a character has access to both Knight and Cavalier but doesn't have any skills from either class yet and reclasses from another class tree to Great Knight?

No character has access to Cavalier and Knight naturally, which is why I paired these two up to get PavGis on both. I guess now that Effie has Cavalier as a base technically, she was able to get those Cavalier skills through leveling up in Great Knight.

http://imgur.com/a/ziuRyThere's the screenshots of it.

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