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I Think I'm New... So Hi.


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For the last few days I was wondering how to get started on this forum. And then I thought, "hey! Maybe an introduction would be a good starting point!" So here I am.

You'd think that would be common sense, huh.

I am Jakoblade, and I've been a fan of Fire Emblem for years. It's easily my favorite series of all time, and I've played every game. Haven't beaten them all yet, but one day.
Fun fact, I was born the day after Genealogy of the Holy War released in Japan. So I'm pretty proud of that.

I was introduced to the series, technically, through Super Smash Bros. Melee. Somehow I don't think I'm the only one. Even then, before I knew a thing about the series, Marth and Roy stuck out as the best characters of that game. I even stopped maining Link for Roy. That was a big deal. I think. Later, my brother and I were at a generic gaming store and found the Game Boy Advance game I would later come to know as Rekka no Ken, or Blazing Sword. After playing as the characters in Melee, we thought it'd be cool to play the first game in the series (because it totally was,) and so we bought it. It was love at first... play. For me, anyway. I hope I'm not the only one who thought Eliwood was Roy for a while...

I proceeded to buy Sacred Stones, which I usually mark as my favorite in the series because it truly cemented my love for it.

I'm really happy for what Awakening has done for the series (its name is basically an analogy), as well. I've put a thousand hours into it, and I'm eagerly awaiting Fates. I side with Nohr. Well, I'm going to play all three paths of course, but Nohr is going to be my first. In light of recent revelations, Luna is even more likely to be my first wife as well...

Er, I also do other things. I love writing, for instance. And I do play other games, but not quite so religiously.

Anyway, that's my backstory in relation to Fire Emblem. I can't imagine a life where I'm not in love with the series, and so I'm hoping that I can get involved in this community in some ways. Maybe I won't be able to, but I'm hopeful. Most of the other fan communities of Fire Emblem I've been a part of have been less than polite. I hope I can make some new friends who share my love for the series.

I guess that's about it.

Nice to meet you all. ^_^

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Welcome to the Forest!

I'm glad you say Sacred Stones is your favorite Fire Emblem game! Isn't it fantastic?

And I'm excited for Fates too! I just wish Luna was both sides, but it seems she fits in with Nohr. Especially with a design that similar to my favorite Awakening character, it's so hard not to love her! Heh, it's almost like they're the same person...! Other than that, I plan to side with Hoshido first, and Hana is my favorite Hoshido character. And Silas is pretty great too, so I plan for him to be my husband on the Nohr path.

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Thank you! ^^

It is fantastic. I still have my original GBA copy! ...Which would be great if I had something to play it with. Like if my old DS worked. But hey, what can you do. Hopefully one day Nintendo releases it on 3DS like they did with the Ambassador Program. I like the Wii U, but playing a GBA game on a home console just doesn't feel right.

Haha. Maybe she'll be on the third side. And yes, that Awakening character was my favorite too. I was happy when I learned how similar they were in more than just design. Ha, same person. What a revelation that would be!

As for siding, your profile picture reminded me of another huge reason I'm siding with Nohr. Elise is just too darn adorable. But yeah, Silas is cool. I like his English name, though I seem to be in the minority on that. I think it sounds unique. Which usually makes me like a name more. It'll be interesting for you to go from enemies to lovers!

Edited by Jakoblade
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Hey, if you're bored, check out the writing competition! We always welcome new entrants!

Anyway, welcome~! Don't forget to read the rules and all~!

(end generic greeting)

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I have to go with Ephraim. Cheap move I know, but when I first played it something about the way he just walked around with a lance and wrecked everyone just blew my mind for some reason. I'd have a really hard time picking a favorite FE character, but if I had to, I'd go with Ephraim. Thank you guys for the welcome!

Ah, I might do that if I can ever find it. Thank you for the suggestion!

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