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Seals [minimal spoilers]


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I know how all the seals work, but this one has been confusing the heck out of me since day one.

Child Seal: Only usable by the owner; reclasses the user to a promoted class and adjusts their stats to match

How do you know which class the child will promote to? Do you get to choose, or does the child promote to his/her "canon" class, in which he/she keeps his/her color scheme?

How exactly are the stats matched? Based on game progress? Strongest unit on team?

What's exactly considered "late game," in that you'll receive a Child Seal?

If I get a Child Seal from Syalla's paralogue, can I use it on Kisaragi instead? Or is that "only usable by the owner" referring to the child that comes with the seal?

Edited by Minischew
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I know how all the seals work, but this one has been confusing the heck out of me since day one.

Child Seal: Only usable by the owner; reclasses the user to a promoted class and adjusts their stats to match

How do you know which class the child will promote to? Do you get to choose, or does the child promote to his/her "canon" class, in which he/she keeps his/her color scheme?

How exactly are the stats matched? Based on game progress? Strongest unit on team?

What's exactly considered "late game," in that you'll receive a Child Seal?

If I get a Child Seal from Syalla's paralogue, can I use it on Kisaragi instead? Or is that "only usable by the owner" referring to the child that comes with the seal?

Child Seals allow the owner(E.g Kisaragi can use the one he gets but Shinonome cannot use the one Kisaragi gets)to promote into one of their two promotions.Stats are based on if you leveled up to that level normally how your stats would be affected so there is a bit of RNG.Late game is considered when the child's level is over 15 I think.(Yes the paralouges do scale with your story progression)

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Buddy Seals are for same sex A+ Supports

Kamui is the only one who can use them at A (Kamui can't actually get any A+ Supports in the first place), but it must still be same sex

If that's the case then, musn't MaMui pick Oni Savage as their secondary class if they wish to have access ot all class sets, and don't plan on marrying Rinkah?

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If that's the case then, musn't MaMui pick Oni Savage as their secondary class if they wish to have access ot all class sets, and don't plan on marrying Rinkah?

Nope, they can use the Buddy Seal on anyone with A-rank support level.

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If that's the case then, musn't MaMui pick Oni Savage as their secondary class if they wish to have access ot all class sets, and don't plan on marrying Rinkah?

Kamui can only Buddy Seal characters who he has an A rank with and is of the same gender.

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Buddy Seals are for same sex A+ Supports

Kamui is the only one who can use them at A (Kamui can't actually get any A+ Supports in the first place), but it must still be same sex

Nope, they can use the Buddy Seal on anyone with A-rank support level.

Kamui can only Buddy Seal characters who he has an A rank with and is of the same gender.

What is the truth though? I need to know if I need to pick Oni Savage as my subclass!

Also who can Kanna buddy seal with?

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What is the truth though? I need to know if I need to pick Oni Savage as my subclass!

Also who can Kanna buddy seal with?

Male: Shinonome, Siegbert, Lutz

Female: Midoriko, Mitama, Kinu, Velour

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What is the truth though? I need to know if I need to pick Oni Savage as my subclass!

Also who can Kanna buddy seal with?

It is same-sex only.I have tested it myself and so have many others.If you want Oni, it has to be your sub-class or you have to marry Rinkah.

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I know Kamui can buddy seal with anyone that is the same-sex and A support, but does it go the opposite way as well? Can any of the other characters use a buddy seal with Kamui? For example: Can I have Odin use a buddy seal with a Male Kamui who has Oni Savage as a chosen class to get Ogre Strike?

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Um… Hinata would give him Samurai, which is wasted… buddy seal's aren't the most intelligent things when looking at your class sets.

You get the secondary class only if your primaries match exactly [e.g., Hinoka and Tsubaki are both Pegasus Warrior primaries and trade secondaries].

But Odin's primary is Dark Mage (secondary Samurai) and Hinata is primary Samurai and secondary Oni.

So Odin gets Samurai from buddy seal… which he already has, so its pointless and wasted.

Hinata gets Dark Mage from buddy sealing Odin.

So no, Odin CANNOT get Ogre Strike from Hinata.

You can transfer Oni Savage to Odin by an Avatar, but not by a buddy seal… you need to MARRY him with a female Avatar who has an Oni Savage secondary. That's the only way she can give him Oni; the male cannot do it.

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Um… Hinata would give him Samurai, which is wasted… buddy seal's aren't the most intelligent things when looking at your class sets.

You get the secondary class only if your primaries match exactly [e.g., Hinoka and Tsubaki are both Pegasus Warrior primaries and trade secondaries].

But Odin's primary is Dark Mage (secondary Samurai) and Hinata is primary Samurai and secondary Oni.

So Odin gets Samurai from buddy seal… which he already has, so its pointless and wasted.

Hinata gets Dark Mage from buddy sealing Odin.

So no, Odin CANNOT get Ogre Strike from Hinata.

You can transfer Oni Savage to Odin by an Avatar, but not by a buddy seal… you need to MARRY him with a female Avatar who has an Oni Savage secondary. That's the only way she can give him Oni; the male cannot do it.

Oh yeah, that is right. For some reason I was thinking that Odin's primary class was Samurai (probably because that's what I plan on using him as, and I saw someone else make the same mistake in another thread and didn't catch it). So if I want to have both Roundhouse and Ogre Strike on him, I will have to marry him to a female Avatar and then hope to purchase Roundhouse from a streetpass team who gave Odin the skill or marry him to Charlotte in a second play-through and purchase Ogre Strike from the log book.

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