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Camilla, Belka, and Lazward's daughter {Spoilers}


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It's textbook teasing. The older, more assertive and confident woman who teases others to express superiority or to get a reaction, for example from Hinoka, who gets very embarrassed. It's a fairly known anime character trait, and it fits with Camilla's personality. As another example, one of her critical quotes is something like "You are cute~. Time for punishment~."

Her S-rank with Kamui is the best way to see the difference between the casual teases and her emotional, serious loving side. It's like night and day.

If they don't give the option for Femui, even when there IS another lesbian romance available, it's for a reason. Camilla may be a tease, she may be in favour of strong girls like her as subordinates, but ultimately she just doesn't swing that way. It isn't a missed opportunity, it's just characterization.

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Honestly speaking, I'm glad Camilla isn't a same sex pairing option.

I imagine she would get even more "slut" comments if she could flirt with girls too. Some people like to bash her character in anyway possible, so I'm willing to bet money on it.

For once. . .I wholeheartedly agree with this. Camilla's got enough emphasis on her physical aspect, and adding her orientation would only make things worse.

ah, I guess that could make sense

(from the translator)

Camilla: Now that I look at you

Youre my type.

Camilla: Youre cute, and very pretty.

Hinoka: !?

Camilla: Your embarrassed face is quite wonderful, too.

seemed more like an attraction to me

Translators can take liberties, so I wouldn't have full faith in this.

And Camilla's, well, hit on Hinoka several times. There's end of chapter 24 for one, and I believe the post-coronation scene she hits on Hinoka again. Her third route support with Hinoka's translation has Hinoka ending on "man she is looking at me with such a passionate look, not sure if want?" So while Hinoka might not reciprocate (as much as I do like CamillaHinoka), it is strange that Camilla can S Mamui but not Femui, since the whole adopted sibling thing doesn't seem to bother her in the least bit. And she does dote on Kamui regardless of gender, so...

I get the sense that Camilla's got a little bit of troll in her, but I'll figure out her full intentions once the NA version is released. Think of Legault, and how he commented on guys being attractive, despite the fact that I think he's straight. :P:


What is it about long, lavender hair and trolling tendencies? :P:

Don't know enough about Soliel/Belka to say anything about them.

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Belka's mostly a misunderstanding. In her description, it was said that she's a favorite of Camilla, who liked strong women, but many (including me at first until I took a better look) mistook it to mean that Belka was the one who liked strong women.

Soleil's convo with Inigo mentions she took 5 girls out to tea and Inigo laments on his own incompetence.

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Belka's mostly a misunderstanding. In her description, it was said that she's a favorite of Camilla, who liked strong women, but many (including me at first until I took a better look) mistook it to mean that Belka was the one who liked strong women.

Soleil's convo with Inigo mentions she took 5 girls out to tea and Inigo laments on his own incompetence.

I'll let Belka herself tell me whether or not she should've been a bi option. :P:

Soliel seems to be more of a social butterfly than a womanizer, from what little I've seen. Inigo's mind is just in the wrong place. :P:

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Soliel seems to be more of a social butterfly than a womanizer, from what little I've seen. Inigo's mind is just in the wrong place. :P:

I understand why you think that but her personal skill is "Girl Lover" which gives her buffs for being around girls and she even hits on Ophelia if memory serves correctly. Like, she seems to wanna be more than just gal pals if you ask me lmao. And I see what people have said about Belka with mistranslations, so I guess that case lays to rest.

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Just because the description said "likes strong woman" that doesn't mean Camilla have to like them in sexual way.
Yes it could be easy for them to make it it same-sex option, but I'm somehow glad they didn't make so because of the reason above i.e. not everything should become sexual.

Now in the case of Soleil, that's interesting. Her type of character isn't that rare either in manga especially shojo. They're usually the type of girl who attract bunch of girl because they godly skills with their tongue. But somehow still, these type of character still ended up with a guy. I go with eclipse's explanation that Soleil type of character is much more of a social butterfly who do it for fun.

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I understand why you think that but her personal skill is "Girl Lover" which gives her buffs for being around girls and she even hits on Ophelia if memory serves correctly. Like, she seems to wanna be more than just gal pals if you ask me lmao. And I see what people have said about Belka with mistranslations, so I guess that case lays to rest.

Personal skill - I don't really see that as much of anything. I really like hanging around guys (I'd probably have "Male Lover" or something like that if I was a character in this game), but that shouldn't indicate which way I swing.

Hitting on Ophelia - Will need a LOT of context, as well as bunch more background information. . .which is well into the spoiler territory I don't want to touch.

I'll make up my mind when I see everything. Not beforehand.

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Soliel seems to be more of a social butterfly than a womanizer, from what little I've seen. Inigo's mind is just in the wrong place. :P:

That's what I thought... until I read those supports with Ophelia.

This image basically sums it up (spoilered for tidiness, it doesn't actually spoil anything):


Edited by EJ107
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I feel like Camilla, Silas and Soleil as options for same-sex marriage would've made complete sense, especially considering how flirty Camilla is towards other female characters and how sweet Silas is to Kamui regardless of gender. I even think Azura as a female same-sex support could've been a nice option.

Despite this, I'm just glad there are same-sex marriages available in the game since I had lost hope once the kids were leaked (do a better job next time though, IS! Or give me something via DLC pls :sob: )

I agree with this pretty much.

Yes, I'm happy as well that we have same-sex-options now, but I'm a bit disappointed about the way this was implemented. There isn't even one option for every gender in all of the routes, and while the bi characters we got aren't necessarily bad choices, I'm still kind surprised that they were chosen over other ones.

Shara has indeed the whole Tharja 2.0 attraction going on, so it's pretty plausible for her to fall in love with Kamui, but she's still a child character and I know quite many people who aren't really comfortable with marrying second gen.

Zero, on the other hand, is kind of hard to judge for me at the moment, as I haven't read any of his supports besides the one with Kamui, but if the sadistic part of his personality is too dominating in his general behaviour... Meh.

Regarding the other characters that people have brought up, here's my opinion on them:

Camilla - I don't really know about her. Yes, she is extremely affectionate towards Femui, likes "strong girls" in general and has the whole semi-flirty dialog with Hinoka... But on the other side, I can definitely see her as teasing only and being the overly loving big sister. I dunno.

Soleil - I haven't seen too much of her so far, but her personal skill and the does-want-to-invitie-girls-out-all-the-time-part of her dialog with Lazward seem to be hinting towards a possible bi orientation. And if that picture about her support with Ophelia actually somewhat resembles reality, then... it's pretty obvious.

Belka - I do have close to no idea about her personality so far, so I can't really form an opinion about this case.

Azura - Seems to be another kind of popular choice for this. And could definitely be possible considering the common trope relationship that protagonist#1 falls in love with protagonist#2.

Silas - Is the male option I was honestly expecting before I saw it was Zero. He is Kamui's best friend forever, becomes a knight just to see you again and (depending on route) turns traitor towards his country to be with you. Futhermore, the supports between them tell us that Kamui apparently cried all day when he couldn't see his friend anymore, and that doing stuff for him makes Silas happier than anything else. Honestly, how obvious do they even need to get? Why is this not an option?

So all in all, I'm happy that there are possibilities now, but I do still think that Nintendo could add up on what we already have. DLC/spotpass maybe? Wishful thinking for the win?

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