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A few spoilery questions on Camilla's character


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Just some things I wish clarified if ppl know the answer:

1) Do we have any screenshots or has anyone seen her left eye? (the eye covered by her hair)

2) Some are suggesting Camilla has hots for Hinoka - and this is story scripted - both characters could be married but... anyone can give some context to those lines? Is Camilla actually bisexual?

3) Any examples of Camilla's personality? Is she the ara-ara type or just the normal caring big-sis type?

4) Do you think Camilla's face betrays her body? She's got a really airhead/innocent caring face... but that clothing design though...

Thanks :)

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All I know for 2) is that it's said that she canonically likes strong girls, which is why her subordinates are Belka and Luna. She unfortunately can't S-rank with them, though.

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1. Nope. None so far.

2. This is a bit of spoiler topic since it's a support question, but she doesn't have the hot for Hinoka, rather she has the hot for Kamui, which is obvious. When Hinoka and Camilla support each other, (3rd path only of course) Camilla teachs Hinoka how to do lady behaviors like cooking or sewing. In one of the Rank, Hinoka finds out that Camilla mends Kamui's cape all the time.

3. She's ara-ara type that cares SHIT-TON for Kamui and her family. You can find out from Camilla's support with Kamui.

4. Her face doesn't really betray her body. But in one way, I suppose it does.

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why does liking strong females resulting in "S-rank" option

No idea.

I think Camilla is the type to keep herself "pure" in a sense so she doesn't let other men be near her save for her siblings and her favorite person, Kamui.

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why does liking strong females resulting in "S-rank" option

I mean it doesn't really lead to that, but she says that girls like Hinoka are 'her type' (in an in-battle conversation) and it would be nice to have more F/F and M/M S supports.

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I hate how for certain people the idea of admiring another person of the same gender for their strength or whatever implies you want $%##2 them. Its the same with heterosexual folks as well oh you gave a girl a compliment that means you just want sex. For God's sake.......

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I hate how for certain people the idea of admiring another person of the same gender for their strength or whatever implies you want $%##2 them. Its the same with heterosexual folks as well oh you gave a girl a compliment that means you just want sex. For God's sake.......

Blame anime. Or social media and fictions in general. :p

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