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How is Corrin shaping up to be as a character? No spoilers, please

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I've been hoping that Corrin deviates from other FE lords given the story he's in. I have heard that Corrin is more on the sensitive side of things, but then I've heard people say he's more generic if anything, or somewhat a mix of the two. From the Treehouse footage, he's nice and naive... that seems to be it. So... how is he as a character? Does he at least undergo some development? Do the events of the game really weigh on him? Please no spoilers.

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He seems overly idealistic, always trying to end conflicts without violence and wants to avoid killing even people who have demonstrated hostile intentions to him. Sometimes I like it, it avoids some stupid drama that can occur from no one saying "you know what, let's not kill each other" but other times it comes off as horribly naive.

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S/He has to decide things out throughout the gameplay, so I would assume...yes.

But his/her naivety will rob him/her of important things.

I think I am evil since I like what I am seeing.

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Can anyone compare him to Luke from Tales Of The Abyss.I know there arent many(is there even 1?)parallels between the 2 but is there some sort of change in Kamui thats similar/identical to Luke's.Dont spoil Fates' story obviously.

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He's pretty much bland, fairly stupid and not only due to his naïvité and he's constantly being told what to do which makes me question his ability to lead his ragtag bunch of misfits.

But hey, his heart is in the right place.

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He's pretty much bland, fairly stupid and not only due to his naïvité and he's constantly being told what to do which makes me question his ability to lead his ragtag bunch of misfits.

But hey, his heart is in the right place.

Sounds a lot like generic anime hero to me. Sadly that's what I expected, and that's what we got. I knew this would happen as soon as I saw Mysterious Charisma as a translation of their personal skill.

Wait, no! There might be hope! Does Corrin have a huge appetite? It could be that Corrin is only 90% generic!

All in all though I'm noticing a trend where the worst part of the story (in many things. Not just FE.) is the main character. So, it's not like it's going to be a huge mark against the game. Just another boring protagonist.

Edited by Honey Bunny
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Sounds a lot like generic anime hero to me. Sadly that's what I expected, and that's what we got. I knew this would happen as soon as I saw Mysterious Charisma as a translation of their personal skill.

Wait, no! There might be hope! Does Corrin have a huge appetite? It could be that Corrin is only 90% generic!

All in all though I'm noticing a trend where the worst part of the story (in many things. Not just FE.) is the main character. So, it's not like it's going to be a huge mark against the game. Just another boring protagonist.

What I find is becoming more and more common in video game is the player worshipping. Everyone loves Kamui unconditionally despite the fact that they're so very bland. The fact that he's the "chosen one" doesn't bother me since that's the case in an untold number of games, but the way a game handles such an element is key. In The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, you're the chosen one but everyone in that world tells you to fuck off right off the bat, whereas here Kamui is the best thing since sliced bread because he's Kamui, and that doesn't sit well with me.

Say what you will about Robin, but at least it was shown that they knew stratgy even if they were about as interesting as a dry potato; Kamui is leading the army because...reasons?

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Sounds a lot like generic anime hero to me. Sadly that's what I expected, and that's what we got. I knew this would happen as soon as I saw Mysterious Charisma as a translation of their personal skill.

Wait, no! There might be hope! Does Corrin have a huge appetite? It could be that Corrin is only 90% generic!

All in all though I'm noticing a trend where the worst part of the story (in many things. Not just FE.) is the main character. So, it's not like it's going to be a huge mark against the game. Just another boring protagonist.

Well FE has shown (on occasion) in the past that they can write protagonists well, but as long as the protagonist is advertised as a self-insert he/she is doomed to be bland. Unfortunately it seems like at this point there would be a massive outcry if the self-insert option were ever taken out in future games. Not sure if many people would be happy with a compromise where the protagonist is 100% their own established character (with limited supports and such), but can have their appearance and other attributes customized.

The ass-kissing, however, can be taken the hell out without having any sort of negative impact on the game.

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All those talks of being too naïve reminds me of Marth, who always seems to be just one step away from being assassinated. But at least Kamui is actively trying to stop things. Contrast with Micaiah, who is given every chance to switch side and end things swiftly but refuses to do so, believing in the blood pact's impact over Ike's team's physical power to end it ASAP despite hearing many accounts of him from Sothe and even meeting him in person. That makes for a worse leader than Kamui or Marth or Robin or anyone else IMO.

So no, I don't really want a main character that's too different from the previous ones personality-wise.

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Eh, I dunno, Luke was kinda bland in the end...

So, could it be said that Kamui is mary-suish ? Or just that the plot is crap and doesn't allow much ? Both ?

I never seen the point of being able to customize MU, if in the end, he was the same happy-go-lucky dude. :/

Say what you will about Robin, but at least it was shown that they knew stratgy even if they were about as interesting as a dry potato; Kamui is leading the army because...reasons?

Well to be fair, the point of leading the army was never made very clear in past Fire Emblem.

Edited by B.Leu
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What I find is becoming more and more common in video game is the player worshipping. Everyone loves Kamui unconditionally despite the fact that they're so very bland. The fact that he's the "chosen one" doesn't bother me since that's the case in an untold number of games, but the way a game handles such an element is key. In The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, you're the chosen one but everyone in that world tells you to fuck off right off the bat, whereas here Kamui is the best thing since sliced bread because he's Kamui, and that doesn't sit well with me.

Say what you will about Robin, but at least it was shown that they knew stratgy even if they were about as interesting as a dry potato; Kamui is leading the army because...reasons?

Oh dear, it's worse than I thought then. Corrin's the chosen one, eh? That's...troubling. There's only one game I've ever seen that didn't let being the chosen one go to your head, and that was Dragon's Dogma. Even TES was victim to the player worshiping that you talk about. The only difference was that it delayed it.

Several things could be said about Dragon Age, but that is one thing it does right. As long as you actually choose options that give the protagonist a consistent personality (other than sycophant) then there are going to be people who won't like them.

Well FE has shown (on occasion) in the past that they can write protagonists well, but as long as the protagonist is advertised as a self-insert he/she is doomed to be bland. Unfortunately it seems like at this point there would be a massive outcry if the self-insert option were ever taken out in future games. Not sure if many people would be happy with a compromise where the protagonist is 100% their own established character (with limited supports and such), but can have their appearance and other attributes customized.

The ass-kissing, however, can be taken the hell out without having any sort of negative impact on the game.

I'd be all for changing MU from self-insert to customizable character. That's how I tend to use customization anyway. Most people do seem to use it for self-inserts though, and I don't quite understand why.

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I haven't read a lot of Kamui's supports yet, but from what I've read so far he seems like your generic, whiny, and annoying anime protagonist.

I didn't really mind Robin, so maybe I'll get used to it when I actually play the game, but so far my impression of Kamui has not been positive.

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I am all fine with all-loving heroes and wide-eyed idealists, but I expect them to be called out for it instead of worshipped. I mean, how will Kamui justify for Oboro that he has Nohrians in his army? Is he going like "They are people too you know" and she answers "okay"? Why is there so little focus on the conflicts? Hate is as good as any to keep a man going. Better than most.

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Eh, I dunno, Luke was kinda bland in the end...

So, could it be said that Kamui is mary-suish ? Or just that the plot is crap and doesn't allow much ? Both ?

I never seen the point of being able to customize MU, if in the end, he was the same happy-go-lucky dude. :/

Well to be fair, the point of leading the army was never made very clear in past Fire Emblem.

At the very end, after he went through a bunch of crap and developed throughout the story.

Thankfully Kamui is nothing like Luke,

...Are we talking about the same Luke?

So, yeah, sounds like my fear turned out to be true. This is why I don't like self-inserts: there's no motivation to write an interesting character. Sure, the Lords of past games have been hit-and-miss, but at least we had hits, compared to all misses since 2008.

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Several things could be said about Dragon Age, but that is one thing it does right. As long as you actually choose options that give the protagonist a consistent personality (other than sycophant) then there are going to be people who won't like them.

Don't even really have to say anything. Your protagonist in DA:O will have some people tell you the fuck off because of the race you chose (Elf, Dwarf, Human). DA:O does a good job of incorporating that into the story (for example, the one conversation with Alistair where they talk about holding a funeral for *spoiler*, if your a dwarf or elf he'll ask you about how your people bury their dead).

But I'm getting off topic.

I am all fine with all-loving heroes and wide-eyed idealists, but I expect them to be called out for it instead of worshipped. I mean, how will Kamui justify for Oboro that he has Nohrians in his army? Is he going like "They are people too you know" and she answers "okay"? Why is there so little focus on the conflicts? Hate is as good as any to keep a man going. Better than most.

Yeah, if other characters don't challenge a character's ideals then it makes that character shit and most of the other characters around them a little shittier too.

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What I find is becoming more and more common in video game is the player worshipping. Everyone loves Kamui unconditionally despite the fact that they're so very bland. The fact that he's the "chosen one" doesn't bother me since that's the case in an untold number of games, but the way a game handles such an element is key. In The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, you're the chosen one but everyone in that world tells you to fuck off right off the bat, whereas here Kamui is the best thing since sliced bread because he's Kamui, and that doesn't sit well with me.

Say what you will about Robin, but at least it was shown that they knew stratgy even if they were about as interesting as a dry potato; Kamui is leading the army because...reasons?

This sounds like we sort of got a Corrin Sue. What a bummer. I agree with your point though.

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Now I know I am heading right into spoiler territory but is there is any reason given in the game of why Kamui is good at strategy? It's at least implied in Awakening that Robin is a total tactics nerd.

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