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[Minor Spoiler] FE14's difficulty


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Every post in this thread commenting about nohr's difficulty makes me even more hyped up about it. From what i've read here, it's a consistent challenge in normal mode and it's hard mode is worthy of the name hard. That's the way i like it.

About people comparing Nohr's path to Thracia 776: Is that game so hard? I never got to play it before.

Thracia is just weird. There are certainly chapters that are hard, but the game itself isn't too terrible. The hardest part is just knowing to abuse it. You have to make full use of the capture system, since it's the only way to get weapons, how the warp staff is the best weapon in the game, and that Leif has to escape last or else everyone else is captured.

The people you get don't really have amazing growths, but scrolls help with that. But enemy stats are really pretty low, the problem comes in when you have to juggle that in combination with fatigue, and it quickly can become overwhelming.

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Mostly anyway

The growths speak for themselves

It says something when Ryoma, a Swordmaster (I'm not calling them trueblades dammit), has more HP and DEF than most of your army

Crimson has more base Defense (granted, Crimson is a prepromote and a wyvern lord to boot) than most of your army is going to get at max (Then again I am looking at the more paper defense characters, like Hana and Kagerou. I suppose like, maybe Oboro would have more defense.)

Hinata's speed largely sucks for a swordmaster though, so his "slightly better" defense isn't very helpful

Jakob (who has more defense that a large number of your units, though remember, the average is barely scraping 40-50% even after class bonuses, it also "doesn't help" that Hoshido classes aren't very General/Tank based either) doesn't pass the 20 mark.

Mozume gets points because she is actually all round great at everything, will double pretty much everything theoretically, good str to 1RKO things, can actually take hits, this is starting to sound like the dawn brigade for some reason, when you can actually survive two hits = Tank?

Ironically, Sakura ends up with nearly 20 DEF, compared to Elise who has..10 DEF

Subaki has trash speed for a Falcoknight

Saizou actually has respectable stats, I may have spoke too soon

Hinoka is slightly underwhelming, but I suppose when you pass 20 DEF it's a good thing

For all the crap I give Asama his growths aren't that bad.

Takumi> Setsuna. Takumi actually has more DEF than Hinoka, though I suppose he is a guy after all

Hinata apparently went to the same "no speed for your class" school as Subaki

Oboro is actually a pretty good all rounder as well

Kagerou is actually kinda held back by her stat caps. She would have like, 5 more strength by the end if she didn't have such low caps.

Crimson is a prepromote who actually starts with 20 DEF, and actually has growths that don't suck.

On Kagerou her strength cap does not seem horrible as a elite ninja, 30 is not that bad, and 33 as a puppeteer actually beats a fair amount of the Hoshido character, still i find it ironic that naturally her best class for str cap is the hybrid basara
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How does "fixed growths" work?

If it's anything like PoR then your stats will trend toward the averages.

For instance if you have a character with a 50% growth on normal random mode you have a 50% chance to gain a point in that stat every level. On fixed mode you will gain 1 stat point every other level basically guaranteed. It eliminates RNG screwage but also eliminates RNG blessing.

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Just beat chapter 24 on Nohr hard mode without a casualty - probably the easiest Nohr chapter barring the first few maps. Strange considering that chapter 23 was ludicrously difficult.

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I've heard that on Normal, Nohr is still difficult, but it isn't that bad. On Hard, it is supposedly harder than Awakening's Lunatic mode. Hoshido, however, is supposed to be easier than Nohr overall.

Thanks so it like in the middle it hard but not to hard were don't want to play anymore, as far as normal goes.

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Awakening wasn't that bad on Lunatic, barring some chapters like 2 and 5.

I'm gonna be disappointed if there is no Luna+ type difficulty in Fates. I used to think L+ was poorly designed until I did some reading on the FEA subforum.

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I'm finding this discussion very interesting. I'm not the most skilled FE player and play fairly casually (in the literal sense, gameplay-wise I usually set classic settings for character death). I've been intimidated by the potential difficulty of Nohr, but the characters, classes, etc. all seem far more appealing to me. I have a gut feeling I'll buy the Nohr version, play both a one or two times, but end up playing the "third path" the most if it ends up with the most army variety.

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