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About goodperson707

  • Birthday 04/16/1996

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    Somewhere eh

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Sacred Stones

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  • I fight for...
    Order of Heroes

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  1. Exactly so don't tone police me. Enjoy your enlightened view on slurs when you continue to ignore the multiple points I offered to discuss.
  2. Okay I'm sensing a lot of hostility from you. Why would you not want to edit out (accidental) slurs yourself? Why does what I want matter? Not sure why you think I'd be convinced that you're ignoring my points about Emblem Alear in a post that's ignoring my points about emblem Alear. A mystery of the like of why Emblem Alear is different than the other emblems.
  3. They already have fell dragon effectiveness. That they are different from the other emblems is lore on its own merits that is the argument. You are free to take it or leave it but ignoring it at this point is pure denial. Also maybe instead of passive aggressive sniping at my "hostility" you could edit your posts for typos, autocorrect and accidental slurs.
  4. Just cause you started this thread already having reached a conclusion doesn't mean discussion won't arise, I'm just done trying to explain simple concepts to a brick wall.
  5. I'm done trying to explain that them having weapons is in and of itself lore and points to how them being the 13th emblem works. At least this hypothetical sword doesn't contain a slur this time.
  6. Okay I have no time for such pedantry as "abilities based on Alear = abilities they already have". Do you or do you not understand why it's fitting for Alear to gain an effective corrupted sword? The "implication" is that they have engage weapons that are based on their character and not weapons they have used, because they do and that is in and of itself lore. You can do what you want with your slur, editing it away or reviewing your post to find it simply changes how I and others view your use of it.
  7. "in and of itself" by itself; with respect to its intrinsic or inherent nature without consideration of extraneous factors; per se, intrinsically, inherently. Alear has engage weapons of their own as the 13th emblem and they have to do with their character. That is applicable lore regardless of your tunnel vision on the other emblems weapons and is not taken from nowhere. Frankly I don't care for arguing with such pedantry as "effective: corrupted has nothing to do with corrupted", are you gonna remove the slur from your previous post or not?
  8. Really, you're asking what association Alear has with corrupted? This is an unmarked spoiler thread. Again them having their own engage weapons is lore in and of itself. Also maybe next time think a little more about the name of a fake Ragnell after you edit this one.
  9. Them not being actual weapons while having effects based on Alear (modified Liberation effect and effective corrupted) is lore in and of itself and hardly random/pulled out of nowhere. Though on the name front there is no difference (well a lack of accent) in the textfiles which has a bunch of romanized names. Edit: Checked the actual datamine and it has the ID in Japanese. It's Lyration and Oligoludia but translated from Japanese to English and as if I used google translate. Just for curiosity's sake I also did Dragon's fist. That was different as it was translated to Law of the Dragon God. Embellished perhaps but same spirit.
  10. I've experienced a freeze on the unit details screen where no inputs seemed to work, pretty sure I button mashed as I realized I didn't want to go to that screen and it got stuck. Only had to restart an anna grinding skirmish so not that big of a lost.
  11. Do you mean Failnaught (well falling star in 3H) in engage or 3H? Since in Engage it's not really used by just Claude. (I suppose it's not fully locked in 3H either ) I don't think that's true in either though, In 3h can't you use it on all the (non flying as redundant) demonic beasts and in engage you have wyrms (and fell dragons with some help) to use it on.
  12. Using the format of FE/SF/Morgan--Grandmaster, here's my attempt at bringing over some non FE mechanics (and maybe make a certain poster regret going with the meme option) with
  13. Yeah this seems to be less that fortifications don't exist but rather that they are far less impactful than they typically would be. Stuff like the surprise appearance of corrupted, a large force of them not as likely to be reliant on stuff like supply lines, and that a good amount of recurring antagonists are highly mobile can tie into why that is.
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