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  1. Thank you so much! I'll keep this in mind going forward (and also take it easy on grinding HoF too, even if I only have one torch left at the moment). Update: She now has No Quarter! I can't decide between keeping Pledge or looking for Incite. I guess I'll just see what happens on that front. Pledge is more defensive but it would also synergize with Finish and Liberation better than if Alear zoomed off with Incite...
  2. Is that still "Pledge is better for defensive/ GLR builds, Incite is better for more offensive/ NQ builds"? Thanks!
  3. Agreed. I know Remixed Heroes don't get brand new skills very often but I figured he was a perfect candidate for A/D Near Trace 3 or 4, but as you say it makes sense if he gets the upgraded Canto effect in his weapon instead. I hope that's the case, the lack of Canto is really noticeable (at least for me) when using him these days.
  4. Thanks! For the record I'm 99% sure I'll just get Alear. As for Incite, are you saying that's better than Pledge for her? (Sorry for bringing this up over and over again.)
  5. In that case, My A!Peony has both NQ and Atk/Spd Prime. Unfortunately I have no sources of Incite Atk/Spd and only one for Atk/Spd Pledge, so that still worries me. So with the skills at my disposal, is Pledge better to keep or should I keep fishing for Incite? Alear is the only Forma I'm going for at the moment (unless someone sells me on Celine in the next two weeks) but I think she'll be fine solo'ing Floor 25 if I just give her Liberation back? We'll see. I noticed she has trouble with blue tanks. Thanks as always, Ice!
  6. Hi all, this is what I've got for my F!Alear so far into HoF. (Florid Cane + Rally Atk/Spd+ + GLR + A/S Finish 4 + Potent 4 + A/S Pledge.) Is that a good place to stop or should I keep going? For example, I'm going to use Liberation in regular content so should I get Incite Atk/Spd instead for the Incite status? I'm not too concerned about lacking NFU since the NFU Seal is always an option. Thanks to everyone who's given me advice on how to build her so far! P.S. Florid Cane is not a good weapon for Floor 25, unfortunately. But hey, I can always get Liberation back from Floor 13 and get Florid Cane with my Grails if I really want to play with it some more.
  7. It may be too soon after his Emblem alt but I'd like to see Corrupted Emblem Marth. If nothing else a second source of Potent would be appreciated... though that just makes it more likely he'll be on next year's fallen banner instead. While I'd love to see Fallen Veyle, I'm not going to get my hopes up. Instead I'll play it safe and assume we'll get complementary Heroes to last year, i.e. F!M!Byleth and Lloyd. ...and more Three Hopes Heroes because 3H bias.
  8. And another chapter down! Not much happened this time, but we still got some meaningful developments and confirmation that Yggdrasil and the Askran + Emblians' power are similar enough to work together. Neat! Also a bit of development from the Healing Hands. While Nidhoggr's line to Ratatoskr is a bit on the nose on the surface, the reveal earlier that she keeps trying to numb her emotions means it still says something about her regardless. Also their dad is getting involved. I assume he'll get teased next month and properly revealed with the midpoint trailer/ banner.
  9. Added to the OP, thank you as always, both of you!! (Also it only clicked when I saw your version that we'll get a trailer on the 14th. Neat! But also worrying because...) I sure hope not, happy saving for all of us! That's a fair assumption. I must say, back in 2017 I didn't think I'd ever want another Fates banner over something else, yet here we are.
  10. 0. I don't think any of Engage's Legendary/ Mythic Heroes are slated to appear this month? And even if they were they're all too new and powerful to be in HoF already. That said, Veyle's probably the most likely to show up in the next Engage HoF since she's "just" a supportive nuke compared to the tankiness of the others (I think L!F!Alear's starting to fall off though). Maybe we'll get a surprise Feh Channel instead? I'm honestly shocked those three in particular aren't in FEH yet, even as seasonals. I'd bet on premium banner unit Scarlet, demote Mozu and GHB Shura personally, though I also wouldn't be surprised if IS gave Mozu a somewhat premium kit and sent a guy out to die as the demote instead, like Kagetsu earlier.
  11. Formatted version by @Diovani Bressan and @DarkAlf: Formatted version by u/soulskourer: (Plain link version of the above: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1c15sct/formatted_calendar_042024052024_edition/) Estimate of Orbs for this month (274): https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1c199cy/estimate_of_upcoming_orbs_based_on_the_202404/ What do you think? Two NH Banners this month with the second being the annual Fallen Heroes one. I REALLY hope no one from Engage is on here, I literally can't afford to pull on anything right now since I'm also planning to pull on the HoF banner on the 22nd. And that's not even mentioning the midpoint banner coming next month with a "free" Mythic, IIRC.
  12. Thanks! I only have 2 Chroms IIRC, so I need to be careful about how I use him as well. I'll think it over some more. And thank you for your recommendations too @XRay!
  13. Apparently Gambit is better for her, so I figured I'd rely on Alarm for the Canto (she has Alarm Spd/Def, not Def/Res, my bad!) And as you say, I'm not planning on building any beasts anytime soon, so that makes it okay to spend her on Eirika? I hope?
  14. I don't even have E!Marth, so that's not a problem for me at the moment 😛 But thank you for the assessment! My L!Eirika already has good skills right now (Ruptured Sky, Flared Sparrow + Gambit 4) and I only have the one copy of Eitr so I don't want to put too many good skills on her at the moment. Are there any relatively cheap skills I could put on her? Snags and Ruses could be fun for general content for example, since both she and Eirika would have that one space of Canto to play around with. Thank you again!
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