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  1. ... people were bringing up my on/off vote for Marth until the last minute. O_o Ooh, I'm looking forward to this, thank you! This resonates with my daily life so painfully well.
  2. I missed Cam's comment at the time, but I was tempted to claim my role when this happened. But considering being an ascetic makes it harder to prove my innocence and people were suspecting me anyway, I just went with the flow of the conversation about there being a blocker of some kind. Oops?
  3. Thanks! This was fun, even if I feel like this right now:
  4. I'm amazed I survived to be honest. Thank you so much! Sorry about that. Eh, if it wasn't Cam it would have been me and I wasn't contributing much, so... yeah. I kinda envy Aster to be honest. At least being scum gives you some information and incentive to be aggressive from the get go, compared to townies who have to be careful about who they're voting for. And again, sorry about that. I should write up Eury walls of my own if I do this again, not just vague bullet points about comments that caught my eye.
  5. Honestly? You. You've been a lot more forthcoming today (compared to seeming pretty quiet on D2 and some of D3) which is why I echoed Sunwoo's Cam vote, but my second choice would be you and my third is most likely Elie for the back and forth with Eury on D2.
  6. I know I'm bad at this game, but I really am town!
  7. And I only have myself to blame. I'm not sure what to think of Weapons anymore, so I'm going to fall back on my Cam suspicions. This late in the game I don't think I should be sitting on the fence anymore so... sorry about this. ##Vote: @CT075
  8. If you want to share them, go for it. I think it'd help me get my thoughts in order too. Right now I'm leaning towards your call for Cam and my earlier doubts about Weapons, though they've been more active today.
  9. P.S. Are neighbors told what the other's faction is? Because how would two scum members of different teams even get to the point of admitting it to each other without fearing getting lynched or killed for it right away?
  10. I really am just an Ascetic. BBM didn't tell me anything else and I didn't get any DMs from another neighbour player either.
  11. Ah, that's what Neighbor is, thanks! And that's what you meant, I was wondering if you had something else to add, my bad!
  12. Aster said their action failed while they were alive yesterday if that counts? I would invite someone to test a non-lethal action on me tonight but at this point in the game every action counts, so... yeah. Do you have anything to say to Sunwoo voting for you?
  13. How exactly does inventor work, do you have a set of roles you can give to other people?
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