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Etrurian emperor

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    Blazing Sword

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  1. I think the first experience with the game was among the best I had in Fire Emblem, but its also a game that's hard to go back to because the gameplay of each route except Crimson Flower is mostly the same. The Fodlan fatigue only extend to gameplay though, since Hopes showed that there was even more millage to get out of the cast, world and story then we thought. Its still unclear what the legacy of Three Houses will be within the series. Engage took over practically nothing from Three Houses but was also developed alongside it, so it couldn't have. What lessons the series will take from Three Houses will likely get revealed in the next Fire Emblem. In terms of story, worldbuilding and characters Three Houses could be a happy accident due to another dev being at the helm, and it being the Awakening style that IS really wants to stick with. Or due the positive reception the next game will take cues from Three Houses in this area. In terms of gameplay I think I would be a little disappointed if the next game does take after Three Houses. It would make the game less unique but also risk bringing a fatigue to the next title. And while I have little interest in ironmanning, I do strongly feel that the gameplay style of Three Houses doesn't really fit with the philosophy that units should be allowed to die, and that this is a shame.
  2. Their Hopes ending because in that ending daddy is still alive and they likely won't be shoved into roles they might not like. I don't think Byleth themselves would really want to be Bishop or Claude's puppe...um I mean king of their own accord. That and given the steep age difference I don't see much difference in Byleth seducing their students, or those two seducing Byleth. All the more so since because they enter teaching as a completely one can argue Byleth is more their protege then peer as a teacher.
  3. Shadow Dragon and FE6 seem very iron man friendly since its got large casts and the units are relatively replacable.
  4. My stance on the matter is negative. In part because I think its endangering the work of artists and replacing it with soulless slob. But I also dabbled in the matter briefly out of morbid curiosity and consider myself unimpressed. If you asked for a character dual wielding swords you're just as likely to get some monstrosity that has swords fused into his arms.
  5. But yeah this is quite a bad banner. It seems the devs felt obligated to do a Sacred Stones banner while also really not wanting to do a Sacred Stones banner. The result is them going through the motions with Eirika, and dragging their feet in adding new characters through an oc and an alt. Strange Ashe doesn't seem to be Forde's Forging Bonds partner since he's so similar to Franz.
  6. Its always a missed chance not to depict Rhea's influence on Dimitri. Rhea has her vengeance induced rage issues as well so when together they can either spiral into insanity together, or have Rhea try and mentor Dimitri since she knows what its like to sink that low and doesn't want it for Dimitri. Crimson Flower is the route they're together so that was the time to depict such a relation.
  7. Not exactly an unpopular opinion but a topic that I never really heard brought up yet. Ingrid's House Galathea makes no sense. They broke away from house Daphnell due to a dispute and stole the relic from the Alliance to the Kingdom. Except house Galathea seems to have been completely swindled in that particular deal. Ingrid's House is repeatedly mentioned to be dirt poor with its relic and crests the only thing they have going for them. This in contrast to house Daphnel which until they lost their relic was one of the five great houses in the alliance and is never mentioned as being stuck in poverty. House Galathea gave the Kingdom a new relic and in return they got squat. It makes one wonder why they ever accepted such a deal to begin with.
  8. For Xenoblade I think most people liked the extra context that Future Redeemed gave to consul N. On the whole I dislike it and I think it decreases the edge which makes N such a fun villain. I get the contrast between a recently corrupted N in this expansion, and the N who's corrupted far longer in the base game, but even with this in mind the game made him way too soft. The very reason N is so great is because he's intensely pathetic and grotesque. This game trying to reduce his blame makes him less interesting instead of more.
  9. So if Bernie has to poop she’s forced to take Goldmary with her. That’s awkward
  10. Its pretty amusing that no one not already in the know would ever guess Clanne is a year older than Petra is.
  11. I think the Tellius games. A big part of the charm is that the music is very personalized with each mayor character and faction getting their own theme music.
  12. I wonder what the king has to say about his old court mage going completely coocoo and almost destroying his kingdom.
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