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I think that rule just covers for the future. For example, a future effect that kills a unit when it attacks or something could create a forced march and therefore miss its target on the backline.

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Eleonora 4 effect 1 claims all bow units can attack enemy units regardless of range for the turn and they can't be evaded unless attacking the MC for the turn as long as you discard an Eleonora or Virion. That effect includes her, correct?

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Eleonora 4 effect 1 claims all bow units can attack enemy units regardless of range for the turn and they can't be evaded unless attacking the MC for the turn as long as you discard an Eleonora or Virion. That effect includes her, correct?

Yes it does since she is a bow unit. The effect specifics all, so it includes Eleanora herself.

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Oh and another question. Tsubasa 4 from the starter deck says if she moves, the row she moves into gets +10. Is that until the end of the turn? Or only as long as she stays there? Does the movement have to come specifically from the second effect? Like...could you theoretically give both rows +10 if she moves around constantly via other effects?

Appreciate the help.

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Oh and another question. Tsubasa 4 from the starter deck says if she moves, the row she moves into gets +10. Is that until the end of the turn? Or only as long as she stays there? Does the movement have to come specifically from the second effect? Like...could you theoretically give both rows +10 if she moves around constantly via other effects?

Appreciate the help.

It's like a passive buff for the turn. If she has moved for this turn, then the row she is currently in gains +10 (besides herself). So yes, it is pretty much until the end of the turn. You can move her with any kind of movement skill, including her own to activate the skill.

She can only give one row at a time +10. While she's in the front, all other units in the front +10, in the back, +10 to all units in the back only. It can't happen more than once and it doesn't stack, hence why it's like a buff.

Well if you can move her during the opponent's turn to gain +10 buff for a row it could happen but I don't think that's possible right now.

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It's like a passive buff for the turn. If she has moved for this turn, then the row she is currently in gains +10 (besides herself). So yes, it is pretty much until the end of the turn. You can move her with any kind of movement skill, including her own to activate the skill.

She can only give one row at a time +10. While she's in the front, all other units in the front +10, in the back, +10 to all units in the back only. It can't happen more than once and it doesn't stack, hence why it's like a buff.

Well if you can move her during the opponent's turn to gain +10 buff for a row it could happen but I don't think that's possible right now.

Thanks for your help. I went to my local shop and got myself 4 boxes last night so I'm trying to piece together a deck I can have fun with. I like Eleonora and Tsubasa a lot. Finding others who compliment them other than the obvious choices has been challenging.

Again, appreciate the help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys. I just recently started playing the FE Cipher and I've read/watched rule explanations in multiple places. I understand most of the rules (enough to be able to play the game at a rookie level I think) but I still have a few questions that I haven't been able to figure out and haven't really incorporated in the match I've played.

1. What's the significance of flipping a bond over? I know it's mostly done as a result of a skill activation, but is it essentially just tapping a bond for a skill? And do the flipped bonds go back to normal at the end when everything is untapped?

2. How does stacking work? What is the significance of stacking units and what is it useful for?

Thank you to anyone who can answer my questions.

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Hey guys. I just recently started playing the FE Cipher and I've read/watched rule explanations in multiple places. I understand most of the rules (enough to be able to play the game at a rookie level I think) but I still have a few questions that I haven't been able to figure out and haven't really incorporated in the match I've played.

1. What's the significance of flipping a bond over? I know it's mostly done as a result of a skill activation, but is it essentially just tapping a bond for a skill? And do the flipped bonds go back to normal at the end when everything is untapped?

2. How does stacking work? What is the significance of stacking units and what is it useful for?

Thank you to anyone who can answer my questions.

Welcome to the game, at first it may look complicated, but so does every other card game you haven't tried right?

1) You have to flip bonds to use skills. Some skills are really good to use, like the ones that Flip 3 Bonds, which would probably take a lot of time to try to activate. Flipped bonds do not go back to normal, they stay flipped for the rest of the game. You can look at a card that is flipped, but it stays flipped. The only way to retrieve a bond back so far is by using Nowi to retrieve said bonds.

2) Stacking units is only useful so far for units with LvlS skills (these some of the green cards). LvlS(number) refers to the amount of a card stack that is needed to activate said effect, for example Mia's first skill is LvlS4, which needs a total of 4 cards in her stack (3 other Mia cards below her). Otherwise, it's normally not good to stack cards on top of each other unless its not your Main Character and you want to class change someone again (for a draw maybe). Stacking makes you lose more critical hit / evade triggers for a character.

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flipped bonds stay down, unless brought back up via an effect (currently, only nowi has it by picking up a face down bond then playing it back up next turn)

managing what bonds are flipped is crucial in multicolour decks, since you can only deploy if you have that colour as a bond flipped on

stacking is mainly only useful in green, since many of their skills run off levels (which is effectively how many cards are in the stacked pile)

you can class change and stack for effects (like cynthia, whose effect only runs for the turn you CC her)

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Thanks for the clarification, guys.
Also I am running only a green deck at the moment (I slightly modified the starter deck with some cards I pulled from a booster box) so this info was pretty useful for me.

I only realized just how many possibilities there are in your potential deck strategies after playing my first match. It's nice to see and I really look forward to playing more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello guys!

I'm new to the game just looking for cards that interest me before I buy anything!

I just want to ask on how Explosive Hero, Toma Akagi (Promoted) works as Main Character, since his skill requires to destroy itself to pay the cost. How does that skill interact being a MC?

Thanks in advance guys! :D

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Hello guys, im still trying to learn all the basic mechanics of the games.

As for mages, or units that has 1~2 range, provided that they are deployed on your backline, can they only attack the enemy frontline from that position? or can they attack enemy backline from your own backline as well?

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They attack 1-2 rows ahead of them.

So if theyre in your back line, then the 1st row is YOUR front row. Then the 2nd is the enemy's front row.

You'll need 3 range to hit the enemy back row from your back row (I think only takumi can do this)

Edited by Omegaweapon
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Hey there!

I have some questions regarding the March and "Forced March". I have problems understanding the rules I have read.

1- I know the Forced March happens when a player's Frontline is empty and he/she must move all his Backline units onward. When does the Forced March triggers? Does it happens the very moment the Frontline gets empty or during/after a specific phase?

2 - (linked to the question above) If User1 choose to attack User2's unit when User2's Frontline is empty, User2 must move all of his Backline units to the Frontline in that exact moment? If so, does User1's attack goes trough or gets nullified since the unit have been moved?

3 - Can an attacking/attacked unit move during a battle by another card's effect? I know flying type cards with a support skill can't do this since they clearly say you are allowed to move a non attacking/attacked unit, I was wondering if this applies to all other cards' skills.

Thank you for reading and sorry if I am a blockhead when it comes to advanced rules...

Edited by TripleCritical
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The action of moving all your units to the front via forced march only occurs when the opponent forces you to. During your phase, if your front row is empty, you dont have to move everyone to the front in an action of forced march. (Which makes sense, you're just reorganizing your army). So as soon as your opponent forces you to have no units in the front row, you have to perform forced march. If you have all your units in your back row during your turn, and keep it that way, you will have to perform forced march when your opponent's turn starts. Untapped units that move via forced march do not tap, and tapped units also perform forced march.

User 2 would be forced to move all the back row to the front row as soon as a unit was moved to the back row, as the effect is immediate, which allows User1's attack to work.

I dont think there are any cards that allow you to do that at the moment, so no. Flyer's emblem text actually implies that you cannot move the unit that attacked, not all units that have attacked. It's a bit of a wording issue we had on the wiki. The text is specific like that to prevent hit and run tactics. (Which can still occur, its just you need another attacker to mill a flyer's emblem to move the previous attacking unit)

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The action of moving all your units to the front via forced march only occurs when the opponent forces you to. During your phase, if your front row is empty, you dont have to move everyone to the front in an action of forced march. (Which makes sense, you're just reorganizing your army). So as soon as your opponent forces you to have no units in the front row, you have to perform forced march. If you have all your units in your back row during your turn, and keep it that way, you will have to perform forced march when your opponent's turn starts. Untapped units that move via forced march do not tap, and tapped units also perform forced march.

User 2 would be forced to move all the back row to the front row as soon as a unit was moved to the back row, as the effect is immediate, which allows User1's attack to work.

I dont think there are any cards that allow you to do that at the moment, so no. Flyer's emblem text actually implies that you cannot move the unit that attacked, not all units that have attacked. It's a bit of a wording issue we had on the wiki. The text is specific like that to prevent hit and run tactics. (Which can still occur, its just you need another attacker to mill a flyer's emblem to move the previous attacking unit)

Thank you a lot for the clarifications!

It happened once during a match and had no idea how to make it work. We had to restart the whole game...

(That's bad, it would have been an interesting game mechanic!)

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