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MechanicalBull flails at art


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I decided to have a good at this spriting business. God knows I can't figure out shading, though.


VarKufU.pngRed was my first attempt at making a full-face helm. Helmets may not be heroic, but neither is being stabbed in the face.

vXwDlAS.pngA second try. I wanted this armour to look like bronze.


wnQjZTd.png Tried to draw a mask-style faceguard.

cLR556S.png Low quality helm for a low quality guy: tried to give a battered, worn sort of look.


0YpXeof.png Skulls make good hats. Skull was based on a work by one of my mates.

71IABA6.png I was trying to make it look like a furred rim.

ZN9Smnx.png No hat, but at least a headband and an eyepatch. Vaguely samurai inspired.

Azv5iAi.png Monster hunting fellow

[spoiler=Glorious Handpuppet]

YnCOjzY.png Her user, a seemingly-mute girl with amazing ventriloquism skills. Too shy to talk to anyone directly.

WamvWgw.png The puppet herself.



Test text box for a game I planned. While not technically fire emblem, it uses a modified mug from it.

Edited by MechanicalBull
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you should make the outline of the pauldron out more so it blends more, same with the cloak. You're also only using 2 colors for the cloak so adding a third would be a good idea. Also, you have like 21 colors in that, bringing it down to 16 will probs make it look nicer just a cleanliness tip.

i actually love your helmets tho. i'm excited to see more of them!

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I haven't actually got all that many colours in it. Not having to add skintones, hair or eye colours cuts down on it a bit.

I added a third colour to the scarf, but for the pauldron...

Sorry, but could you show e an example? As mentioned, I'm not exactly what you'd call a pro.

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I think he meant stray colors. You come out to 16 when it's all taken care of.


(cleaned since I tested it anyways. A white section in the corner, some one-time use and some prettyMuchTheSameColorButUsedInARegion instances.)

I'm also not sure what Ghast is talking about. It looks pretty stylistically decent to me. Typically, FE doesn't use the outline color as plentifully as you have with the cloak and pauldron outlines, and they alias most lines to some degree. (I started an edit but feel it'd rehaul your current palette to do so.) The insignia could use some curvature too (like Valter's), but it's not a huge deal.

Pretty interesting stuff (skull-hat particularly!), hope to see more~

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yeah sorry lol i meant this

Typically, FE doesn't use the outline color as plentifully as you have with the cloak and pauldron outlines, and they alias most lines to some degree.

Ah, looks like you used that wyvern knight from fe6 for the armor? yeah, the lines for those pauldrons are not very aliased because the armor itself is really dark and nobody would be able to tell

Try referencing something like this?


I could be wrong here, I'm feeling kind of out of it atm so I might just be straight up still confusing you :P...

Edited by Ghatsu!
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(Not sure what issue you're having without seeing it, but...)

I'd recommend working a silhouette so you tackle the most visible/difficult edges first and still have an idea of how the final appearance will turn out before even getting into it. Certain curves/angles/shapes are pretty hard to define in pixels, particularly when you're working the outer edge. It's just a matter or trying and getting experience on what does and doesn't work, imo (although if it's just shading, someone might be able to help after seeing what you've tried).

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While not technically fire emblem, it was based on one of the mugs. Space Emblem, ho!




YnCOjzY.png And her user, a seemingly-mute girl with good ventriloquism skills. Too shy to talk to anyone directly.

Mugs of dubious quality:

Azv5iAi.png monster hunting fellow

cLR556S.pngLow quality helm for a low quality guy: meant to give a battered, worn sort of look.

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battered helm's red color seems really red and clean, i'd give it a more washed out red, the hand puppet is funny and space emblem would be mega cool!

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[spoiler=Fixed hair version]


But yeah, I'd tried to make the fangs more fangy, but was unsuccessful. I don't really have many pixels to work with, and the grey skin means shades of white stand out poorly,

Sorry to ask again, but if you could show me a better way, I'd be grateful.

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  • 1 month later...

Interesting, is she an android or something? Blue electric looking stuff, pale skin and headphones(?) make me think that. If they are headphones I think the top should be slimmed down to just a pixel or two and the earmuff bits should probably bigger. I just thought it was a headband until I zoomed in. Right now it would have a fat strap over the top of the head. Not sure if the tattoo is supposed to be a specific design.

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  • 5 months later...

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