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The mercenary outfit has really padded arms, that's all. I'm sure she is fairly strong, being a professional soldier and mercenary after all, but she's not likely to be any more ripped that any other character in the game.

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She, along with every other character, is also incredibly clean considering they're constantly fighting and the game takes place in a fantasy middle age era.

But hey, it wouldn't be Fire Emblem if it wasn't you and your army of supermodels going up against the evil guy and his ugly henchmen.

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She, along with every other character, is also incredibly clean considering they're constantly fighting and the game takes place in a fantasy middle age era.

But hey, it wouldn't be Fire Emblem if it wasn't you and your army of supermodels going up against the evil guy and his ugly henchmen.

Well I wouldn't enjoy the game as much if I only get to play an army of Benoits.

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Nearly all the characters this time around look a lot more buff than all of the previous FE casts. Even Orochi, a mage, looks buff. She's no twig and she has some abs going on. IMO, Rinka and Charlotte look a lot more buff than Luna.

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Well I wouldn't enjoy the game as much if I only get to play an army of Benoits.

I would.

Nearly all the characters this time around look a lot more buff than all of the previous FE casts. Even Orochi, a mage, looks buff. She's no twig and she has some abs going on. IMO, Rinka and Charlotte look a lot more buff than Luna.

Charlotte could stand to look a bit more buff than she does tbh. Like, come on, shes a Fighter for crying out loud! She should have washboard abs and guns that make men cry.

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She, along with every other character, is also incredibly clean considering they're constantly fighting and the game takes place in a fantasy middle age era.

But hey, it wouldn't be Fire Emblem if it wasn't you and your army of supermodels going up against the evil guy and his ugly henchmen.

Well, back in RL medieval, you had to shit and sometimes you had to do it on the battlefield. Like in Agincourt, most English bowmen just pulled down their pants and let it go naturally while they shot their arrows.

...Not too appealing to have in a game.

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