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So, why was Soleil singled out?

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Ophelia likes Guys and Boy Love stuff, she gets to romance guys.

Lazward flirts with girls all the time, he gets to romance girls.

While Soleil.... Well.

Soleil likes Girls and Girl Love stuff as well as flirting with them all the time yet she cannot romance girls. Not to mention that Soleil is hesitant at even the thought of being tied to a guy while she's constantly trying to romance girls and get them to notice her.

Something isn't adding up here and what's worse is those that defend this while they don't question the other characters with a very similar type of behavior and actions.

Did they hire a freelancer for Soleil's supports? Out sourced?

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It might be because they thought that adding a gay option for her would be too much of a scandal? They already did the gay option for Mamui and Femui but thought that adding another would be too much trouble? Soleil mentions being bisexual with a preference for women in her supports with Foleo... Maybe they thought it would be better to just make her being able to marry male characters for some reason.

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