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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is better?

  2. 2. Which is better?

    • FF10
    • FE10
  3. 3. Which is better?

  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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The sharks are dark creatures of Ganon, and I don't think the Zoras would like to share the ocean with them. The fish that paints your map is implied to feel very lonely, or at least that's something my brother told me.

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Rareware is the most overrated developer ever.

Rareware's best game is Viva Piñata.

The N64 is overrated.

Consoles are obsolete, whether Nintendo's next system fails does not matter because all consoles will be dead in the next 10 years

Mobile games are pretty legit, just need to find good ones.

The Zelda cycle does not exist, the shift in opinion is just old fans leaving the fanbase due to adult responsibilities and children growing up to join the online community.

Many so called "hardcore gamers" are really just casuals since they only play dudebro games with the biggest and flashiest marketing and never try something new.

So called "casual gamers" are legitimate gamers, they just have different taste.

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I've never beaten a Zelda game so I can't vote, sorry.

However I can say I've played a little bit of Ocarina of time, Majora's mask, Twilight Princess, and Skyward sword. I start the games but never bring myself to finish them, I think they're just not for me.

My unpopular opinions:

I like Ephraim's unpromoted class, but I find him really boring as a character and he's probably my most disliked lord along with Hector and Chrom.

I guess Chrom is ok as a character but he's just so basic, I would have liked if they had taken more liberties with his character (as well as Lucina's).

I don't mind linear games, some of my favorite games are linear.

I prefer the obscure and unpopular characters that make it onto smash bros, they always seem more interesting to me.

I sort of like what they did with Mario Kart 8 but it makes me lose hope for the Mario characters that haven't made it yet. Oh well at least characters like the Villager are better than the metallic/baby lines they keep churning out. I think Nintendo would benefit from a Nintendo racing game.

I prefer DK -> Bowser, Pauline -> Peach, Mario -> Luigi, and Daisy -> Rosalina. I don't know why but I always find the original characters more interesting.

I like "hardcore" games but also casual games too.

I like Bayonetta and I really like how strong, carefree, and confident she is.

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I sort of like what they did with Mario Kart 8 but it makes me lose hope for the Mario characters that haven't made it yet. Oh well at least characters like the Villager are better than the metallic/baby lines they keep churning out. I think Nintendo would benefit from a Nintendo racing game.

Still holding out for Kirby in Mario Kart, ever since this video:


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That video made me hope for Kirby Air Ride 2.

Oh god please let this happen. Kirby Air Ride is amazing.

1) Dark Souls isn't hard

2) Dark Souls still looks pretty good

3) Every boss past pikachu and snorlax kinda sucks

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A Nintendo racing game would be cool, but some franchises, like FE, would have to be left out because they wouldn't fit. FE is medieval themed, no cars. lol Zelda is like this too, but it's somewhat more flexible, so Link in a car or on a motorcycle doesn't look all that unusual. Not as unusual as Ike or Marth with them. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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I'd support a Nintendo Racing game as long it's more of a Wacky Races thing rather than "Mario Kart with Nintendo characters". Each racer would be a group of characters and the kart would be this crazy thing that fits the theme of the IP.

Fire Emblem doesn't fit? Yeah right, just make a steam-powered ballista driven by Anna and Jake.

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Someone else that knows about Wacky Races?! OMG! I loved that cartoon. XD Not every racer was a group though, there were some individual ones like Peter Perfect, Penelope Pitstop, etc. too. If memory serves though, Peter and Penelope fell in love! I actually wanted that to happen too and I was like "omg, I don't believe it." when it did.

Anyway, I'd dig either a Mario Kart-type thing or something more like Wacky Races, doesn't matter to me. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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1. FE2 is best Emblem game

2. amiibo were a bad idea

3. Klonoa is the best thing Namco spat out

4. FE11 is underrated

5. Mother 3 is best Mother game

Nintendo Racers better not be something stupid like Sega All-Stars Racing was

Edited by Lord_Seliph
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A Nintendo racing game would be cool, but some franchises, like FE, would have to be left out because they wouldn't fit. FE is medieval themed, no cars. lol Zelda is like this too, but it's somewhat more flexible, so Link in a car or on a motorcycle doesn't look all that unusual. Not as unusual as Ike or Marth with them. :P

I don't know, I'd suspend my disbelief to see a promoted Ephraim racing Mario. Horses=cars right? Or hell, Frederick would be pretty cool to see as a racer, maybe make him a heavier, slower type. Plus adding horses to the mix would up the wackiness of the whole thing.

Hmm, I'm honestly liking this idea enough that I'm considering putting it down as an unpopular opinion.

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I don't know, I'd suspend my disbelief to see a promoted Ephraim racing Mario. Horses=cars right? Or hell, Frederick would be pretty cool to see as a racer, maybe make him a heavier, slower type. Plus adding horses to the mix would up the wackiness of the whole thing.

Hmm, I'm honestly liking this idea enough that I'm considering putting it down as an unpopular opinion.

Fire Emblem Chariot Race?

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Hey, I really liked the Rito. :( They were one of the few things I liked in TWW. And Komali, Quill, and Medli were the best characters in the game.

Oh don't get me wrong I liked them too it just didn't make much sense to me as to why Zoras who already live and swim in the water "evolved into bird people" who have to fly from one small piece of land to another.

Fire Emblem Chariot Race?

Mario Kart: Ben Hurr edition

Edited by LordTaco42
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I don't understand. What did Twilight Princess do to be such a great game, it didn't stand out much to me. Could some please explain to me why?

Because people have opinions, and in their mind it was good

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1) FE13's difficulties would be more enjoyable if Maniac mode existed, like it did in FE12.
2) Bonus stars from mario party sucked once they put in more luck-based stars (e.g. Running Star, Red Star, etc...)
3) I prefer items in my Smash bros battles.
4) Bravely Default bored the hell out of me.
5) I believe the Spirit Temple should be done before the Shadow Temple
6) I'm glad that weapon weight is gone from the FE series. Good riddance.
7) FE10's weapon balance mildly irritates me
8) Hero Mode in Legend of Zelda games is not worth playing unless they pull off a Master Quest (redesigned dungeons)
9) Villager should have stayed out of Smash Bros
10) I could honestly care less if the games i play are realistic or not.

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Because people have opinions, and in their mind it was good

I meant what they liked about the game, I never said they couldn't like the game.

Right now I'm assuming it's because of the Wii's popularity.

Edited by Rabbattack
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It does have the most and some of the best dungeons in a 3D Zelda game. Cool items too.

Double Clawshot was great, but other items weren't implemented in the rest of the game well, I want to be able to use my items again and again after I get them. Edited by Rabbattack
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Double Clawshot was great, but other items weren't implemented in the rest of the game well, I want to be able to use my items again and again after I get them.

That slingshot sure got some use in that game.

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@Tamarsamar yea they should have totally put Kirby in he would have been a great addition lol.

@Anacybele, I would hate it if they made a Nintendo racing and excluded the FE cast :(

@Jave...OMG that's the best and sexiest idea ever! Anna's super move would involve coins wouldn't it?

(I tried quoting you guys but it wouldn't show up in my post)

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I find most of the original Gameboy libraries to be meh. I only enjoyed about 6 titles at most.

Paper Mario 1 and 2 is so much better than Super Mario RPG.

I don't care about Geno and don't get why people want him to be in smash bros.

These are mine, give me back lmao :P: Seriously though, Geno is such yesterday's news. I dont know why people were hung up on him. Paper Mario >>>>> Mario RPG. Super Paper Mario is also hella boss. It has the best story of all the Mario games. Period.

Outside of Serenes pretty much everyone has a massive Owain boner.

So everyone else has the right idea? Gotcha :p

Mario Kart: Ben Hurr edition

Holy shit, i would play that. "JUDAAHHHHHH"

I didnt enjoy trying to play Bravely Default. I have no interest in that game whatsoever.

OOooOoOo Zelda opinions! Gather around, children, and let Loki tell you of the unpopular opinions within. As an OG fan of the series, there are many to tell! get a sammich, this might get lengthy and boy did it. Spoiler tag edit for length.

[spoiler=ZELDA OPINIONS]Original Legend of Zelda's translation was more funny than bad. And honestly, if you couldnt figure out "Eastmost Peninsula Has The Secret", "The Secret Is At The Tip of the Nose", "There are secrets where fairies dont live", "Seek the old man in the grave", etc...welp. Dont know what to tell you other than you didnt use your noggin. Theres only one of these little hints i never did figure out. "Secret Is In The Tree At The Dead End." Its a hint someone on the overworld gives and seems to not make sense. But i think i MAY have figured it out. I think it relates to the location of the note you give to the Medicine Lady, in Second Quest. But...im not sure.

Zelda II deserves a remake. And the only thing that needs to be done in terms of making the game better, is handling continues. Other than the obvious graphical upgrades, having you start at the beginning of a temple (before completing it) when you get a game over would make life easier. Nothing else really needs to be changed.

A Link To The Past isnt difficult. Although, i do commend anyone who found that ONE HEART PIECE on Death Mountain that involves going through the majority of Turtle Rock first, without a guide. In fact, if you found that all by your onesie, ill give you a space cookie.

Link's Awakening isnt as special as people make it out to be.

Ocarina of Time has a tendency to get very dull in parts.

I find a significant piece of the Wind Waker's plot to be terribly sexist, and it puzzles me to no end that it doesnt come up in debates about such matters in the series. The Egregious Case of Tetra is a thing. A really cool pirate girl who commands the respect of a whole band of pirates, flings guys on catapults from her ship, pillages caverns and treasure....cannot seem to function when placed in a dress. And then vanishes from the plot entirely. She even gets fucking usurped by the King of Red Lions with the gossip stone. Thats such BS, omg. Even that coolass final battle couldnt make up for the fact Tetra/Zelda got the shitty hand dealt to her by the devs. I mean, in OoT, Zelda was only kidnapped for maybe ten minutes tops. And she did cool ass shit after the Ganondorf fight. So using OoT as a sexist example and not WW feels...fucking stupid as shit.

Plus that game is boring as all hell after a certain point. The triforce piece hunt is a famous stopping point for me.

The Oracle games arent much to write home about.

Four Swords Adventure is fucking amazing and i wish it got the love it deserves.

TP's wolf/twilight segments are my favorite part of the game. I also enjoyed the hell out of the escort mission in the game. Master Sword Puzzle is not freaking hard, but hella fun. wimps :P:

Ezlo is among the best sidekicks. Minish Cap is the best handheld game...

Until A Link Between Worlds came along. However, i freaking do not like the Maiamai fetching and i feel like it bogs down the game a bit.

Skyward Sword can go and stay go. (Groose and Ghirahim can stay though.)

DS games, no comment. *frowns for 15 years*

Zoras being all pretty fish people in the 3D games bugged the hell out of me. And i have a special place in my heart for the ugly Swamp Thing style Zoras. (imagine my joy when ALBW had peaceful Zoras but still all Swamp Thing! <3)

I need more Lynels. And i want 3D Gleeok. Why the fuck is there no 3D Gleeok? Too hard for the kiddies? Come on.. GIMME 3D GLEEOK!

Aquamentus is best early game Zelda boss ever.

Turtle Rock in ALttP is probably the best designed dungeon in the series.

Pig Ganon > Ganondorf. (i love Ganondorf but i love piggy Ganny more.)

Yuga was a decent villain.

Princess Ruto is not a shitty character.

I loved the old Valiant comics and still have mine. I also loved the hell out of the animated series from back in the day. (id get up every Friday to watch that shit when it aired, yo)

I want to see less Bishounen Link, and more brown haired OG style Link. Link's Pink Hair in ALttP is awesome and should come back.

Cube version of TP > Wii version.

Wind Waker didnt need an HD remake.

I loved seeing the overworld in ALBW (this is a huge contention in the fandom. Some really really fucking dont like that the overworld is a reused one.)

I hate that the boomerang in later 2D Zelda titles is not useful at all.

We need more female villains in Zelda.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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