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Whats the best flaw/asset and extra class for Kamui? Im starting hoshido today


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Deadly Breath itself cannot kill, however, nor can any other poison effect. It can only put them closer into kill range.

Dragonstone + does decrease stats after use… its not clear thought how much this actually is.

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Deadly Breath itself cannot kill, however, nor can any other poison effect. It can only put them closer into kill range.

Dragonstone + does decrease stats after use… its not clear thought how much this actually is.

The -20% doesn't kill them? But the skill is called DEADLY Breath... And also, Dread Fighter's Clear Mind might help with the stat drops; you could have that as the Filler skill slot in the build I posted.

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All Poison effects can only deal damage if they have 2 HP or more, and it will reduce them to a minimum of 1 HP. That's what I've been told by others here.

Deadly Breath is for softening up targets, not for actually killing them.

The in-clase Overbearing, that said, gives +5 damage against non-mounted units.

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I have to second the +Spd/-Res recommendation, as well as the notion that you're best off playing a White Blood if you really want to use your Dragonstone.

Herb Merchant is probably best Avatar second class almost regardless. So few characters have access to it at all, even though the promotes have some of the best skills in the game (including Copycat Puppet, which is basically Galeforce 2.0).

Edited by Tamarsamar
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I went +Spd/-Res on my second Hoshido playthrough and I really regret the -Res. Kamui's Res growth isn't too good to start with, and with -Res it meant having about 4 Res at level 20/10 Whiteblood. My Kamui was occasionally getting literally 1-shot by the stronger enemy mages, and even with +Spd she doesn't evade that well. This means that she couldn't engage an enemy mage (she could die on the counterattack) or fight anywhere if there's even one single mage in range. You also face a ton of mages later on the Hoshido path, so yeah. No matter what you do, don't pick -Res.

Edited by Ayra
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Puppeteer promotes from both Herb Merchant and Ninja.

Herb Merchant promotes to Puppeteer and Great Merchant.

With Kamui having only a 30% Mag growth by default, I'd argue that you should basically either stick with physical classes or take up a +MAG asset if you really want magic. You'd want +MAG for magic for its +20% magic growth to bring you up to 50%, a comparable personal growth to some other magic users like Sakura and Nyx. +RES or +LCK wouldn't cut it for adequately boosting your magic, as unlike Awakening, where assets tended to give +10% (compared to the flaws -5%) and the Avatar's STR and MAG growth were closer, +MAG gives a huge growth edge over +RES or +LCK…. the latter two only give a +5% nudge to 35%, which doesn't really seem to cut it.

+MAG basically would allow you to utilize any class you chose offensively… it would give you a 45% and 50% personal growth for STR and MAG, which come out to 60% and 60% as a white blood… you get to effectively use both offenses in whatever classes you please….

It would even enable some fairly weird builds to materialize… any class that would utilize magic weapons would have a pretty good magic growth to back it up, and they have pretty strong might stats and don't carry the "can't double" penalty characteristic of throwing weapons or the "ability to double -3" penalty associated with many C-rank weapons…. you get a can't critical penalty, admittedly, and you do get C-rank 1-2 ranged weapons that have no difficulty whatsoever in doubling that tend to have a higher base might stat than the steel weapons.

Hoshido has the Shinrai Nagianta and Explosive Shurkien, magic weapons as described that both have +2 might larger than the comparable Steel weapons. Nohr has Levin Sword,Bolt Axe, and Shining Bow. +MAG would give you a universal minimum +50% MAG (unless you take -RES or -LCK, in which case its 45%) even if you are in a class with no class magic growth whatsoever…

It could be quite powerful….. pretty much a way to emulate tomes regardless of class, although the exact classes you could pick would be route dependent (unless you acquired the opposite type from a drop/chest [if they exist] or other MyCastles)

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It could be quite powerful….. pretty much a way to emulate tomes regardless of class, although the exact classes you could pick would be route dependent (unless you acquired the opposite type from a drop/chest [if they exist] or other MyCastles)

Regarding this point, I've never seen any other Castles that had any weapons other than Bronze-Iron-Steel-Silver available for sale (even if at max level). Random battles do not grant weapons either (just gold). With the Blacksmith skill, I've only gotten Iron weapons so far (at 5 weapons so far, all Hoshido weapons). In the lottery, I've never got a gold drop; all the silver drops I got were Bronze, Iron or Steel weapons. You can receive random weapons from the people in your town occasionally though (generally the stuff that has no price and cannot be bought period).

So as far as I can see, the only weaponry you can actually get from the other side (besides the basic ones) are the preset drops and chests. You do get a few though (Like you get an Explosive Shuriken on Nohr and one Horseslayer and Hammer on Hoshido) however, but never multiple copies and I don't recall getting an A or S rank item from the other side.

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For people who don't care about mods or being particularly high in any one stat, and only care about not having a huge deficit in something relevant, +Res/-Mag seems reasonable. The only growth it leaves in the negatives is magic at -10%, which Kamui won't care about if he isn't specializing in magic. Dragonstone has plenty of problems but Mt isn't one of them.

Edit: For Kamuis who want to go magic, +Skl/-Str is another balanced choice, with the only negative growth being Str at -5%. The -5% in Str isn't even that bad, you would also have that if you went +Spd/-Lck, which many people preferred in Awakening when the Luck deficit wasn't so extreme.

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Yes, that's a balanced choice, and that's very good for Dragon Fang and other skill activating, but that still leaves magic at a 30% growth…. Although it gives strength slightly less of an edge at a 40% growth vs. a former 45%….. Dark Blood would end up equalizing those at 45% Str and 45% magic, (White Blood gets 50% Str and 40% magic) that said. Although that's kind of on the low side …. +MAG or something like that would let White Blood get 60% Str AND 60% Magic growths… Dark Blood would get 55% Str and 65% magic growths…. of course, in order to maintain such offenses, you'd admittedly be pigeonholed into something like -DEF, and a +MAG/-DEF build leaves both your personal defense stat growths at only 25% (although to be fair, this is the default rate for resistance anyways, so you haven't actually harmed RES; you've actually even increased its long-term potential with +1 RES).

But yes, +SKL/-SKL would be a good choice if you didn't want to eat that defense penalty….. but it would come at lower offenses, making you more dependent on your proc for big damage. I guess its a matter of play style.

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I'd honestly be much quicker to recommend +Lck instead of -Lck, particularly to anyone with more concern about the campaign than about the post-game (i.e. Conquest). Especially with those "criticals do extra damage" weapons around, Luck is perhaps undervalued now more than ever. (Granted, it's pretty easy to undervalue something often made available at double the quantities of its peers, but still.) Even if +Lck isn't your thing, I'd still avoid -Lck.

Conversely, I'm not as much a fan of the 1:1 point stats (HP, Str, Mag, Def, Res) as I usually find the other stats to contribute more. The offensive stats (often Mag in particular, as high-Res opponents tend to be rarer than the opposite) especially are always an easy ditch when concerned about your own survivability, as you can always just use an alternate means of attack (or even not, if their low defensive stat happens to be a more exploitable weakness than your low corresponding offensive stat).

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Yeah... I was really considering doing +mag -luck or +spd -luck for my main avatar, but after reading how many issues the dragonstone in this game has and seeing how much - luck eats away at your lck stat I might reconsider.

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How is -HP? I was thinking of doing that for my Nohr route run with +SPD. -HP doesn't seem that detrimental since Dark Blood still gives an additional 15% HP growth.

-HP is (theoretically) an excellent option for a Nohr route run, since it seems to have the least penalizing growth mods. +Lck/-HP is basically MiracleGro for MU, IMO, though +Spd does have better caps.

Edited by Tamarsamar
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