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Ana Plays Through SoulSilver


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So, I changed my mind about catching a Vulpix and instead traded over a Houndour from my Platinum file. You find them at lv. 23 in the game, they're Dark/Fire, and Houndoom is my favorite Dark type Pokemon, so it's a good choice. ^^

I've reached Route 36 again (I passed through there before from Violet City so I could check out the Ruins of Alph) and am about to catch me a Sudowoodo! Let's hope I don't make it faint. xP


Bayleef lv. 24

Pidgeotto lv. 22

Houndour lv. 23

Flaaffy lv. 22

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I managed to catch the Sudowoodo! On the flipside though, it knocked out half my team, so I had to go back to Goldenrod City and heal up. xP

Houndour evolved already since it only needed one level. I reached Ecruteak City right after that and met Bill. Then I got an Eevee from him in Goldenrod. :D I'll evolve it into a Vaporeon as soon as I find a Water Stone. For now, I'll refrain from leveling it up.

So now I have:

Bayleef lv. 24

Houndoom lv. 24

Pidgeotto lv. 23

Flaaffy lv. 22

Eevee lv. 5

I'm going to quit for today though. Burned Tower and Ecruteak gym are tomorrow!

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Man, even with Houndoom and its Bite, Morty was still annoying... He always is for me no matter what I do, it seems. He's got Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Curse, bleh... But I still managed to beat him thanks to being at good levels for the battle.

I also got the Dowsing Machine and found some cool stuff with it. ^^ I actually had totally forgotten how to use the thing in this game at first though... Yeah, silly of me. :P

I've proceeded through Route 38 and reached Route 39 too. Growing Oran Berries to feed the ill Miltank and get the Seal Case too!

Bayleef lv. 27

Houndoom lv. 26

Pidgeotto lv. 25

Flaaffy lv. 25

Eevee lv. 5

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Yeah, I won't deny that the Pidgey line's level up moves are kind of bad. :P But it's the only Flying type I'm willing to use right now since I used Crobat in HeartGold as well as Alpha Sapphire.

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I've reached Olivine City! Time to explore and visit the Lighthouse. A sick Ampharos awaits. I wish it was named Sparkle like in the anime though. That's a much cuter name than "Amphy."

Also, Mother has started calling constantly again... Woman, you like going on big shopping trips, don't ya?

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More rare berries from Mother, yay.

I've left Olivine City and started exploring Routes 40 and 41. Man, if Mantine wasn't only in HeartGold, I'd use it to Surf instead of Krabby... Surfing on a crab is just so freakin weird. xP I could trade a Mantine over since I have HeartGold, but it's not that important.

I've saved and quit for today though. Cianwood City and the Safari Zone tomorrow!

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So many trainers on Route 41. xP But I got through them all, cause the more levels, the better. I also battled and totally wiped the floor with Eusine. lol Houndoom barely broke a sweat.

The Cianwood gym is being kind of annoying though. I hate that so many Fighting type Pokemon can use Rock type moves. It makes it harder to use Flying type Pokemon against them when Flying types should have the advantage. I taught Pidgeotto Pluck too since Gust just won't cut it at all. And I'm not a fan of Psychic type Pokemon. Abra is difficult to catch anyway because lol Teleport.

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Just as I figured, my Pidgeotto got beat by Chuck, but I still managed to defeat him, mainly because Poliwrath is also a Water type and weak to Bayleef. I also got lucky yet again with another critical hit from Razor Leaf. :P I also discovered that I've actually missed my opportunity to get a Water Stone for now, so I put Eevee in the PC. I do have a plan for the rest of my team now though, but I'll save that for another time. ;3

I delivered the SecretPotion to Jasmine and then visited the Safari Zone! Completing the first test Baoba gives you is easy, so I did that quickly as well. Then I just ran around the place looking for Pokemon I hadn't seen yet.

Oh yeah, Bayleef and Flaaffy both evolved on my way to the Safari Zone. ^^ As soon as it evolved though, Meganium started acting angry, so I was just like "okay, get back in your ball if you're going to be a butt right now." It's like it didn't want to evolve... But really, Meganium is prettier-looking than Bayleef. :P

Now onto the Olivine gym!

Meganium lv. 32

Houndoom lv. 31

Ampharos lv. 30

Pidgeotto lv. 30

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Just went through Route 42 and then explored Mt. Mortar. Well, what I could of it, anyway, some areas require Waterfall and even Rock Climb. :P I swear though, I was running into wild Pokemon almost every five seconds... I hate when that happens.

Mahogany Town is next!

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I went to the Lake of Rage and caught the red Gyarados! It's a female...which was actually what I was hoping for so I could name it Cherry. lol Dat color. Yes, I'm going to use it on my team this time. I thought why not, since Iwata was such a special guy, a trainer named after him should have a special Pokemon!

Speaking of which, going through Mt. Mortar brought back a certain memory. I met a shiny Zubat there in HeartGold and it should still be in my team as a Crobat. :)

Helping Lance in Mahogany Town is gonna be fun. Lance is cool. ^^

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Finished the Team Rocket Hideout. I challenge Pryce at the Mahogany gym next, but I'll do that tomorrow, I'd like a break.

Team now:

Meganium lv. 34

Houndoom lv. 33

Pidgeotto lv. 33

Cherry (Red Gyarados) lv. 32

Ampharos lv. 32

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Not one of my favorites, but I'm willing to use the red Gyarados this one time. :P

And as a matter of fact, I do know who I want to pick up for the final team member. :)

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Alright, wtf, is my game glitched here or something? Pidgeotto's Quick Attack MISSED when I was trying to finish off Pryce's Piloswine since it was down to like 1 HP. But Quick Attack has an accuracy of 100. Meaning it can't miss unless accuracy lowering or evasiveness raising moves/abilities are used. And none of those were used against my Pidgeotto, as I had just switched it in after Cherry was knocked out. I thought Dragon Rage was going to KO Piloswine, but it didn't.

So why the fuck did Quick Attack miss? That wasn't fair.

Anyway, Team Rocket awaits in Goldenrod City now. This'll be interesting.

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It was there, but it ended, I think. I know he had to use Hail again at some point. But if Piloswine had Snow Cloak, then that's probably what happened. Really bad luck. >.>

I'm getting tired of my moves leaving everything with just a tiny bit of HP though. I keep thinking the move will KO the target and it doesn't. Stupid game...

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Alrighty, I KO'd Team Rocket at the Radio Tower, so everybody's safe and sound now. Pidgeotto also evolved. Onto Route 44 and the Ice Path. I hate icy caves... Bleh. Not going to be fun going though there.

Team's levels:

Meganium lv. 36

Houndoom lv. 36

PIdgeot lv. 36

Cherry (Red Gyarados) lv. 35

Ampharos lv. 35

Oh yeah, I'd like to go after Raikou soon since it and Entei are wandering around the region. Thinking of replacing Ampharos with Raikou since Raikou is cooler. And Iwata was a legendary guy, just like Raikou is a legendary Pokemon. :P

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I've reached Blackthorn City (thank goodness) and I caught my sixth Pokemon. It's a Swinub. Yeah, I want to use Mamoswine. I think it's cool, but I never used one on a team before, and considering who Johto's eighth gym leader and champion are, using one now isn't a bad idea at all.

Yes, I'm aware that after the Swinub becomes a Piloswine, I must use the move reminder to teach it Ancient Power so it can evolve again. And that you need a Heart Scale to use the move reminder. I sought one out before coming here. ;) (Rock Smashed rocks and had no luck, but then found a Heart Scale just lying around on a rock in the water on the route just south of Violet City!)

So now, I'm busy leveling up my Swinub. Gonna take some time... xP

Meganium lv. 37

Houndoom lv. 37

Cherry (Red Gyarados) lv. 36

Pidgeot lv. 37

Ampharos lv. 36

Swinub lv. 25

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Okay, after all the leveling up I did yesterday, Swinub only needs one more to evolve. Yippee. ^^ Then I teach the resulting Piloswine Ancient Power and level it up one more time to get it to evolve again!

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Clair's Kingdra took some elbow grease to KO, but I did it and defeated her! And then I cleared the Dragon's Den since she's such a sore loser. :P (why's in-game Clair nothing like her anime self? She's way cooler in the anime...)

The Dratini I got from the master there knows Extremespeed! I wasn't sure if I'd answered all the questions correctly. But I did, because that's the only way to get a Dratini with Extremespeed. ^^

And now I have eight badges! It's time to go back to New Bark Town! Well, gotta explore Routes 45 and 46 first. :P

Meganium lv. 40

Houndoom lv. 39

Mamoswine lv. 38

Cherry (Red Gyarados) lv. 38

Pidgeot lv. 39

Ampharos lv. 38

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I defeated the Kimono Girls and now I can go after Lugia! I bought lots of Pokeballs too, of course. It's just too bad that you can't buy Timer Balls in this game, those are the best balls to use on legendaries (besides the Master Ball, of course). >.> I'm saving the Master Ball you get from Professor Elm for Rayquaza. I regret using it on Mewtwo in HeartGold, because Rayquaza has friggin Rest. -_-

I've caught Kyogre in HeartGold, so I'll be able to go after Rayquaza once I catch Groudon in SoulSilver and bring Kyogre from my HG file.

Anyway, that's for later in the game, so for now, it's time to catch Lugia! Oh yeah, I ran into the legendary beasts a couple times too already. Knocked down Entei's HP for later. Couldn't attack Raikou though, my Pokemon weren't quick enough at the time and I haven't seen it since.

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I caught Lugia! It actually didn't give me as hard a time as Ho-Oh did in HeartGold. And I mean GOD, did Ho-Oh give me a hard time. I think I had to reset like half a dozen times. I didn't have to reset at all for Lugia just now.

But now I can head for the Pokemon League! I hope Lance doesn't give me as much trouble this time either. Even with a Dewgong, he still crushed me a couple times before I finally managed to win in HG. This time though, I have a Pokemon that's immune to his Dragonite's Thunder. Mamoswine is part Ground type! Bwahaha. And if Dragonite hits my Mamoswine first anyway, it'll be in for a world of hurt when Avalanche strikes it! Avalanche does double damage if the user took some damage in the same turn. ;D

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I don't have the tools necessary to do a Let's Play, so no, it's not one, sadly. I'm just sharing info on my playthrough.

And now I've battled the rival and returned to Professor Elm. I named the rival Sony. lol Sony and Microsoft were Nintendo's rivals... haha. And Sony sounds more like a name than Microsoft, so... :P

My Chikorita may have a stinking jolly nature, but it appears to be pretty tanky. Though I leveled it up two times before battling Sony. One Tackle missed his Cyndaquil, but I still beat it by using Tackle and Growl a few times.

I think I'm gonna catch a Pidgey and a Mareep for now, so I have something that can combat the first two gyms.

Mareep is the only electric type I use for Gens II onward. Gen I...it is Electabuzz.

I'm not using a 3DS though, I'm using my DS Lite. The 3DS lowers the graphical quality of DS games for some reason.

I have a Mareep now. It's bold natured. Not bad, Mareep isn't a physical attacker, so a low attack stat doesn't matter. A higher defense on it isn't a bad thing either. Time to level it up so it can fry Falkner's birds. :P

I always get their utmost recommended natures.


A bold one is good...too. Timid is all I ever get. XD

Hey, I don't feel I can do any less, Nintendo defined my childhood more than anything else.

Which is why that they along with Square are the utmost loved companies.

Man, even with Houndoom and its Bite, Morty was still annoying... He always is for me no matter what I do, it seems. He's got Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Curse, bleh... But I still managed to beat him thanks to being at good levels for the battle.

I also got the Dowsing Machine and found some cool stuff with it. ^^ I actually had totally forgotten how to use the thing in this game at first though... Yeah, silly of me. :P

I've proceeded through Route 38 and reached Route 39 too. Growing Oran Berries to feed the ill Miltank and get the Seal Case too!

Bayleef lv. 27

Houndoom lv. 26

Pidgeotto lv. 25

Flaaffy lv. 25

Eevee lv. 5

Ugh...Houndoom is a no no for end battles as EQ is often common upon the boss challengers that often have them. But...it's good Sp. Attk 110 base along with Nasty Plot that it can learn is pretty deadly. Chikorita is all I care about in the 2nd gen starters.

So many trainers on Route 41. xP But I got through them all, cause the more levels, the better. I also battled and totally wiped the floor with Eusine. lol Houndoom barely broke a sweat.

The Cianwood gym is being kind of annoying though. I hate that so many Fighting type Pokemon can use Rock type moves. It makes it harder to use Flying type Pokemon against them when Flying types should have the advantage. I taught Pidgeotto Pluck too since Gust just won't cut it at all. And I'm not a fan of Psychic type Pokemon. Abra is difficult to catch anyway because lol Teleport.

That is why that I teach all of my fight and Grass types Rock moves. XD

Sceptile for instance can use Rock Slide pretty well for it's 85 base Attk with 202-252 EV to Attk along with a Naive/Hasty nature.

Just as I figured, my Pidgeotto got beat by Chuck, but I still managed to defeat him, mainly because Poliwrath is also a Water type and weak to Bayleef. I also got lucky yet again with another critical hit from Razor Leaf. :P I also discovered that I've actually missed my opportunity to get a Water Stone for now, so I put Eevee in the PC. I do have a plan for the rest of my team now though, but I'll save that for another time. ;3

I delivered the SecretPotion to Jasmine and then visited the Safari Zone! Completing the first test Baoba gives you is easy, so I did that quickly as well. Then I just ran around the place looking for Pokemon I hadn't seen yet.

Oh yeah, Bayleef and Flaaffy both evolved on my way to the Safari Zone. ^^ As soon as it evolved though, Meganium started acting angry, so I was just like "okay, get back in your ball if you're going to be a butt right now." It's like it didn't want to evolve... But really, Meganium is prettier-looking than Bayleef. :P

Now onto the Olivine gym!

Meganium lv. 32

Houndoom lv. 31

Ampharos lv. 30

Pidgeotto lv. 30

With them having a high chance of critical hits, fair enough.


Now I wanna play this game! ^_^

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