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Ana Plays Through SoulSilver


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I defeated Blaine with the help of Cherry! Though she was REALLY close to getting beat because Magmar had Thunderpunch. She hung on with 1HP after the hit and from a burn (how did I not know Magmar had Flame Body, its evolution does...). But I had a few Full Restores. lol

But I'm finished with that, so I can continue to explore the Seafoam Islands! Yes, I remember that Articuno is found here, I still have plenty of Pokeballs left from when I went after Suicune, so I'm good to go there. I need to go back to Cinnabar Island and heal up the team though, just to be safe.

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I caught Articuno! I really like that one too. :3

I can also battle Blue at the Viridian gym now. He's gonna be tough, full team of six, high levels, and balanced. But I can beat him since I did so in HG and even defeated Red. So time to get that final gym badge!

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16 badges! I went and got Rock Cimb from Professor Oak. I'll replace Mamoswine's Strength with that since Strength is no longer needed (neither Cerulean Cave nor Mount Silver require use of it, I checked).

Blue put up a fight though, just like I thought he would. I thought he was going to beat me. But I ended up with the advantage in the end, so I was able to win.

I'll go through Mt. Silver in order to get Moltres, but I won't be challenging Red for awhile. How am I supposed to go against a team of Pokemon above lv. 80 when mine aren't even at lv. 60 yet? xP I don't know what GameFreak was thinking when they made Red's team this strong. I mean, I get that he's supposed be very strong, but over level freaking 80? 70 would've been okay and still pretty dang high. Level 80 and above is just overkill and results in such a hard, frustrating, and long battle. -_-

Whenever my Pokemon do get above level 60 though, I'll go after Ho-Oh and Mewtwo. For now though, I'll go for Zapdos and Moltres and start collecting more Pokemon for the Pokedex.

Team levels:

Meganium lv. 56

Houndoom lv. 56

Cherry (Red Gyarados) lv. 55

Pidgeot lv. 55

Mamoswine lv. 55

Ampharos lv. 55

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I mean, I get that he's supposed be very strong, but over level freaking 80? 70 would've been okay and still pretty dang high. Level 80 and above is just overkill and results in such a hard, frustrating, and long battle. -_-

I know the grinding would be long, but I hope, in the future, we get to battle a trainer with six lv. 100 Pokemon. I've always wanted to do that. Edited by Tsunami922
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Oh, that's gonna happen with me in AlphaSapphire, I can tell. I have two lv. 100 Pokemon already (Crobat and Kingdra), and a few in the 90s (Bellossom, Sceptile, the rest of my in-game team, pretty much). And one of those two is in my final team (Kingdra). It's from all the battling I did to evolve Pokemon for the Pokedex. Wild Pokemon, secret base trainers, etc. :P

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I caught the birds! Moltres decided to be much more of a butt than Zapdos, but I still managed to get it before I could run out of Pokeballs or my team could get knocked out completely. Weirdly enough, I've been catching like all these legendaries in Great Balls, even though I'm throwing a lot of Ultra Balls and Dusk Balls (when in a cave) too.

Now I gotta worry about those damned roamers (Entei, Raikou, and Latios are still out there. Latios shows up when you meet Steven in Vermillion City). But to make it a little easier, I'm going to catch a Wobbuffet in Cerulean Cave. Because Shadow Tag. And I say a little easier because the Entei and Raikou have Roar, which not even abilities can prevent from working... -_-

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I got Entei! Having a Wobbuffet came in handy (why do I always run into females though lol that "lipstick" is just weird). I probably had some luck too though, as it only took two balls after I encountered it and pinned it with Shadow Tag. Now for Raikou. I never lowered its HP or paralyzed it though, so this might take longer...

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Man, I was trying for at least an hour or two yesterday to get Raikou, but the damned tiger just doesn't want to get caught. Twice when I threw a ball, it shook three times! Raikou keeps using Roar too. -_-

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God DAMN it, Raikou. I was about to lose my freaking mind! The ball shook three times AGAIN, it broke out. I threw another ball, and finally the thing decided to give up and get caught. This stuff is why I always hated roamers though. Glad GameFreak gradually ditched them (gen 5 just had one roamer total, and there are none in gen 6).

Latios shouldn't be as much trouble though, since it doesn't have moves like Roar.

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Ugh, I didn't know Latios had Refresh... Which cures status conditions... There goes my paralysis. I did save after I paralyzed it, so I can try again with it paralyzed for awhile, but still, that makes things harder. -_- Still, it's better than Roar.

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Gah, sorry for a lack of updates lately to those who were following this. >_< Between trying to get Latios and having gotten busy with other stuff lately (I was after a Dark Pit Amiibo, so I had to get ready to line up for one a week ago and then the new Smash Bros. patch and DLC came out and I started trying out tourney mode and stuff), I haven't gotten to boot the game up a lot.

But god damn, Latios wound up being even worse than Raikou, but not because of its moveset. I had Pokeballs shaking three times even more this time before it finally decided to give up. Like half a dozen times the thing did that. But I finally got it just now!

And now I have 35 Pokedex entries. I'm going to collect some more now that I've gotten the annoying roamers out of the way.

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Alright, up to 40 entries now. I wasn't catching anything new yet, I was evolving the unevolved Pokemon I already had first, like the Geodude and Sandshrew you have to catch for the owner's aptitude test in the Safari Zone.

The Dragon's Den Dratini is next! Rash nature, not too shabby (never checked it before). With this one, I can run both physical and special moves on it. Of course, since Dratini doesn't reach its final evolution until lv. 55, this will take more time than the others. Oh, but I do plan to go Thief some Chansey for a Lucky Egg. Lucky Eggs are awesome. And Houndoom should be able to learn Thief, so I'm set there. ^^

For now though, I'm taking a break. I'll probably boot up the game again later.

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I now have a lv. 42 Dragonair... Still several more levels to go before it becomes a Dragonite though. :P Been re-battling trainers as well as wild Pokemon to level it up. While I was chasing the roamers, I got a lot of calls for battles, so I made use of them.

I also caught a Skarmory, because I ran into one and they rarely appear in the only area they show up in (Route 45). It also doesn't evolve, so I wasn't adding another Pokemon that would have to do so for the Pokedex. Win-win. ^^

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So, I just tried the tag battle vs Lance and Clair in the Dragon's Den, more to get exp for Dragonair (who's lv. 51 now, btw, so we're fairly close to evolution at last!) than to win. So, of course I lost (ending my streak of not having lost a battle yet, but I dun care lol), though I didn't expect some of the moves they had at all... Protect and Fire Punch ugh. Those two really wanted to find a way around my Mamoswine. Gonna need lots more levels for when I come back and actually try to win. I don't want to end up losing too many times, I could run low on money. xP

I also collected a few gym leader phone numbers, namely Falkner, Chuck, and Morty. I also got Blaine's awhile back. Just happened to see him on Cinnabar Island on the right day. lol

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I have a Dragonite! Woo hoo. :P Sorry for not being really enthusiastic, Dragonite isn't actually one of my favorite Pokemon. It's too Barney-like for my tastes, imo. I wish Dragonair could evolve into something cooler.

But anyway, moving onto Togepi, because I've ignored that little guy for too long. :P This one is a friendship evolution, so time to do stuff that increases friendship!

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Togepi just evolved! But I just noticed, This Togetic has a seriously wtf ability... Hustle? Really? It raises attack, but Togetic has bad attack. Not to mention mine has a sp. attack raising nature, making its high sp. attack higher still. :/ Why oh why couldn't it have Serene Grace instead...?

I found a Shiny Stone in the National Park though (only found with Rock Climb, btw), so I can evolve it again right away if I want to, but I there's a move I'd like it to learn first. I'll need a Heart Scale though. Blarg...

EDIT: Oh, I actually have one. Cool! I'm going to need one more to teach the resulting Togekiss Aura Sphere though.

EDIT2: Oh yeah, I caught a Ditto too. I ran into one and they're useful for breeding, so. :P

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I competed in the Pokeathlon at last! I didn't bother with it before because I wanted to focus more on story stuff and such. But I wanted a Fire Stone for my Eevee (cause Flareon is my favorite Eeveelution, and this Eevee's nature wouldn't hinder one), and they're available on Tuesdays at the prize shop. I tried out all the courses, though only won three medals so far. I'm kind of terrible at a couple of these games. xP Namely Goal Roll and Pennant Capture. I also should get some more Pokemon though, for a wider variety of participants to choose from.

I've fully evolved all the Pokemon currently in my possession that could evolve now, so onto getting more Pokemon! I'll start by grabbing the ones I haven't seen yet in the Johto Pokedex. Totodile will be first since I've got the Chikorita line and rival Sony has the Cyndaquil line. So time to boot up HeartGold and breed one to trade. :P (I actually have all three Johto starter lines in it)

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I have a Feraligatr now and over 50 Pokedex entries. I traded over the Totodile yesterday, but decided to take a break from Pokemon battling. I played some Voltorb Flip at the game corners instead. :P

I got over 1200 coins so far, but even though I know an actual strategy to lessen the amount of luck required, I can never get past level 4. xP Oh well, I may not even actually NEED any of the prizes. All the Pokemon except for maybe Porygon can be obtained through other means. And the game is actually kinda fun, so someday I might have enough coins needed for a Porygon.

Any tips on it or the Pokeathlon are welcomed, btw!

Oh, and my Feraligatr is a friggin tank, lol. Thanks to that Impish nature (+defense, -sp. attack).

The next Pokemon I haven't seen in the Johto dex is Pichu. You have to breed for all the baby Pokemon sans Togepi in this game, I think.

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Man, this Pikachu I caught has a good nature too. A naive nature (+speed, -sp. def). Why couldn't I get this lucky with the natures on my team? xP

Anyway, I'll level it up some so it learns some moves before I eventually evolve it for the dex. I don't have a Thunder Stone right now, but I'll get one, of course. In fact, the Pichu I'm going to breed can get me one if I show it to Bill's grandpa.

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...WAAAA. Holy shit! My Pidgeot got Pokerus! That came outta freaking nowhere. This has never happened to me in a Pokemon game before. I swear, it's the first time EVER. I've gotten a bunch of shiny Pokemon throughout playing the series, but never Pokerus other than somebody trading me a Pokemon that had it.

I dunno how this occurred though, I haven't used Pidgeot against wild Pokemon yet today. Well, good thing I plan to keep it in my party for awhile. It'll spread to the others, and then I'll box Pikachu so I have Pokerus for later.

But...damn. Isn't this one of the RAREST occurrences in the series?

EDIT: Look! Look at that! :o


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I got my Pichu egg and I collected the Tyrogue you can get at Mt. Mortar. This Tyrogue's nature could easily make it evolve into a Hitmonlee. :P I have Hitmonchan in HeartGold though, so that just means I can easily get the entries for both. Hitmontop though, is another story. Since stat increases tend to be random, getting a Tyrogue to evolve into that could be tricky.

Oh, another Pokemon in the dex that I haven't seen is Ledian, and I have to evolve a Ledyba into it. And Ledyba can only be found in the morning. Hope I can be up early enough tomorrow. XD

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Well, I got lazy and didn't get up to catch a Ledyba... xP But I went and caught a Jigglypuff in the Safari Zone, evolved it, and stuck it in the daycare with my Ditto. I'm gonna explore some more of Mt. Mortar. There are still items there I haven't picked up yet, including an important one I'll need later.

...Huey, I just battled you a minute ago, now you want another one? lol this guy, I swear. He's the one that calls you from the Lighthouse. He was the one I battled the most in HeartGold too. :P

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I caught a Yanma. Those appear very rarely, and it actually took me a fairly short time to find one. That's pretty lucky. :o I had to catch one because I've not seen Yanmega yet and the only way to get one is to evolve a Yanma when it learns Ancient Power. Oh yeah, this Yanma has Speed Boost too. Although, I would like something with Compoundeyes since I think it raises the chances of a wild Pokemon holding an item, which can help my chances of finding a Chansey holding a Lucky Egg to Thief. I haven't done that yet because I changed my mind about using my Thief TM on Houndoom. Thief is weaker than any of its other moves, it'd be a waste. xP So I'm still deciding who to teach it to.

Btw, my Pokemon still have Pokerus. It hasn't gone away yet, so it's spread to the Pokemon I've caught and hatched lately. :P (which means it's one of the longer lasting strains, woohoo!)

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I wasn't too late to catch a Ledyba this time! I have one. ^^ I've also brought my dex count above 60 with a total of 61 entries now. And as soon as I evolve Ledyba, I'll have 62. I've also gone and found Pineco since I hadn't seen it...somehow. lol But I didn't catch one yet, I'll do so another time. I will catch a Heracross when I find one though. I figure it could come in handy in the bug catching contest, which is the only way to get Scyther and Pinsir. I think a lot of Bug types can learn False Swipe, which obviously is quite helpful in Pokemon catching.

There was another reason I wanted to be up earlier today though, community yard sale today. So I won't be updating as much as usual, my apologies for that.

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God damn it. I just completely wasted today's bug catching contest... -_- I decided to use Wigglytuff for it because it has Sing and I thought it wasn't too weak. But the wild Pokemon were a lot stronger than I thought they would be and a Scyther KO'd it. I didn't catch anything. A waste AND embarrassing...

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