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Ana Plays Through SoulSilver


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I finally picked this back up after...well, what I went through the other week. I left off at catching and leveling up an Aipom to get Ambipom in the Pokedex, which I finished doing a little while ago. Our house is going to be renovated, so now I'm in an apartment for the next six months or so, and I'll be grabbing some more stuff from the house today before I continue any further here.

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So, I kinda took a break from this again, but booted the game up today to continue. I caught a Clefairy, evolved it, and then bred a Cleffa egg. That's another baby Pokemon to add to the dex! Next up, I catch a Vulpix to evolve into a Ninetales. I haven't seen a Ninetales yet. And I can also get a Fire Stone by showing Bill's grandpa a Vulpix.

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Reached over 70 Pokedex entries! I caught a Magmar to evolve and then breed for a Magby. I also just caught a Jynx to breed as well. More baby Pokemon that you can only get through breeding. :P

And since today's Thursday, I'm finally going to go take another crack at the bug catching contest for a Scyther or Pinsir.

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...Wtf? This bug catching contest is fucked up. :/

I caught a Scyther, but while an NPC's Scyther won the whole thing, mine didn't place at all! That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I was hoping to score a Sun Stone along with the Scyther... Because Bellossom.

I also accidentally encountered a Pinsir after catching said Scyther though, so now I've seen it too, at least.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, I'd been on vacation and I felt like playing through Zelda: Skyward Sword again as well. But I've added more Pokedex entries and I explored Cerulean Cave to find the Electirizer (as well as so I can practically go in and out when I'm ready for Mewtwo). I still haven't gone after Mewtwo yet though, I want my team to be a little stronger. But I've bred for Magby and Smoochum, now I'm breeding for an Elekid to complete the set of baby Pokemon. I've also gotten some trade evolutions out of the way (Magmortar, Scizor, Electivire).

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  • 5 weeks later...

Oh, hey! I actually got back on this earlier, reached 80 Pokedex entries. I caught a Lickitung to show Bill's grandpa, but now he wants to see an Oddish... I was hoping he'd want to see my Pichu or Vulpix instead, I need a Fire Stone and Thunderstone and I don't feel like doing the Pokeathlon right now. But at least it won't take a long time to evolve that Lickitung, it learns Rollout at lv. 33 or so, which it needs to evolve.

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Time for a significant update! I just caught Ho-Oh. In the first ball I threw at it. Now I have a whole bunch of Pokeballs left. At least I won't need to buy any later. :P

I went after Ho-Oh because you need it for the Ruins of Alph. And I was catching Unown there again. I have all 26 letter Unown! I wanted to add Ho-Oh to my team anyway in place of Pidgeot. Now I can finish the letter puzzles there and gain access to the last two Unown (the ! and ? ones). The Unown Report will be complete at last! I wanted to do this because I failed to finish in Sinnoh or HG and I'd wanted to actually get all Unown somewhere someday. :P

I've added some more Pokedex entries too, of course.

Now my team is:

Meganium lv. 60

Ho-Oh lv. 70

Houndoom lv. 59

Mamoswine lv. 59

Cherry (Red Gyarados) lv. 59

Ampharos lv. 58

I'll post a screenshot of my Unown once I get the remaining two. :)

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Alrighty, it was rather late last night, so I waited to get the screenie. But here it is!


All 28 kinds of Unown!

I also just evolved a Tangela to Tangrowth, so that's another Pokemon missing from the seen list of the dex crossed off the list. I'll have to make some more trades to get a couple others I'm missing. They're exclusive to HG.

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90 Pokedex entries! 10 more and I can reach 100. lol

But I've hit a bit of a roadblock on something. If I want to evolve the Gligar I traded myself someday, I need a Razor Fang, which is only found at the Battle Frontier. And I'm not that great at competitive battling. I've only managed to understand like the bare basics. Not to mention getting BP is dumber in gen 4 than it is in gen 6.

Oh well, I think I have a Gliscor in one of my Sinnoh games.

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