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A newcomer in FE8

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Tana is the only one out of the trio that should be worth using, and I'd make her into a Wyvern Knight. Besides, Wyvern Knights can still perform the Triangle Attack, they just have to initiate it (which I always have my Tana do).

It's not that you have a bias. Amelia's actually pretty good. She's just the worst of the three Trainees.

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Tana is the only one out of the trio that should be worth using, and I'd make her into a Wyvern Knight. Besides, Wyvern Knights can still perform the Triangle Attack, they just have to initiate it (which I always have my Tana do).

It's not that you have a bias. Amelia's actually pretty good. She's just the worst of the three Trainees.

Yeah, she's not FE6 Wendy or Sophia, who were a pain to train for a mediocre unit.

She's even easier to train than Nino.

The thing is she have lots of competition, especially if she follow the Cavalier path. (There are 4 Paladin and 4 (soon 5) Great Knight Options.)

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The thing is she have lots of competition, especially if she follow the Cavalier path. (There are 4 Paladin and 4 (soon 5) Great Knight Options.)

But why would she take the Cavalier path? She makes a great General, and Gilliam is the only other General you can get. Edited by Tragonight
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She's generally better at a Valkyrie, because you're gonna use Light Magic more than Anima (Those damn Eyeballs...)

<If you invest in

Other people here who know FE8 better than I can feel free to correct me, but last I checked Valkyrie isn't a good option? By the time you get to the point that your units are promoted the magic triangle doesn't really mean much. So for L'arachel you're choosing between light and anima magic, and a quick look at their respective stats show that anima is just better. Mage Knight also starts her off with C rank as opposed Valkyrie's D rank. The only thing Valkyrie has over Mage Knight is one extra point in promotion gains iirc.

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I explained in a early post why Amelia is not a good General (for me).

1. Her growth in defence is bad which his problem on a General

2. I always use my knight as a ''sponge''. I don't want him to deal damages but I want him to receive some. As I also mentionned, I want the AI to take all the open spaces so I will receive less dmg to my others units.

But Tamanoir is right, there is so many Cavaliers. I didn't know who to choose to train at first.

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