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Erroneous Name Translations


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I just stumbled upon a Japanese website, and my Google Translate decided to do me the honor of translating some of the kanjis... but some of the names seem awfully mistranslated. To the point that I can't recognize them.

I'm pretty sure "Cool Breeze" is supposed to be Kaze, but I cannot for the love of my life figure out who "Linker," "Most Image," "Mayfly," and "Elegance" are. On one hand I find these translations kind of hilarious, but on the other hand, I'm genuinely curious as to how this happened. I mean, I'm assuming it's due to the meanings behind the kanji, but I'm not too familiar with those, haha.

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A lot of Japanese names have literal meanings, don't they?

I believe sakura, for instance, is a commonly used as a normal word in Japan, meaning "cherry blossom".

Not that I'm an expert in Japanese or anything. My knowledge of this just comes from listening to my younger sister's ramblings about anime and JRPG names, and Sakura is a pretty common one.

Edited by Zachmac
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A lot of Japanese names have literal meanings, don't they?

I believe sakura, for instance, is a commonly used as a normal word in Japan, meaning "cherry blossom".

Not that I'm an expert in Japanese or anything. My knowledge of this just comes from listening to my younger sister's ramblings about anime and JRPG names, and Sakura is a pretty common one.

Ah yeah, but "cherry blossom" has a positive indication. I can't really see why anyone would want to be named "most image."

Thanks to everyone for finding the translations! I really didn't expect Fuuga to be the spitting image of elegance, haha.

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It is worth noting that the names in the game are always written in Katakana, not Kanji, so that is only one of the many possible combinations of the characters. Japanese names also don't always necessarily have a meaning. The famous real-life ninja which Saizou seems to have been named after was 才蔵.

Edited by Ryo
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Isn't another translation of 'Saizou' something like 'many colors'? I remember something like that coming up in his parent-child convos with Grey.

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Oh man, you have no idea how fun it is navigating Pixiv and seeing all the crazy stuff Google Translate takes from the character names.

Sumia becomes "Smear"

Caeda/Sheeda I've seen become either "Seeder" or "Cedar"

Lyn, for some reason, becomes "Phosphorous"

All sorts of weird stuff

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Try to Google Translate a sentence into 20 different languages then back into English... That's hilarious.

Machine translations are usually very bad... So it's quite expected.

Edited by Naughx
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I'm still wondering how Harold became (yet another) Arthur.

This thread is about how Google Translate takes the names, not the official translation. We already have a thread for that.

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