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Biweekly Battle Sprite Showdown revival?


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I couldn't help but notice that the Showdown died out after round 6, and seeing as Lt. Smirks hasn't been online in over a month, I don't see much hope of it coming back on its own. Since no one else has brought it up, is there any interest in bringing the showdown back? Not sure who would be put in charge since Smirks probably isn't going to name a successor, maybe Errant could choose one? Or just someone volunteer?

That said, the last Showdown ended with a bit of unrest about themes and how themes are chosen. I have a few ideas about this. I think there should be a list of themes (either the one we made last time or a new one) that the victor then gets to pick a couple themes from. Then the other winners would get to vote on the one they like which would then be the theme. Got your own ideas? Post 'em down below! Post any themes you would like to see too!

Also was unsure if this would be better in general or competition, put it here since the old ideas thread was here.

Other thread for reference

Edited by Toa
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Hey, if you wanna run one, be my guest. We're pretty chill about people restarting or starting new contests in general, so if you think it's a thing people will like, or if there's enough interested garnered, just start up your own.

I think Errant's way was all right, if a little frilly at times. It'd be easier to follow an old template.

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I'm interested, not sure if I can commit but I'd like to see a battlesprite event back. Your idea for how themes are chosen sounds like a nice idea worth trying. ^^;

Are you interested in hosting, Toa, or are you looking for volunteers/interest first?

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I've been waiting for this to come back! Depending on what the theme is and if I can get any ideas for it, I'm all for joining another contest! I just wasn't sure if it was a good idea to try hosting it myself. I thought I might get people saying "it's not your turn!" or whatnot. xP Glad to know people here wouldn't have been like that though.

Still, I won't host if someone else really wants to, otherwise, I guess I could give it a shot. :)

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I'd be more than willing to host, I was just wondering if there were others who really wanted to do it. I figure I'm on enough to keep it going too.

Thanks for the input guys! I'd like to try out my theme idea but if it doesn't work out we can go back to the old way.

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Yeah, been a bit of a shame Smirks hasn't been around. :\

I would love to see the comp back, and any way you want to run it sounds good to me, speaking as a former host. :)

The set-up/choosing of the next theme wasn't the most clear/standardized anyways, which probably just confused the hell out of people, so yeah feel free to try something less confusing? XD

(might even get to do an entry if not hosting it XD )

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