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Fire Emblem Fates New Classes that you'd like to try out and why?


New Classes  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Classes are you interested and want to use when you get the game?

    • White Blood
    • Samurai
    • Weapon Master
    • Savage
    • Shura
    • Blacksmith
    • Lance Fighter
    • Holy Lancer
    • Basara
    • Spellcaster
    • Exorsist
    • Priestess
    • Mountain Priest/War Priestess
    • Golden Kite Warrior
    • Ninja
    • Puppeteer
    • Herb Merchant
    • Great Merchant
    • Fox Spirit
    • Nine Tailed Fox
    • Singer
    • Nohr Prince/Princess
    • Dark Blood
    • Reverant Knight
    • Maid/Butler
    • Garou
    • Managarmar
    • Ballistician
    • Witch

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After looking at the skills that heartbunny posted with the following new classes which are...

-White Blood


-Weapon Master




-Lance Fighter

-Holy Lancer





-Mountain Priest/War Priestess

-Golden Kite Warrior

-Ninja (A Feature that I've waited for since they only had this in Final Fantasy)


-Herb Merchant (This would be the chemist class of Fire Emblem!)

-Great Merchant

-Fox Spirit

-Nine Tailed Fox


-Nohr Prince/Princess

-Dark Blood

-Reverant Knight






Fire Emblem Fates has me set.

It finally has relation to Samurai's and Ninja's. Been waiting forever for this new feature. Okay there was Dread Fighter, but that's as close as it gets to this relation beforehand.

Ninja having Shruikens...

Can throw Swords...(Too bad that this is enemy only)

Samurai's having Sword Skills.

Voted for Samurai and Ninja. Always wanted a war game that the spirit of the sword and that the Shadow Warriors combat one another. Samurai's having knowledge of sword arts and that Ninja's have arts in throwing Fire, Water, Bolt, Wind, Shadow, Inviz scrolls along with Shruikens, knowing instant killing strokes, the whole deal and that they are the true mercenaries for hire for pieces of gold. These features weren't used in a game up until now that they were Final Fantasy only. The witch class brings back memories of FE2 now giving you the chance to warp anywhere and smite your enemies. The Herb Merchant would definitely be Chemist in Final Fantasy. Named differently to avoid copyright with Square...I suppose. But...anyway...what classes are you looking forward to trying when you get the game?

Edited by Princess_Florina
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Ballistas so I can go Blietzkrieg!

Both Dark Blood and White Blood look pretty damn slick, even with the exaggerated animations, and my Kamui will always have those final classes.

Some of the bow classes, such as Golden Kite and War Priestess, look cool as well. I have always been a sucker for archers, even when they suck.

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I'm trying not to spoil myself too much before the EU release, but Golden Kite warrior seems SO awesome. I've spent years wishing for a flying class on a huge bird of prey that uses bows and lances/axes and now I actually get one? My life is complete.

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I saw Lazward on top of a tank. This has to happen. That is all.

In all seriousness... As in, in no seriousness whatsoever... Back when Fates was just a quick thing and we had no information to run off of, I spoke to a friend about how I really wanted ninjas to be a thing in the new Fire Emblem, and when I learned it was a thing, I quickly ran to the window and declared money would rain from the sky. So far, nothing, but I'm going to keep trying. However, ninjas are awesome, and that's really all that needs to be said. I'm running off of Rule of Cool for this and that's all that matters to me before anything else.

Also, Revenant Knights. The first time I heard about this class, I legitimately worried I was being trolled, especially as I knew it was Camilla's class. I'd seen her promotional picture with an axe, and I didn't believe it was real. My thought process basically went, "Axe. She has an axe. She is not going to be throwing magic at my head when a good old axe will do her just perfectly fine. Besides, when have we ever seen an axe user have a need for magic growth before NUNSWITHAXES became a thing? She is not going to throw magic at my-- OH MY GOD SHE CAN THROW MAGIC AT MY HEAD, THIS IS THE BEST CLASS EVER! ZOMBIE WYVERN, AXES, TOMES, AND MY ONEE-SAN!" I got absurdly excited over this class, and this character, and I swear I'm not marrying Camilla solely so Kamui can be both a ninja and a revenant knight in his secondary class and vice versa. Snake Venom, Deadly Breath, and Nohr for skills? Please excuse me, my inner tactician just started squeeing.

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Golden kite warrior, give me my flying archer. Revenant knight, because magic + axes + dragon = my inner 8 year old being very happy. Maid/butler, mostly for the lols, but honestly the combination of staves and hidden weapons makes them come across as a great support class. Ballistician/witch, since they have gimmick abilities that'd be fun to play around with.

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Golden Kite Warrior. Flying archers. Nuff said.

Weapon master = weapon triangle control.

Holy Lancer = foot units with lancers is awesome.

Great Merchant. Merchants are cool and can't wait to see it in action.

Revenant knight . Camilla is the only reason.

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I have the game so I've played most of the new classes already but Revenant Knight and Witch sounds pretty rad. It's regrettable that there are so few magic using classes in Hoshido considering those have always been some of my favorites. But bows are good now so I guess I can't complain too much.

I hope the series keeps some of the Japanese themed classes, even for the eventual return to primarily European themed Fire Emblem games. Ninja, Samurai, Golden Kite Warriors, Oni... Bring back nomads~

Also, yay fellow FE fans from Seattle!

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I literally voted for almost every class, but Golden-Kite Warriors, Witches, Ballisticians, and Puppeteers are the main four.

As soon as I saw Golden-Kite Warriors, I said I was gonna make everyone who can get it one. Even though I don't like Bows, that class looks so unbelievably majestic, I just have to have it.

Witches just look so sassy and I like the lantern they use~ Ballisticians are just really cool looking. It's a tank; why wouldn't I want to use it.

Similar to the Golden Kites, when I saw Puppeteers, I thought they were amazing and just wanted to make lots of my units Puppeteers because it just screams Naruto to me.

Dark Falcon and Dread Fighter weren't on the list, but I want to use them, too. Especially Dark Falcon, as it's one of my favorite classes and is ACTUALLY a Falcon in Fates (which...is an Alicorn in FE's universe) so it's automatically badass.

Finally, I want to use Shura because of my insane obsession with like of Gaara. I have to have it. I even named my Robin "Gaara" in Awakening and I plan on doing it for my main file in Fates and I NEED to be a Shura for at least one Hoshido run.

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