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Fixing Fates story issues (spoilers)


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The Awakening trio don't need to be scrapped, just ignore their ties to Awakening (just like the actual game practically did).

The Invisible History DLC is such an insult to the writing, it boggles the mind. It exists specifically to point out that the 3 characters are worthless cameos and that they could have affected the story but didn't.

Keep digging those plot holes IS! This train wreck isn't going to fit through yet!

Anyway, I think I have some personal issues for Ryoma and Hinoka now:


Because Ryoma is one of the main leaders of Hoshido's war effort and is in frequent contact with the leader of the Ninja Clans, he knows that even though they are outnumbered by quite a bit (20,00 Samurai Caste Soldiers vs 30,000 Nohrian Soldier), the Invasion Force is only a small portion of Nohr's military might (In fact, the main purpose of the initial invasion is a test of Xander and Leo's ability to manage a military campaign) and that a Nohrian victory is inevitable, but having to keep up an appearance of being confident for the sake of his siblings and moral.


For Hinoka, she initially threw herself wholeheartedly into her training as a Pegasus Warrior in order to rescue Kamui, but after three years of hearing no news of him (the Northern Fortress is a very secret place, with only around 12 people who don't work there knowing of it's existence), even though his Hoshidan siblings kept hoping that he was alive and they would reunite, they were forced to realise that he was either dead at best, or sold into slavery at worst (as far as they knew anyway). However, Hinoka have up a lot of things in order to truly dedicate herself to her apprenticeship i.e. her initial anger and irritability drove away many of her friends, she doesn't have a particularly close bond with her younger siblings (at first) and she constantly has to put up with having her attitude derided as unbecoming of her station, only to have all her effort wind up inconsequential as it winds up being Ryoma who brings him back to Hoshido (with the help of lots of anesthetics and other assorted ) and she starts to wonder if all the effort she put into her training was worth it.

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Ryoma's level of responsibility/ableness as a ruler is an interesting topic. Did he take up the mantle after Sumeragi's death or Mikoto's? Is he a strong and confident leader or does he feel inadequate in handling Hoshido's problems? I'd like to see a story where Ryoma is a fairly confident leader but where he fails, Hinoka is there to back him up.

As for your ideas for Hinoka, isn't Takumi supposed to be the anti-social member of the family?

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Ryoma's level of responsibility/ableness as a ruler is an interesting topic. Did he take up the mantle after Sumeragi's death or Mikoto's? Is he a strong and confident leader or does he feel inadequate in handling Hoshido's problems? I'd like to see a story where Ryoma is a fairly confident leader but where he fails, Hinoka is there to back him up.

As for your ideas for Hinoka, isn't Takumi supposed to be the anti-social member of the family?

Mikoto is the Queen, but mostly because Ryoma hasn't been officially coronated yet as, while he's confident in his existing abilities to lead, he still recognises that he has a lot to learn. When it comes to running a country, Ryoma handles most of the day-to-day affairs while Mikoto, who has experience with such things from being married to Sumeragi and being Shenmei's retainer (yes, I said retainer, because Azura and Kamui being cousins is bad and IS should feel bad), is able to do the things Ryoma isn't comfortable with yet. However, as the Infinite Chasm starts seeing more and more skirmishes, Mikoto takes after the running of the country so that Ryoma can focus on the war effort.

As for Hinoka, she isn't anti-social, she just isn't good at socialising with Nobles, but she can't avoid the various meetings like Takumi and Sakura can due to being the First Princess. Her personality is described as being closer to that of a soldier than of a Noble and it really shows in such meetings, with most of the other Nobles considering her to be extremely tactless (but there are some who find her attitude refreshingly honest).

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This idea isn't really going to change the story entirely (guys, your ideas are neat) and I'm just focusing on Kamui/my unit here.

What if... keep the basic Kamui (kidnapped or adopted) raised by Nohrians and visiting Hoshido/reuniting with their mother parts. But no Hydra or Invisible Kingdom. Keep the love interests to a minimum and that'd make sense for Kamui (16-18yrold).

Maybe give Kamui a personal goal in this war? Don't make them the leader, leave that to the older siblings or have Kamui actually earn that right.

Good reasons for this war with each other? Greed (dressed up by propaganda or on false [or sincere] pretenses of saving others or themselves).

Maybe Hoshido's started going 1984 on it's citizens. Maybe Nohr has a history of war crimes.

Maybe they're both in a morally grey area and it's the few in power that're doing what they want (Mikoto and Garon) and happen to piss off the wrong people/dragon/whoever. I don't know.

This story could go in different ways. We could take the Code Geass route or the political drama route or Nausicaa route.

Edit: Or we can skip all that and just make Kamui a narcissist.

Hmm. That's all I've gotten so far. Sorry for this post being very bare-boned and vague. I'm actually fine with how the actual plot is and I'm not interested in thinking too hard about what I'm doing since it is not that type of game. This was just for fun. It's nice to just let this word vomit out.

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Anyway, on the subject of the Awakening Trio, my take is on them that they have to do, but without Anankos giving them advice like he was supposed to, they initially have no idea how to go about it and have backed themselves into a corner i.e. they can't find Kamui because the Northern Fortress is a very secret location and the Royals aren't allowed to tell them, they can't gather the Holy Weapons because the bonding process ensures that anyone other than their attuned wielder will be killed over time and even if they could carry them safely, they wouldn't even make it to the Nohrian border before getting killed.

Anyway, back to working on countries and character. To summarise what's coming up, Kouga/Fuuma are a mixture of Korea and Vietnam, Izumo takes a lot from Singapore, Anankos wants your soul, Azura is cynical, neither Garon or Mikoto are dead and Kamui really, really, really needs a hug (and a psychiatrist).

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- Kamui is full blood siblings with the Hoshido royals

- Though Garon has concubines, it was his idea to have his children together as he wants them to be happy (so he seems nice and caring)

- Aqua being taken by Sumeragi is a huge blow to Garon and his mental state

-Kamui is taken when Aqua is taken. Sumeragi dies when in a later attempt when he and Ryouma try to take back Kamui. Aqua considers Sumeragi her dad as Kamui considers Garon his dad.

-Iago is a female. She is similar to Aida (fe4) and is Camilla's mother. Camilla loves her family but has a tactical side thanks to her mother's teachings.

-Children are scrapped.

-Elise and Leon are full siblings (magic inheritance)

-Yukimura is married to Yuuguri. Yukimura is an anarchist and tricked Sumeragi into taking Aqua. Yukimura is in the cahoots with Iago.

-Hoshido's bountiful harvest is due to sacrifices of young maidens. Aqua was going to be sacrificed as Yukimura planned.The royals do not know.

-At the bridge Kamui is injured by Ganz. Gunther sees the last resort is to take Kamui to Hoshido to heal. Both of them are suspected as they are Nohrians but Suzukaze and Rinkah's (they still save them) reputation protect Gunther from being captured.

-Kamui is no dragon. His mother's death leads to his sword to him and guides his hand to kill the enemies in the chapter.

-The Awakening trio are still there as retainers. Lazward is Chrom's son and has the mark in his eye. Many nohrians are suspicious of the three. Odin has the mark on his hand. This leaves Luna wanting to prove herself more as she does't have a mark. Naga sent them.

-Tsuyukomi is Fuuga's grandson and he struggles to live up to the expectations as he is a magic user in a warrior clan (similar to Loki).

-Silas is still the best friend.

-Crimson is Ryouma's lover. Her death in Hoshido is one of the big reasons that pushes Ryouma to fight Kamui. In IK, her death causes Ryouma to clash blades with Kamui in anger.

-Ryouma/Marx are leaders of their respective armies.

-Aqua's lance is a fang of Hydra.

-Takumi's insistence of Kamui's incompetence is one of the main reasons that Ryouma is the leader.

-Leon is the right hand man of Marx rather than Kamui.

-Camilla marries Takumi to seal union of the two kingdoms.

-Nohr's horrible climate is due to the past when Hoshido pushed them back into the dark places where no sunlight gets through. Garon's animosity is due to loss of Aqua, the past and wanting to give his people food.

-Orochi is Izana's daughter (fortunetelling)

-Joker is Flora/Felicia's senpai.

-Gunther is still Joker's senpai.

-Silas is introduced earlier as both Kamui and Garon save him. Silas replaces the maids/servant role as joining them early in the beginning when fighting Kaze/Rinka. Silas's friendship is seen as Garon's attempt to love Kamui even though he isn't his father.

-Elise and retainers often help the poor of Nohr. Harold is often the hero of many drawings and arts of the children.

-House Pieri plays an important role in Birthright.

-In Conquest both Takumi and Saizou conspire to kill Kamui.

-After Kamui decides not to join any sides Tsubaki sends envoy to him from Sakura

-Yukimura and Iago conspire against Kamui because Izana foretold Kamui would unite the Kingdoms. Yukimura/Iago influence Ryouma/Marx respectively and are killed by Takumi/Leon respectively.

-Garon fights Marx. Camilla inherits his axe (vs deceased parents in IK) (receives axe in conquest)

-Hinoka gets Suujin Naginata

-Takumi mirror matches with Mikoto (both have Fuujin Bow). Takumi gains closure and forgives Kamui (IK).

-Ryouma Mirror matches with Sumeragi. Gains closure that losing Kamui was not his fault.

-Saizou and Suzukaze both at Sumeragi's death and have both met Garon.

Sorry if its long but I had a lot of ideas.

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Most of that sounds good, but they're some things I don't really get (killing Maidens leads to good crops how exactly?).

Anyway, the countries is taking a lot of work, as researching all the different cultures can be a little tiresome, so I'm going to talk about Anankos and get to the rest of the characters latter.


Miscellaneous Details:

-It's never going to be outright said on whether he is of Divine/Demonic/Supernatural origin, but it's heavily-implied that he is, although the specifics are left ambiguous (he's a God/Devil figure in Hoshido and Nohr respectively while Toumans see him as more of a Jesus/Moses/Muhammad-esque and he shows of his shapeshifting powers at one point by morphing into different Angel figures (such as Valkyries and other such things).

-Although I've referred to Anankos as a 'he' in the past, Anankos is actually genderless, as shapeshifting has rendered the concept of gender meaningless to them.

The Plot

-There are two explanations for why Anankos didn't remove his soul from his body, one for if he is divine and one for if he isn't; if he isn't divine, than his body is a physical manifestation of his soul rather than a vessel for it and he can't leave as a result, while the one for if he's just a really old and really powerful dragon (the Four Symbol Dragons came into existence around 500-900 million years ago and Anankos was already fully grown by that point and hasn't visibly aged since) is that he's been alive for so long that dying is incomprehensible for him and he's terrified of it.

-As a result, he tried various methods of preserving his insanity, but all of them failed for one reason or another:

*He tried bonding himself to a Dragonstone, but that simply delayed the inevitable.

*He then infused a second Dragonstone with a portion of his power and used it to form Shenmei and Azura's pendant, but this didn't work as, because it was infused with Anankos power, it contained equal parts Light and Dark Magic. Because Dark Magic is toxic to anything that can't use it naturally (i.e. Anankos and the Dark Dragons), the use of it would damage their soul and promptly be fixed by the Light Magic. However, the damage takes a very long time to heal, the effects become even worse with frequent use (Azura starts to look sickly after using it several times without time to heal in succession) and every use takes a longer period of time to heal. Eventually, the damage done would be to great to heal and they would die. Additionally, only people descendant from Dragons can use it (a normal human would be killed instantly) and the secrets on how to use it are passed on verbally instead of written down, so the number of people who can use it has declined over time.

*Finally, in case the worst came to pass, he started gradually weakening himself over time. He did this by granting a small fraction of his power (splitting of too much at once would risk killing him, which he doesn't want) to people on their deathbeds and when they died, that fraction of his power would be lost forever. Sadly, this did nothing to prevent his insanity, only acted as a way of making sure that he wouldn't do as much damage if he did go insane.

-Anyway, when his urges to destroy became unbearable, he flew off and laid waste to an entire forest in the hopes that no-one would be injured. Sadly though, several hunters and lumberjacks perished during his rampage and their families were slaughtered when they demanded answers from him. Ignoring his rational judgement in favour of his friendship (Anankos was rather close with the Royal Family), the King of Touma chose not to gather the Holy Weapons of Nohr and Hoshido to complete the Yato and tried to reason with Anankos, with predictable results. His now-dominant destructive urges were confused by the feelings of guilt and sadness that followed and splits soul into two pieces, one that was good, and one that was insane.

The good half immediately used up most of its power to bind the insane half in place. As Insane!Anankos is, well, insane, they lacked finer control over magic and were unable to break the complex bindings. Good!Anankos promptly legged it back to the Touman Capital (whatever it's called) and explained what had happened to Shenmei, Mikoto and a visiting Garon, Ekatarina and Sumeragi (Sumeragi's wife having died giving birth to Hinoka) and told them that the only one who could defeat his insane half would be a child birthed in the same way as the Yato's original wielder, as only they would be able to wield the Yato without being hurt by the Dragon-Harming aura as well as withstand the massive amounts of Dark Magic his other half could throw out.

-With Shenmei's husband recently deceased and Garon and Ekatarina's relationship falling apart (not that it was very stable to begin with, but more on that latter), it was decided that Sumeragi and Mikoto would be the child's birth parents. They were taken to an uninhabited Astral Realm for the conception, with the others being brought in for various reasons; Garon and Ekatarina were taken because, in order to gather the Holy Weapons of their countries without raising suspicion, they would have to settle the feud between Nohr and Hoshido diplomatically and the time in the Astral Realm would allow them to build a positive relationship with Sumeragi while Shenmei and Azura were brought in to give them time to grieve for their husband/father and because it would be good for Kamui to have someone his age to spend time with.

-They were evacuated one Insane!Anankos finally broke free of its bonds and was heading for the Touman Capital. By this point, two years had passed in the Astral Realm (making Kamui two and Azura four). The Touman Military was gathered to try and put up a fight against him, but since all their weapons/magic/defenses were derived from things Anankos had taught them (all the archers had slightly inferior versions of the Fuujin Bow for instance)...well, one use of Dragon's Vein latter and the City was defenseless. Although many people were evacuated, just as many (if not more) were slain by Insane!Anankos. As soon as they made sure that they were safe, Good!Anankos (who didn't fight his insane half because he used up the majority of his power) left to search for another way of taking care of their insane half.

-Insane!Anankos' main goal was to restore the power that they lost during the times when they were whole and throwing it away. To do this, they started visiting all the Astral Realms colonised by Touma and absorbed the souls of their inhabitants which, while they did give it a power-boost, didn't increase it by much and would cause complications latter on. He also went to the Great Blight in Nohr and bathed in the polluted lake, which supercharged his already powerful Dark Magic powers, albeit temporarily.

-Good!Anankos meanwhile, stumbled across another world which contained a sword capable of and designed for killing dragons as well as several brave heroes who had slain a very powerful dragon. However, when it sent a message to said heroes, only the trio who show up could be spared as everyone else was needed (they come from the Future Past world instead of the main Awakening world). Upon realising why, Anankos apologised after they were attacked by Invisible Demons and offered to send them back. The trio refused and offered to assist in any way they could, and Anankos thanked them by restoring the barren land of their world with Dragon's Vein. Good!Anankos then smuggled them into Touma so that they could help him retrieve several books from the Great Library that would help teach Kamui what he needed to slay their insane half. One thing led to another and good!Anankos was absorbed by insane!Anankos.

-This had several effects; firstly, Insane!Anankos absorbed his good half's more human nature, but their draconian urges for destruction were still the dominant personality trait, which led to the creation of Sociopath!Anankos. Secondly, the regaining of his Light Magic abilities led to a massive backlash from his supercharged Dark Magic which did extensive damage to his body and caused him to lose all the extra power he took from the Great Blight. Secondly, all the unwilling souls he absorbed struggling within him prevented him from merging with his good half properly, ensuring that his good half could also struggle from within him and prevent him from using his full power with the combined damage to his soul and body slowly killing him

-Infuriated beyond belief, Sociopath!Anankos vented his rage by tracking down all the Toumans who forgot about the curse placed on their country (which functions like the Taboo curse in Harry Potter). However, some of the people they tracked down were congregations of people who offered their lives to them willingly (as they believed his attacks meant that it was God's will that they die). Through this, they discovered that willingly absorbed souls were not only more nourishing and gave larger boosts to their power, but that they actually healed the damage done to him by the unwillingly devoured souls. This led them to the conclusion that if they could absorb Kamui's soul, that they would be fully healed and restored to full power due to their shared blood.

-Their plan for Kamui hinged on the idea that 'willing' didn't account for the victims mental state. Sociopath!Anankos possessed one of his Invisible Minions and sneaked into Castle Krakenburg and promised Garon that he would resurrect both Shenmei and the children slain in the Waifu Wars if he both killed Sumeragi and kidnapped Kamui and, with lots of manipulation and emotional blackmail, Garon agreed to the plan. One thing led to another and Kamui was soon imprisoned in the Northern Fortress.

-Sociopath!Anankos then told Garon to have Kamui abused in the hopes that one of two things would happen; that his will would be so completely and utterly broken by the experience that he would do anything that anyone told him to do for fear of being punished, or that he would become such an angry and vengeful person that they could offer Kamui a way of getting back at his abusers and he would gladly go along with it, no matter what it entailed. Either way, Kamui agrees to give up his life and Anankos is healed.

-Garon quickly became a lose end after Azura was kidnapped, so Sociopath!Anankos replaced (not killed, replaced) him with a slime copy and told them to prioritise maintaining his cover over making Kamui miserable before entering hibernation in the hopes that it would slow down his bodies decline in health, trusting the resurrected and semi-autonomous Shenmei and Sumeragi demons to carry out his will in his absence. However, the prioritisation of maintaining cover over making Kamui miserable allowed his Nohrian siblings as well as Gunther and his retainers to form a bond with Kamui and (mostly) prevent them from being broken by the experience. Anankos wakes up some time into the game's events and is...less than pleased with how things have gone.

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Keeping in mind the history of Iga, I would spin Fuuma in a Fates with Hoshido as Edo Japan as having been conquered after a war against Sumeragi's army. Kaze and Saizou would have been raised with the knowledge of this, and so the seeds of at least Kaze fighting Hoshido would be planted.

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Most of that sounds good, but they're some things I don't really get (killing Maidens leads to good crops how exactly?).

Anyway, the countries is taking a lot of work, as researching all the different cultures can be a little tiresome, so I'm going to talk about Anankos and get to the rest of the characters latter.


Miscellaneous Details:

-It's never going to be outright said on whether he is of Divine/Demonic/Supernatural origin, but it's heavily-implied that he is, although the specifics are left ambiguous (he's a God/Devil figure in Hoshido and Nohr respectively while Toumans see him as more of a Jesus/Moses/Muhammad-esque and he shows of his shapeshifting powers at one point by morphing into different Angel figures (such as Valkyries and other such things).

-Although I've referred to Anankos as a 'he' in the past, Anankos is actually genderless, as shapeshifting allows them to be whatever they want to be at the time.

The Plot

-There are two explanations for why Anankos didn't remove his soul from his body, one for if he is divine and one for if he isn't; if he isn't divine, than his body is a physical manifestation of his soul rather than a vessel for it and he can't leave as a result, while the one for if he's just a really old and really powerful dragon (the Four Symbol Dragons came into existence around 500-900 million years ago and Anankos was already fully grown by that point and hasn't visibly aged since) is that he's been alive for so long that dying is incomprehensible for him and he's terrified of it.

-As a result, he tried various methods of preserving his insanity, but all of them failed for one reason or another:

*He tried bonding himself to a Dragonstone, but that simply delayed the inevitable.

*He then infused a second Dragonstone with a portion of his power and used it to form Shenmei and Azura's pendant, but this didn't work as, because it was infused with Anankos power, it contained equal parts Light and Dark Magic. Because Dark Magic is toxic to anything that can't use it naturally (i.e. Anankos and the Dark Dragons), the use of it would damage their soul and promptly be fixed by the Light Magic. However, the damage takes a very long time to heal, the effects become even worse with frequent use (Azura starts to look sickly after using it several times without time to heal in succession) and every use takes a longer period of time to heal. Eventually, the damage done would be to great to heal and they would die. Additionally, only people descendant from Dragons can use it (a normal human would be killed instantly) and the secrets on how to use it are passed on verbally instead of written down, so the number of people who can use it has declined over time.

*Finally, in case the worst came to pass, he started gradually weakening himself over time. He did this by granting a small fraction of his power (splitting of too much at once would risk killing him, which he doesn't want) to people on their deathbeds and when they died, that fraction of his power would be lost forever. Sadly, this did nothing to prevent his insanity, only acted as a way of making sure that he wouldn't do as much damage if he did go insane.

-Anyway, when his urges to destroy became unbearable, he flew off and laid waste to an entire forest in the hopes that no-one would be injured. Sadly though, several hunters and lumberjacks perished during his rampage and their families were slaughtered when they asked him why. Ignoring his rational judgement in favour of his friendship (Anankos was rather close with the Royal Family), the King of Touma chose not to gather the Holy Weapons of Nohr and Hoshido to complete the Yato and tried to reason with Anankos, with predictable results. His now-dominant destructive urges were confused by the feelings of guilt and sadness that followed and splits soul into two pieces, one that was good, and one that was insane.

The good half immediately used up most of its power to bind the insane half in place. As Insane!Anankos is, well, insane, they lacked finer control over magic and were unable to break the complex bindings. Good!Anankos promptly legged it back to the Touman Capital (whatever it's called) and explained what had happened to Shenmei, Mikoto and a visiting Garon, Ekatarina and Sumeragi (Sumeragi's wife having died giving birth to Hinoka) and told them that the only one who could defeat his insane half would be a child birthed in the same way as the Yato's original wielder, as only they would be able to wield the Yato without being hurt by the Dragon-Harming aura as well as withstand the massive amounts of Dark Magic his other half could throw out.

-With Shenmei's husband recently deceased and Garon and Ekatarina's relationship falling apart (not that it was very stable to begin with, but more on that latter), it was decided that Sumeragi and Mikoto would be the child's birth parents. They were taken to an uninhabited Astral Realm for the conception, with the others being brought in for various reasons; Garon and Ekatarina were taken because, in order to gather the Holy Weapons of their countries without raising suspicion, they would have to settle the feud between Nohr and Hoshido diplomatically and the time in the Astral Realm would allow them to build a positive relationship with Sumeragi while Shenmei and Azura were brought in to give them time to grieve for their husband/father and because it would be good for Kamui to have someone his age to spend time with.

-They were evacuated one Insane!Anankos finally broke free of its bonds and was heading for the Touman Capital. By this point, two years had passed in the Astral Realm (making Kamui two and Azura four). The Touman Military was gathered to try and put up a fight against him, but since all their weapons/magic/defenses were derived from things Anankos had taught them (all the archers had slightly inferior versions of the Fuujin Bow for instance)...well, one use of Dragon's Vein latter and the City was defenseless. Although many people were evacuated, just as many (if not more) were slain by Insane!Anankos. As soon as they made sure that they were safe, Good!Anankos (who didn't fight his insane half because he used up the majority of his power) left to search for another way of taking care of their insane half.

-Insane!Anankos' main goal was to restore the power that they lost during the times when they were whole and throwing it away. To do this, they started visiting all the Astral Realms colonised by Touma and absorbed the souls of their inhabitants which, while they did give it a power-boost, didn't increase it by much and would cause complications latter on. He also went to the Great Blight in Nohr and bathed in the polluted lake, which supercharged his already powerful Dark Magic powers, albeit temporarily.

-Good!Anankos meanwhile, stumbled across another world which contained a sword capable of and designed for killing dragons as well as several brave heroes who had slain a very powerful dragon. However, when it sent a message to said heroes, only the trio who show up could be spared as everyone else was needed (they come from the Future Past world instead of the main Awakening world). Upon realising why, Anankos apologised after they were attacked by Invisible Demons and offered to send them back. The trio refused and offered to assist in any way they could, and Anankos thanked them by restoring the barren land of their world with Dragon's Vein. Good!Anankos then smuggled them into Touma so that they could help him retrieve several books from the Great Library that would help teach Kamui what he needed to slay their insane half. One thing led to another and good!Anankos was absorbed by insane!Anankos.

-This had several effects; firstly, Insane!Anankos absorbed his good half's more human nature, but their draconian urges for destruction were still the dominant personality trait, which led to the creation of Sociopath!Anankos. Secondly, the regaining of his Light Magic abilities led to a massive backlash from his supercharged Dark Magic which did extensive damage to his body and caused him to lose all the extra power he took from the Great Blight. Secondly, all the unwilling souls he absorbed struggling within him prevented him from merging with his good half properly, ensuring that his good half could also struggle from within him and prevent him from using his full power with the combined damage to his soul and body slowly killing him

-Infuriated beyond belief, Sociopath!Anankos vented his rage by tracking down all the Toumans who forgot about the curse placed on their country (which functions like the Taboo curse in Harry Potter). However, some of the people they tracked down were congregations of people who offered their lives to them willingly (as they believed his attacks meant that it was Gods will that they die). Through this, they discovered that willingly absorbed souls were not only more nourishing and gave larger boosts to their power, but that they actually healed the damage done to him by the unwillingly devoured souls. This led them to the conclusion that if they could absorb Kamui's soul, that they would be fully healed and restored to full power due to their shared blood.

-Their plan for Kamui hinged on the idea that 'willing' didn't account for the victims mental state. Sociopath!Anankos possessed one of his Invisible Minions and sneaked into Castle Krakenburg and promised Garon that he would resurrect both Shenmei and the children slain in the Waifu Wars if he both killed Sumeragi and kidnapped Kamui and, with lots of manipulation and emotional blackmail, Garon agreed to the plan. One thing led to another and Kamui was soon imprisoned in the Northern Fortress.

-Sociopath!Anankos then told Garon to have Kamui abused in the hopes that one of two things would happen; that his will would be so completely and utterly broken by the experience that he would do anything that anyone told him to do for fear of being punished, or that he would become such an angry and vengeful person that they could offer Kamui a way of getting back at his abusers and he would gladly go along with it, no matter what it entailed.

-Garon quickly became a lose end after Azura was kidnapped, so Sociopath!Anankos replaced (not killed, replaced) him with a slime copy and told them to prioritise maintaining his cover over making Kamui miserable, which allowed his Nohrian Siblings as well as Gunther and Felicia, Flora, Jakob and Silas to form a bond with him and (mostly) prevent him from being broken by his treatment at the hands of slime!Garon.

Basically the sacrificing maidens to the hoshido god to get good crops (sorry if i didn't explain that well). Also adding human sacrifice to make hoshido a bit more dark.

Also, if there are other things you don't get, i will be glad to change or explain.

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Good point, you're really making me think and pushing me into a corner so I'll try my best. Well, Yukimura will probably be a clergy of somesort of a hierophant who has connections with the God. Nohr however lost favour with the Gods (in the past) and so it slowly became barren. Garon, not only wants to take back Aqua but communicates with the God(or Gods not decided) and is told to take over Hoshido to regain favour. This is more insightful to his character as he wants to sincerely help his people. The god (also in the cahoots with Yukimura) who told Garon to take over Hoshido is kind of evil and feasts on blood of the dead. Nohr simply doesn't have a god who will help them. This is kind of on the spot but it was a good question Alazen.

Also, how do you feel about putting one or two more chapters about maybe going to Kouga (Asyura dude's place) or Chevalier (Crimson's place and Kamui's abduction) to recruit and build backstory. Also maybe a few chapters on Fuuma for Kaze and Saizou with Kagerou possible being that evil guy's daughter (plot twist for the Saizou x Kagerou people). Just to know more motives and history of the places in fates.

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Making sure, does sacrificing maidens actually work?

As for putting more focus on the nations outside of Hoshido and Nohr, well I would say you should keep mind what directions you're taking Fates' Paths. Like for example, will all Paths make a big deal of the war between Hoshido and Nohr? Just Birthright? Or will you scrap or lower the attention to the war to say, the 3rd Path?

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Making sure, does sacrificing maidens actually work?

As for putting more focus on the nations outside of Hoshido and Nohr, well I would say you should keep mind what directions you're taking Fates' Paths. Like for example, will all Paths make a big deal of the war between Hoshido and Nohr? Just Birthright? Or will you scrap or lower the attention to the war to say, the 3rd Path?

Maybe maidens don't work and the evil dragons want a meal. Hmm, hoshido path will probably be repelling the nohrians but then listening to some of them and realising something is wrong with the bountiful harvest. Kouga knew the darkness of Hoshido and Fuuma are just evil i guess so they eliminated kouga to get rewards from the evil dragons.

Don't know about Nohr. Maybe the family is being split apart by being sent on missions and Garon's sudden change in nature is needing exploration.

Also for third path, i like the siblings coming together but i don't want it to be the standard everyone is happy. So, maybe to eliminate the famine in Nohr they storm the God's realm or sometihng. I haven't really thought of the path's plots, but my other posts were more character and minor tweaks to the story.

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Alright everybody, let's list what characters we've axed or merged or whatever. Here's a list:

1. Fake Garon-A shoddy twist that serves as a key example of the issues with Fates' narrative.

2. Aqua-Expositionbot who proposes silly plans and points to the 3rd Path. She brings nothing that couldn't be covered by other characters (like Lilith).

3. Ryoma and Hinoka-Now one character. Kamui has too many siblings and Hinoka is never really significant for how close she supposedly is to Kamui.

4. Sakura-Axed

5. Elise and Camilla-One gets axed.

6. Flora and Felicia-Merged

What about the rest of you?

Edited by Alazen
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3. Ryoma and Hinoka-Now one character. Kamui has too many siblings and Hinoka is never really significant for how close she supposedly is to Kamui.

4. Sakura-Axed

5. Elise and Camilla-One gets axed.

A lot of people talk about axing some of the sibling characters but I think they could all be given unique roles to play off each other and Kamui. That IS failed to deliver on developing all of them (the sisters in particular) is not indicative of a problem that can't be solved, in my opinion. There were 6 Stark children and all of them got unique story/character arcs (save for the youngest who faded from the story completely). Granted, FE doesn't have as much room to develop so many stories.

If Sakura, Elise/Camilla and Hinoka were axed, what exactly would you do with the remaining characters? Would you give them some of the qualities of the axed characters, or would you develop the remaining characters further with the extra screen time? In what ways?

If I had to cut any sibling characters, it would probably be Sakura and Leon. Sakura overlaps in a lot of ways with Elise, but Elise actually gets some focus in Hoshido. I feel like Leon's coldness and tactical foresight could easier be given to Camilla. Camilla's personality is already a little ruthless and some keen oversight could do a lot to subvert expectations about her just being Miss Fanservice.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Fates as it is now has 4 siblings in both kingdoms for Kamui. Along with Aqua, Flora, etc.

You can tell Fates hit bumps trying to handle a core cast so big. The royal sisters at large aren't really relevant, Aqua says exposition and proposes silly plans, Lilith gets killed as if she was important, and whatever else I haven't mentioned. I would figure you can lower the cast to make them more rounded.

You could make Camilla have Leon's traits but Leon is not only currently better integrated into Fates' narrative than Camilla is, but Camilla is much more blatantly marriage fodder.

Edited by Alazen
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Fates as it is now has 4 siblings in both kingdoms for Kamui. Along with Aqua, Flora, etc.

You can tell Fates hit bumps trying to handle a core cast so big. The royal sisters at large aren't really relevant, Aqua says exposition and proposes silly plans, Lilith gets killed as if she was important, and whatever else I haven't mentioned. I would figure you can lower the cast to make them more rounded.

You could make Camilla have Leon's traits but Leon is not only currently better integrated into Fates' narrative than Camilla is, but Camilla is much more blatantly marriage fodder.

All of the problems you mentioned are more as a result of the plot being spread too thin and Kamui worship rather than the characters themselves though. Camilla and Hinoka for example, are largely irrelevant because they (especially Camilla) are defined almost solely by their relationship with Kamui, with all other character traits being relegated to supports and Azura's silly plans only happen because the story's for each route are too short for all the story elements they tried to include and they need something to jump-start the plot.

Anyway, I'm not axing anyone. Nothing in Fates is beyond fixing and I'm at least going to try. In fact, I'm actually adding characters that I think would be interesting or contribute something to the story/development of characters, such as an old Hoshidan Bowman who comes out of retirement to kill Kamui because his six year old granddaughter dies in the explosion in chapter five.

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Eh, I'm fine with that. I will admit that some characters aren't really needed. The Awakening Trio and Children in particular seem to have been included for the sake of it regardless of the plot-holes or how necessary they are.

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