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Top 5 Favorite S-Supports

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Despite how much I like to have my MU married to Gaius, their supports aren't my favorite LoL , actually my favorite ones didn't involve Robin:

* Inigo x Severa - I like the whole support convo, idk why exactly

* Lucina x Gerome - Him having a crush on her since childhood? Yes! Also I like the fact that she understand him even if he say nothing

* Lucina x Laurent - Another good support convo from start to end

* Cynthia x MMorgan - Adorable

* Nah x Yarne - Cute and adorable too

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The OP's take on the support convos I find quite interesting. Robin is my favorite character anyway so I like the reasonings and I am pleasantly surprised that others like Robin/Cherche S-support. So my own favorite M!Robin S-supports would be:

- Robin x Cherche

Like many others, I like how Robin makes his declaration of protection towards both Cherche and Minerva, with no hesitation of at all of considering Minerva as a family member. Unlike in many of the other supports as well, Cherche doesn't question Robin about the duty it entails or threaten him in any way, showing that she wants to marry him as well. The fact that the usually calm Cherche stutters I found very adorable.

- Robin x Emmeryn/Tiki

I lump these together because I like the two out of the same reason: They highlight Robin's insecurity as a person and this is well into the game when he has earned respect and made a position for himself. Most of Robin's quotes show him as very confident in battle, tactics and strategy of war but insecure about pretty much everything else. And I like that. Makes him more of a human.

- Robin x Sumia

Say what you want about ChromxSumia but Robin's declaration of love is waaaay better. "I'm a simple man with little in the way of wealth or land or social opportunity. And I certainly can't make you a princess like the heroines in your stories. But I can promise to love you more each day that we are together. Sumia, will you marry me?" is way better than "I was eating your pies and I am thinking to marry you for more pies". Robin also earns her love on his own instead of Chrom with his natural charm and ruggy handsomeness.

- Robin x Lucina

Lucina is probably the only one I would consider to marry out of the second gens. While Robin has quite some good supports with the other children, (showing his maturity and perception as a battle-hardened veteran) with Lucina he lets her depend on him when he feels she is too independent and headstrong, changing her perception of fighting alone for relying on comrades. That's a really nice guy move there.

- Robin x Olivia

Again, I love this because of highlighting another ability of Robin: His social skills. With most of the other casts, Olivia is shy and introverted and has a hard time to converse with others (ChromxOlivia being especially glaring). Robin somehow really moves into conversation quite easily, keeping it alive by asking and commenting about the right things with genuine interest, rather than a forced one. Who would expect a master tactician to know about carpentry? And even showing some knowledge about stage design? It shows his ability to make the person he talks to feel important. I must say I envy his social skills.

Really, I am a major Robinophilic. I know there are other S-supports that are quite good as well but my bias towards Robin makes me remember his much better.

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My top five as of right now:m

Fe!Robin x Chrom, just for the sheer fact that it's one of the few times Chrom comes off as his age rather then trying to be older then a older teenager. On top of that the supports in Summer Scrambler and their interactions in the main story come off as sweet and honest, and I like the fact that he wants to stay friends even if she rejects him.

Virion x Tharja, not sure what drew me to this pairing but I like the fact that he actually can get under her darker aspect and it's one of the few supports where Tharja's legit worried about someone other then Robin.

Gaius x Lissa, the fact that he's willing to teach her all these things and that they become friends and she doesn't care about who he was. Not to mention the S support is really sweet, that she pretty much tells him she loves him in a way that just feels very natural for the two of them and they seem to have fun being around one another makes this one of my favorite pairings.

Donnel x Sully, He treats her like a hero, never once wanting to challenge her but to swap stories and she's interested in learning about his life and it seems like the type of life she would prefer over the whole courtly thing.

Cynthia x Inigo, I think the fact that she cheers him on rather then cuts him down about his flirting and later seems to be willing to listen to his complaints and still view him with a happy sort of optimism is sweet to me. Also, given that I see them as both in their younger teens their actions following the S support seems about right. also I figure out of all the girl's she'd probably be the one totally supporting him being a dancer and helping him find ways to stand out with all her heroic aspects (Like a huge explosion on stage or something like that).

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