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Fe7 HNM Draft


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Ch. 16 7/50 Lyn is so frail at base. Also RIP free Marcus.


Hector: Lv. 10.25 Hp25/str10/skl7/spd9/luk6/def14/res1 B Axes

Rebecca:Lv. 8.15 Hp22/str7/skl6/spd13/luk6/def3/res5 C Bows

Bartre:Lv.7.01 hp32/str12/skl10/spd6/luk6/def5/res1 D Axes

Priscilla: Lv. 4.52 hp17/mag6/skl7/spd9/luk8/def3/res7 C Staves

Oswin: Lv. 12.59 Hp31/str14/skl10/spd5/luk5/def13/res3 B Lances

Lyn: Lv. 4.76 BASE

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oh man C26 bored the living crap out of me

afa's drop to erk

C25 6/86 turns

Dart went right, bought stuff and occupied the castle. Lowen and Hector took the top-left castle, Guy took the bottom castle with some assistance from Erk I think.

C26 11/97 turns

Dart went for the killer weapon shop since he was my only unit that can survive (read: dodge) Vaida for multiple combat rounds. Hector could 2HKO wyvs with iron axe + steel axe and soloed some of them on a fort. Pulled the Brigand away from the village on turn 4 by having Erk stand in his range. This was a slightly tricky part since I tried hard to grind Erk's staff rank, by giving as many dances to him as possible. Rath got a decent amount of sword rank (a bit above D) from countering wyverns on the bottom part of the map. Lowen got the Hammerne pretty late, and I ended up making a weird formation at the bottom of the map, with Erk standing above Ninian and left of Rath, both of which were on forest tiles. If both of them get hit by a wyvern rider, which I ensured, Erk can get two heals each turn.

C27 6/103 turns

Turn 1, rath dropped Hector ahead with a dance. Turn 2, Lowen got the dance and dropped Dart ahead. Turn 3, Lowen rescues Ninian and Dart gives her to Hector, who drops her on turn 4 I think. Dart attacked Kenneth with a silver hit + miss and Rath took the kill. Erk just healed Ninian from siege magic or Guy who confronted the Knight/General group.

C28 15/118 turns

Went down the right side. Erk spammed Mend/Unlock/Torch, the latter of which I hammerned, getting a dance for roughly 2/3 of the turns. He's only slightly short of A stf now, which he'll probably reach in C28x. Dart killed Ursula, I missed the brave lance out of laziness but got the boots, I doubt the brave lance would make a big difference.


Hector (20.00): 37 HP / 15 Str / 11 Skl / 11 Spd / 8 Lck / 17 Def / 5 Res / A Axe

Lowen (15/11.20): 47 HP / 17 Str / 12 Skl / 13 Spd / 17 Lck / 22 Def / 10 Res / B Swd A Lnc D Axe

Guy (12/6.29): 37 HP / 12 Str / 19 Skl / 23 Spd / 13 Lck / 9 Def / 5 Res / A Swd

Erk (16/8.49): 35 HP / 13 Mag / 16 Skl / 18 Spd / 7 Lck / 10 Def / 18 Res / A Anima B Stf

Dart (16/11.58): 49 HP / 25 Str / 12 Skl / 22 Spd / 6 Lck / 10 Def / 5 Res / S Axe

Ninian (5.28): who cares

Rath (14/11.77): 43 HP / 19 Str / 17 Skl / 17 Spd / 10 Lck / 12 Def / 9 Res / C Swd A Bow

C28x 18 free turns

turtled, erk hit A staves.

C29 6/124 turns

rath dropped lowen west, routed most of the western melee group, killed the snipers and killed Linus with 4 silver bow hits and 1x KE between turn 4 PP and turn 5 PP. Dart took the North-eastern enemies, Hector and guy killed the wyverns, for which I needed some high-chance crits from KE!Guy. Anyway the strat is pretty sloppily planned, doubt I could've 4-turned because single enemies tend to stay alive, with vaida being particularly problematic, but 5 might've been possible. It's apparent that I got lazy.

C30 3/127 turns

erk rescue staffs rath, who ferries Hector ahead to the west. turn 2, he warps them (8 range is needed to get past the wall) and Rath drops thwomplord into the boss area. turn 3, rath kills Kaim at 60%+ chances with a KE crit.

C31 11/138 turns

defense map

gave exp to Hector and sword wexp to rath because silver sword may or may not have come in handy, I doubt it did since I could've bought more KEs for the same effect as silver swords.

guy and jaffar did some minor training.

C31x 5/143 turns

defense map without defending

erk used the arena 5 times

C32 4/147 turns

rath soloed his way to renault, and the almight +4 con dart that I copied from horace ferried hector. erk warped him twice on turn 1 and once on turn 3. Hector hit Limstella back on 3 EP with silver axe, then dart finished her with a double hand axe crit at a total chance of like 1.6%.

C32x 1/148 turns

I almost missed cheap bosskills

hammerne, warp dart

17 true hit 62 crit

C33 3+1/152 turns

didn't bother with a potential 2-turn since it's super unreliable, in fact I doubt I could do it at all

speedwing to athos

killer crit!lowen and brave!rath gang up on uhai, erk unlocks the bottom-left door, jaffar is danced to open lloyd's room, renault rescues dart ahead to open kenneth's room. Athos boltings the sage in said room. Hector opens Darin's room. EP, Hector did like 12 dmg to darin, Dart counterkilled both mage types, having to dodge one. Jaffar crits Lloyd. Erk facetanks Ursula and jerme.

turn 2, Rath kills Ursula with rienfleche. Guy opens Brendan's room, renault rescues dart back so he can attack brendan with tomahawk. Athos finishes Lloyd with Luna, Jaffar then should've crit Linus for Athos to finish off, but he decided to use silencer, so Athos just killed Darin (I could've killed him nonetheless I think), Erk used fortify, lowen killed a sniper. Turn 3, lowen kills the other sniper, Dart kills Jerme who had attacked Guy, renault warps Athos closer to nergal so he can kill him with a bolting hit + 2x aureola.

Athos luna'd the dragon, standard stuff.

Final turns: 152

Stats (before final since I can't see any stats in the epilogue, the difference is borderline nonexistent anyway):

Hector (20/7.22): 46 HP / 20 Str / 16 Skl / 15 Spd / 9 Lck / 21 Def / 10 Res / D Swd A Axe

Nils (7.88): no one gives a damn

Athos (20.00): 40 HP / 30 Mag / 24 Skl / 22 Spd / 25 Lck / 20 Def / 28 Res / S Anima S Stf S Light S Dark

Renault (16.07): 43 HP / 12 Mag / 22 Skl / 20 Spd / 10 Lck / 15 Def / 18 Res / A Light A Stf

Dart (16/20.00): 57 HP / 30 Str / 13 Skl / 28 Spd / 7 Lck / 12 Def / 4 Res / S Axe

Rath (14/20.00): 49 HP / 22 Str / 22 Skl / 23 Spd / 13 Lck / 14 Def / 12 Res / A Swd S Bow

Erk (16/20.00): 43 HP / 21 Mag / 19 Skl / 26 Spd / 14 Lck / 13 Def / 22 Res / S Anima A Stf

Jaffar (18.47): 38 HP / 20 Str / 25 Skl / 25 Spd / 12 Lck / 15 Def / 12 Res / A Swd

Guy (13/12.38): 42 HP / 13 Str / 23 Skl / 29 Spd / 15 Lck / 9 Def / 3 Res / S Swd

Lowen (15/17.55): 51 HP / 18 Str / 12 Skl / 14 Spd / 20 Lck / 25 Def / 10 Res / B Swd S Lnc B Axe

[spoiler=Killcounts + Unit evaluations]HECTOR: 149B 69W He was okay, not being particularly useful but having decent stats all around.

MARCUS: 53B 40W earlygame awesomeness -> forced bench

LOWEN: 218B 103W Never dies and the mooks he faces largely suck so he still gets the job done.

GUY: 127B 61W Handy earlygame, mediocre mid and lategame. Still came in handy every now and then.

ERK: 109B 94W His magic sucked at first but I got it up to par in time for warp stuff and he still was pretty good at it.

DART: 163B 100W Pretty great once he promoted, best offense on my team and great 2-range EP.

NINIAN/NILS: 38B Dancer/10, in all seriousness I'd never join a draft without free dancers unless it's a game where dancers don't exist

RATH: 163B 96W Great once he promotes and also awesome on EP once his sword rank gets good, which is pretty easy with defense maps

JAFFAR: 23B 18W Filler, only was particularly noticeable in final.

RENAULT: 1B 0W His combat stats suck, but he can use rescue/warp which even with 6 range is quite handy in final.
ATHOS: 7B 6W Yeah.

MERLINUS: 15B still more useless than FE6 merlinus, since he can't bait the AI.

Edited by Gradivus.
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I've been replaying these chapters for the longest time, since I've been trying to funnel in enough levels that I can rout Cog of Destiny in a reasonable amount of turns, but I'm so tired of them so I'll just post my (hopefully) final attempts. Also, I finally realized that calling Harken was a mistake, since, y'know, 10 turn recruitment that I forgot about. I should've noticed that people don't call Karel or Harken. Screw me.

Chapter 26- 11/100

Serra finally promotes, not that it took 16 chapters or anything. Apparently I’m really bad at using healers in LTC. I should’ve grabbed the Member Card in C20 instead of the Guiding Ring, it would’ve at least helped me get Physics for double EXP.

Chapter 27- 10/110

On my first attempt, I rushed the chapter, had several scares from RescuePenalty!Florina, reached the throne on PP6, and waited 4 turns for Harken. I've tried not recruiting him a few times, but that completely screws me over on Cog, so. I’ve also hit the point where lategame Hector has started being awful.

Chapter 28- 15/125

Furious grinding. Recruited Nino. Unlocked 28x.

Chapter 28x- 17/125

Levelgrinding, yay. Ninian got the Boots.

I wouldn't expect another update from me for a while, since I'll probably have to play Cog a good five more times before I can even hit 8 turns.

8 turns? Hah, my standards, or rather, the lack of them.

Edited by Sniper Knight
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Ch. 17 10/60 I suck at LTC, I'm here to have fun! I recruited Raven because IDK. Also, because Wil died in Ch. 16 I assumed his items were sent to the convoy because I've been playing a bunch of SD so Rebecca wasn't used much until Ch. 18.

Ch.17x 8/68 I got Canas, the Devil Axe and the Lancereaver. Oswin killed the mini boss.

Ch. 18 5/73 This could have been 4 turned but I placed Barte 2 spaces to far away and people got good levels so I didn't reset.


Hector: Lv. 12.85 Hp27/str11/skl10/spd10/luk6/def14/res1 A Axes

Rebecca:Lv. 10.62 Hp23/str9/skl8/spd14/luk7/def3/res5 C Bows

Bartre:Lv. 12.86 hp37/str14/skl13/spd9/luk8/def5/res1 C Axes

Priscilla: Lv. 5.97 hp17/mag6/skl7/spd9/luk9/def3/res8 B Staves

Oswin: Lv. 16.59 Hp35/str15/skl11/spd8/luk6/def16/res3 B Lances

Lyn: Lv. 7.91 hp18/str7/skl12/spd13/luk6/def2/res1 C Swords

Canas: Lv. 9.37 hp22/mag10/skl9/spd9/luk7/def6/res9 B Dark

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Ch. 19 7/80 I originally was shooting for 8 turns but somehow I made 7. I didn't recruit Fiora and she killed somethings too.

Ch. 19x 8/88 Kishuna Chapter. I deployed Florina to get the village. Oswin promoted this chapter.

Ch. 20 8/96 I got Legault and the member card. I hate forced Eliwood deployment chapters, he is so useless.

Ch. 21 5/101 I got Ninian and I realized that other than the 1st 4 promotion items you get I don't need any others besides the Fell Contract and the Heaven Seal. Deployed Flor to get villages again.

Ch. 22 6/107 I now regret not drafting Sain or Kent 1st now because Oswin only has 6 Mov, making Boss rushes slow.

Ch. 23 6/113 I swear Pent did 75% of the work. Some of my units could only move 1 square.

My Hector's speed is higher than his Strength!


Hector: Lv. 17.85 Hp32/str12/skl12/spd13/luk7/def14/res1 A Axes

Rebecca:Lv. 16.62 Hp26/str10/skl13/spd18/luk10/def5/res8 B Bows

Bartre:Lv. 16.86 hp40/str17/skl14/spd9/luk11/def6/res1 B Axes

Priscilla: Lv. 9.97 hp20/mag9/skl8/spd10/luk12/def4/res8 A Staves

Oswin: Lv. 19/6.15 Hp46/str19/skl16/spd12/luk10/def24/res8 S Lances E Axes

Lyn: Lv. 12.91 hp30/str9/skl15/spd15/luk9/def4/res1 B Swords

Canas: Lv. 16.93 hp26/mag14/skl9/spd11/luk8/def8/res10 A Dark

Legault: Lv. 14.65 hp26/str8/skl11/spd16/luk11/def9/res3 C Swords

Ninian: Lv. 2.80 Who cares?

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Ch. 24 3/116

I hated this chapter with a passion, until I realized that I didn't need the Master Seal/Silence Staff.

Stats to come later as people promoted in Ch.25 and I saved over the file.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 29- 7/131

oh my god I wheedled my way down to 7 turns go savestate abuse

Warp staff get! Flor had to do a little shopping. Heath is great.

Chapter 30- 4/135

Nino promoted. Serra warped Hector!Heath. Brave Lance, yay.

Chapter 31- 11/146

Substantial grinding, again.

Chapter 31x- 5/151

Matt promoted. Shopping.

Edited by Sniper Knight
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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 32- 4/155

Heath rescued Hector and flew to Limstella. Nino with Bolting is pretty funny.

Chapter 32x- 1/156

Warp!BraveLance!Heath. Had to rig a ~20 disp crit to pull this off.

Final Part 1- 3/159

unreliable af but I did it and I ended up doing this stupid rescue chain to get Matthew to all the fucking doors since I only had 2 Door Keys.

Final Part 2- 1/160

Luna!Athos and Armads!Hector.


Name:     Lv.XP HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Weapon Lv.
Hector:   3.85  42  20  17  19  12  17  13 A Axes, D Swords
Matthew:  6.50  40  12  19  23  15  9   5  A Swords
Serra:    20.00 41  21  21  26  26  12  24 S Staves, A Light
Florina:  20.00 42  23  24  28  22  12  19 S Lances, B Swords
Wil:      20.00 47  19  27  24  19  11  10 S Bows
Heath:    20.00 55  22  25  23  13  28  11 S Lances, C Swords
Harken:   20.00 46  25  26  21  18  21  14 A Axes, B Swords
Nino:     9.40  35  17  19  23  18  10  22 S Anima, E Staves
Athos:    20.00 40  30  24  20  25  20  28 S Everything
Nils:     9.46  22  0   1   16  17  6   8

Hector: 6/10, indispensable b/c Lord, great early-midgame, sucks ass lategame, picks up a little but not enough after late promotion.

Matthew: Thief/10, great utility and gets you items but doesn't really contribute to combat, probably saved me a turn or two.

Serra: 7/10, I promoted her kinda late b/c I'm bad at using healers, but after promotion she gets high crit and Warp! plus she's adorable.

Florina: 7/10, flier and great lategame but such a damn pain in the ass without LM to help her, I'd forgotten how awful her bases are.

Wil: 8/10, proc'd lots of speed really early, still an archer, though. sort of like a Rebecca with less speed and more str.

Heath: 9/10, probably the MVP, flier and consistently good after he starts existing, which is relatively early, training him isn't too hard.

Harken: 3/10, cost me 4 turns -.- high enough bases to make him pretty good, but his recruitment loses him major points.

Nino: 4/10, took her as a joke but I'm kinda impressed at how quickly she caught up, she did things and probably shaved a couple turns.

Athos: Athos/10, what more needs to be said?

Ninils: Dancer/10, sorry Nils but Bards haven't existed long enough so they're still dancers to me.

Total: 160 Turns

I'm actually pretty happy that I managed to cheese 160 turns. I could’ve gotten a much lower TC if I wasn’t so lazy (and if I hadn’t been stupid enough to draft Harken). However, I'm too busy feeling accomplished to care. Fuck yes I finally finished go me!

Edited by Sniper Knight
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For future reference, you aren't required to recruit a unit even if you've drafted them. Karel and Harken are almost always skipped in FE7 drafts since the people who drafted them would just have no chance of winning if they were forced to recruit them due to the massive turn cost.

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shhh, I want to maintain the illusion of landing second place

Haha, 'could've cut turns but didn't bother' seemed to be the theme of the draft for all of us. I guess FE7 can easily get a bit tedious.

One thing I probably should have tried to figure out a long time ago, how does one go about doing those statboxes?

Edited by Topazd
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MARTH       16.27 33 17 10 18 15 14 15 01
DOGA        18.04 28 12 09 11 03 12 11 01
KATUA    20/09.71 35 20 20 20 14 20 16 00
PAOLA    20/12.89 42 20 20 20 10 20 18 02
FEENA       06.04 25 09 05 16 11 05 06 00
NAVARRE  16/01.56 29 16 20 20 09 14 11 03
MARICH   14/01.12 26 10 10 20 07 17 12 07

Use notepad to list all your stats (make sure everything lines up in notepad, it won't work if you do it onsite, it'll be a big mess) then use the code tags (the <> things, or [.code][./code] without the periods). Or you could just copy someone else's (like mine above) and just fill in your unit's stats.

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You can also just do it in the reply box, opening "code" and hitting "OK" just gives you a blank box like this:

At around C28 I pretty much decided to ragequit and afterwards only played in small, impulsive, and very unreliable bursts with the help of savestate abuse. FE7 is tedious -.-

The Karel/Harken thing would've been nice to know earlier. Thanks though!

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