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Quick Call for 25th Anniversary Concert Pick Ups


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Just a reminder that if you guys aren't able to get your items from the concert event, otomart should soon have the Necklace and Card Set for order via their website while supplies last. Looks like they'll start shipping out Wednesday, but you need to live in Japan, have someone in Japan serve as a middleman, or use a service like Tenso or something. They don't ship internationally.

Aqua's Necklace: http://www.otomart.jp/SHOP/GOODS-0074.html

Cart/CD Set: http://www.otomart.jp/SHOP/TSCK-0033.html

(Search Page with all Fire Emblem items)

As of this post, you can already add the Card Set to your shopping cart, but not yet the Necklace...

Edited by christianponte
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Unfortunately, that's doubtful, as the only ones he'll be buying are ones that people prepaid for. But, depending on what happens with those independant retailers within Japan, you might still have a shot at one, if you're lucky.

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Yes Sorry for the bother, but I was not allowed entry. Second day they picked up on their leniency of the first. You had to show the ticket for that time to go through the shop. They were about ready to shoot me. I had returned most but one person I believe. I'm not trying to hold it but some of you sent where I had to pay the fee so I ended up short. Im hoping some of you seen in time to shop online.

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No worries, we all appreciate you for trying ^^

Also, I totally forgot to tell people to send the money as a gift. Sorry about that.

How much is the difference? I'm sure we could all chip in to reimburse you.

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