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Any comrades from Fire Emblem Empire here?


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It is good to know that, for I am not racist, never were to one of those guys at FEE. It was them who started crap with me and got me banned simply because I said heavier stuff back at them..I mean, what else was I gonna do after being called a wetback...and other stuff like that? Blitz simply didnt care because he hated me from the start...so he went on and banned me just to have the trouble sorted, instead of putting down his fist as law and ban those racist guys. A few of those are now mods there and all spammers too.

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It is good to know that, for I am not racist, never were to one of those guys at FEE. It was them who started crap with me and got me banned simply because I said heavier stuff back at them..I mean, what else was I gonna do after being called a wetback...and other stuff like that? Blitz simply didnt care because he hated me from the start...so he went on and banned me just to have the trouble sorted, instead of putting down his fist as law and ban those racist guys. A few of those are now mods there and all spammers too.
I could tell you all about how much I hate FEE. I could mention how only ~4 members are even 1 above shit in my list, I could mention how Blitz hated me too, I could mention how I made ~3 extra accounts simply to troll, I could mention how I denied it to fuck with him, I could mention how he posted a link to porn, I could do all that, but I won't. Oh shit, I did..
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I dont hate FEe, to be honest here, I just now hate those that were part of my demise there. Before the trouble started, I was good friends with alot of peeps there: Omegablaster, Yosh, Django, Thunk. Those were good pals...but then newbies started to join in and that is when the trouble began. Lol

But no, I dont hate FEe. I just hate the peeps that should of been banned instead of me.

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You mean Krevin and Midian? They're pretty awesome... although you probably have a different view on them than I have because of your 'conflict'.

Indeed. Midian is not one of them...But I wont mention those that are in my black list. lol

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Anyways, I wanna let bygones be bygones. I really dont have anything against FEe, it was my first Fe site actually.

So yeah, I was simply wondering how many FEE were here. XD

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