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How do you play for glory?

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First off, please don't get confused. This is not "How well do you do in for glory?" or "How often do you play for glory?". I'm asking how you play. If you don't understand here's some examples:

What characters do you use:

Ever play random? Or do you use the same one every time? If your opponent is a projectile spammer do you switch so you have a reflect? I always switch between Kirby, Meta Knight, and King Dedede in that order.

Do you every quit matches? What if your fighting someone obnoxious? I don't.

How do you interact with other players? Do you use taunts as a greeting or a well... taunt? What about names? I always taunt at the start of the match.

That's the general idea. There probably more stuff you that could describe how you play so feel free to put it in your message.You can also recall or (if you actually have a video) post old for glory matches if your talking about something that involves them.

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I always do a best 2 of 3 set, starting with my main. If my opponents were unable to beat my Ike the first match, I switch to either of my secondaries, Charizard or Roy for the second. I switch back to Ike for the third match if they win. I also use specialized tags, such as "4myFRIENDS", "Lizardon", and "arcPH1R3" when playing as Ike, Charizard, and Roy, respectively.

The only time I ever quit a match by intentional SDing is when playing under conditions of extreme lag.

What I like about Ike's taunts is that they all seem to have a unique purpose. Side Taunt for greeting, Up Taunt for swearing vengeance upon losing a stock, and Down Taunt for emerging victorious.


Edited by Xuan Wu
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Characters: Mario, Falco, Wario, Ike

Sometimes random whenever I feel like.

If I fight someone obnoxious like constant ducking or taunting, then I beat the shit out of them and taunt back and leave the game if I win. Did this to many rosalina players who constantly did this.

No greetings or taunts or interactions or any name messaging.

If I encounter any of the following characters, expect the following:



Edited by kingddd
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I'll start with one of the characters I'm familiar with for a few round, so the likes of Link, Shulk and Wario. If they're good, I'll stay with one of them, if not, I'll either leave or swap to someone I toy with like ZSS, Charizard, Jigglypuff and Marth. I generally like to vary who I play as, even Link's only got a play percentage of around 35%.

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Haven't been playing lately, but when I did:

I normally start with my main, Rosalina, usually switching every match, but ultimately trying to win a match with all of my mains and subs before repeating anyone.

If my opponent is severely laggy, I'll leave. If they're a lot better than me, I might leave (a bit better is fine, but it's just frustrating to be beaten down hard every time). If they use the same character over and over again, I'll leave after 3 or 4 matches (unless it's one of my mains/subs and we're doing dittos), sooner if it's Captain Falcon or Luigi, because I'm damn sick of seeing them on For Glory. I very rarely quit matches outright, but I might if I'm down a lot (like 80+% on my last stock and they're on their first with <50%) and feeling very frustrated.

If they taunt at the start of a match I will, too, but I don't initiate it.

If they taunt me with their names, I have a few responses for them, but otherwise I don't troll people like that. I do, however, have some positive names, such as "gg," "thatwasfun," and a few others I can't remember off the top of my head.

Sometimes, if I'm feeling adventurous, I'll play random. I have a "Random" tag specifically for this. Surprisingly or not, my win rate on random isn't much lower than on my main tag.

I don't, I play For Fun instead.

Then don't post here.
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Posted · Hidden by Florete, July 25, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, July 25, 2015 - No reason given

Just because I'm the only one on this entire forum that doesn't play For Glory, doesn't mean that I deserve to be excluded from contributing.

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When I play For Glory, I eventually find a skilled player. Once I start reading them and win twice in a row (with Meta Knight), they switch to ZSS and 0-100% me. If I can't damage them before the first kill, I'll self-destruct to end the torture. I always win against Shulk and always lose against Wario.

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I only use my main (DK) because I'm boring, and I normally keep playing until my opponent quits unless they're really laggy or campy. Down taunt when they screw up, up taunt when I do something cool. I don't taunt at the start of matches, but I do charge up my neutral B sometimes to see how they'll react.

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I usually start with Shulk or Megaman. After seeing a character with a reflector and having the salt buildup from playing Megaman, it's usually Shulk. After getting bored, I bring either Mac or Ike (but Ike always on 2v2) out. I attempt Ganon and Palutena at random and fail terribly. I normally stay around for many matches, but leave after getting curbstomped by a much better player.

The only times I'll quit are under severe lag, by intentional SDs.

In mirror matches, I'll taunt. If my opponent taunts while I approach, I stop and taunt. Taunting after kills usually occurs after they taunt the kill or we play for a while.

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I main Shulk and start with the Monado Speed Art and SHOULD be comboing and changing Monado Arts occasionally.

However, the lag makes it impossible to do any of that, thus I'm very predictable. This would result me doing SDs on purpose because I would usually be mad.

I usually change opponents when I lose because I'm always salty as hell, but if I win, I would keep playing against them.

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i'm one of those horrible people that taunt when people suicide and i loooove it when people mass taunt after they kill me. I feed on their salty tears when I win

i usually play ganon, dedede and dk, so if they're playing sheik or some other combo heavy character i usually get rekt since they're so heavy though :(

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(No, I don't have a capture card to make the quality any better)


-As Roy, if I see a chance to counter a strong move, I will bait out said strong move.

-As Kirby, if there's a Copy Ability that's beneficial to me, I will try to get it. Falcon/Warlock Punch, Hadouken, and other spammy projectile are a must get.

-Other than that, I just do what I can in immense input lag.

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