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Birthright or Conquest?


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I have been reading a lot on the new Fire Emblem game, and want to really make my choice for which of the two I will buy first in 2016. I was interested in Nohr, or conquest as it will be called, since the game was anounced, but have some issues with some problems that have been pointed out with it. I was never really interested in Birthright, or Hoshido, because it just never really appealed to me, but did want to buy it at some point just to experience both sides. Which of the two was a more enjoyable experience? what were the positives and negatives or both sides, and also what was the length of Nohr and the replayability of it, since this is what I am mostly worried about with the Nohr side.

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Nohr is about the same length as Hoshido. Since grinding on Nohr is also limited (only a DLC map will let you grind experience), postgame will be limited, but replayability will be high (you could do it again and again and use different units from your other playthroughs).

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There are both pros and cons:

Hoshido-Compared to Nohr, Hoshido has a batter story(Even despite that though Hoshido's story is not the best either)but gameplay, specifically the chapter objectives are very bland and not fun.There is grinding if you like that like I do and all of Hoshido's classes fr the most part are new to the series so yeah.Hoshido while having a lot of new features involving aesthetics will give you a similar feel to Awakening.

Nohr-Nohr's story is very lack luster and just plain stupid.However despite this Nohr has great maps and gameplay and I honestly like a lot more Nohrian units to Hoshidan units cause they all have different sides(E.g Charlotte who I thought I would hate but is in fact in my top 5 female list.The chapter objectives are far more varied and are very RD-esc.Pretty much every class is a returning one with the exception of a few which for the most part are just reskins of previous classes(E.g Strategist being Valkyrie essentially and Adventurer being a Trickster with bows instead of swords)

Ultimately I will always recommend playing both since they both offer different experiences but I recommend playing Hoshido first mainly because once you finish Nohr or hell even IK you probs wont want to play Hoshido again since Nohr and IK are just so much better in terms of gameplay and characters(Well you get all the characters in IK with the exception of 3 and you get an entirely new one but regardless).

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