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A Partial Explanation for Awakening's 'Flat' Villains?


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Okay, over in the Fates subforum, I hit upon a realization. In Awakening, the five Gemstones for the Shield of Seals were once known as, respectively:

Vert=Geosphere, Argent=Lightsphere, Gules=Lifesphere, Azure=Starsphere, Sable=Darksphere

I want to draw attention to that last one specifically. As many of you know, the Darksphere was responsible for a lot of the conflict in Mystery of the Emblem, corrupting Hardin and leading to him initiating the War of Heroes. Now, guess where the Darksphere, now known as Sable, is in Awakening's timeline? Plegia.

It's repeatedly stated that in the Akaneia games that the Darksphere is corrupting, especially without the countering influence of the Lightsphere. What reason do we have to believe that it lost that trait over the centuries? Is it possible...That it corrupted Validar? And who knows who else?

I don't know, this is either fridge brilliance, or me talking out my ass. I thought it was interesting enough to share in any case.

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As the weirdo who likes Awakening's plot who's ironically playing Mystery of the Emblem now, this is awesome with how well it works.

Gharnef is stated to be able to return after FE3 along with Medeus, and Gharnef possesses Hardin thru the Darksphere. Why couldn't do the same to a Gharnef esque character?

New headcanon confirmed

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I don't believe it's so much that Validar is corrupted so much that PLEGIA is corrupted.

Though Gangrel states that he was Grimleal in name only (though I wouldn't put it past him to keep a few secrets even if he is all depressed), it just doesn't make sense why an entire country would want to put trust into a dragon who clearly only cares about destruction, unless they were all pulled in by the powers of the Darksphere/Sable.

Tharja and Henry may only be the way they are because... well they were never truly affected by Sable, given they seem to have been the way they are their entire lives.

Heck, that might even explain why Gangrel is super depressed when he is found: Because he had awakened from his stupor, and realized the atrocities he committed.

...though yeah we may just be talking straight out the bum with all this.

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The Darksphere should only affect the one possessing it, right? I think Plegia was meant to be portrayed as a Grima-worshipping nation, although clearly not everybody buys it (iirc Gangrel is only giving lip service to the Grimleal because he needs their support).

Maybe it has some sort of effect on Validar, but ... I think he's twisted enough even without it.

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The main problem is that we don't know how much of their 'original' power the Gemstones maintained. The function of the Shield of Seals altered after Grima rose the first time, apparently, whose to say it didn't change the Gemstones too?

But on the other hand, if the Gemstones maintained any of their original power (Meaning the Darksphere/Sable is still dangerous and corrupting on its own) then it would explain a hell of a lot.

The Darksphere should only affect the one possessing it, right? I think Plegia was meant to be portrayed as a Grima-worshipping nation, although clearly not everybody buys it (iirc Gangrel is only giving lip service to the Grimleal because he needs their support).

Maybe it has some sort of effect on Validar, but ... I think he's twisted enough even without it.

We have no way of telling. I mean, look at what the thing did to Hardin. It caused his personality to undergo a pretty radical shift.

One of the issues with Validar's character was why someone would want to plunge the world into hell through summoning Grima without even a 'well-intentioned extremist' justification (unlike, say, Gangrel and Walhart). He seemed to pretty much be evil for the sake of it, and it was something that really bothered me. Corrupted by the Darksphere, if true, would be an excellent explanation for this.

IN ADDITION we can't rule out it might have had an effect in Gangrel as well. As the once-king of Plegia its not unreasonable to believe he possessed Sable for himself at some point or another. The Darksphere amplifies negative emotions to a degree, so even spending a short time with it might have played a role in him jumping off the slippery slope.

Edited by Alisa180
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One possible theory, if my line of thinking were followed, is that Sable has stronger powers when in the possession of one with Fell Dragon blood, as Validar does. So even after centuries have passed, the Fell Dragon's blood would keep the stone empowered, or heck even make it MORE powerful. I mean, Grima alone is quite powerful, and Validar is fairly scary himself in his final stand.

Though I've been wondering why it is that Chrom isn't effected by Sable/Darksphere's corrupting effect... if the above were true, then Sable lost it's power when Validar died. The Avatar themselves doesn't seem powerful enough to empower the stone...

Edited by Xenomata
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One possible theory, if my line of thinking were followed, is that Sable has stronger powers when in the possession of one with Fell Dragon blood, as Validar does. So even after centuries have passed, the Fell Dragon's blood would keep the stone empowered, or heck even make it MORE powerful. I mean, Grima alone is quite powerful, and Validar is fairly scary himself in his final stand.

Though I've been wondering why it is that Chrom isn't effected by Sable/Darksphere's corrupting effect... if the above were true, then Sable lost it's power when Validar died. The Avatar themselves doesn't seem powerful enough to empower the stone...

Chrom isn't affected by Sable for one simple reason: The one stone in the Fire Emblem at the beginning of Awakening is Argent, a.k.a the Lightsphere, the direct counter and balance to the Darksphere.

If your theory was true, then couldn't we also say that the Lightsphere would be empowered by Naga's blood, to counter the Darksphere enhancing effect of the Grima's blood? Either way, Sable/Darksphere's power was effectively nullified the moment it was slotted into the Fire Emblem, canceled out by Argent/the Lightsphere.

If Sable/Darksphere is still a corrupter, then why wasn't it effect canceled out when Validar stole the Fire Emblem with the Lightsphere later? Because the Gemstones in the Fire Emblem at that point, including Argent/Lightsphere, were fakes (and hence were powerless).

Edited by Alisa180
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Chrom isn't affected by Sable for one simple reason: The one stone in the Fire Emblem at the beginning of Awakening is Argent, a.k.a the Lightsphere, the direct counter and balance to the Darksphere.

If your theory was true, then couldn't we also say that the Lightsphere would be empowered by Naga's blood, to counter the Darksphere enhancing effect of the Grima's blood? Either way, Sable/Darksphere's power was effectively nullified the moment it was slotted into the Fire Emblem, canceled out by Argent/the Lightsphere.

If Sable/Darksphere is still a corrupter, then why wasn't it effect canceled out when Validar stole the Fire Emblem with the Lightsphere later? Because the Gemstones in the Fire Emblem at that point, including Argent/Lightsphere, were fakes (and hence were powerless).

Though the only character in the game with Naga's blood is Tiki (and a Tiki mothered Morgan), it may be that Argent was empowered by the blessings of Naga entrusted to the Exalted line, that or Argent is directly powered by the Falchion, who's powers can only be sealed away rather than dull over time.

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Though the only character in the game with Naga's blood is Tiki (and a Tiki mothered Morgan), it may be that Argent was empowered by the blessings of Naga entrusted to the Exalted line, that or Argent is directly powered by the Falchion, who's powers can only be sealed away rather than dull over time.

What do you mean by 'having X's blood' exactly?

Both the Felblood and Exalted bloodlines are recent example of what's called Holy Blood, a concept originating from the Jugdral games. The Twelve Crusaders in that game blood-bonded with twelve dragons (including Naga, coincidentally), which granted them power and allowed them to wield Holy Weapons (and only those with the appropriate blood could wield a Holy Weapon). Hence the concept of being descended from dragons, or being of a dragon's blood. They mean it pretty much literally. Sometime between Marth's time and Awakening, Naga bloodbonded with the first exalt, creating the Exalted bloodline, while Grima at some point bloodbonded with another human, creating the Felblood line. In the process, Falchion was transformed into a Holy Weapon, only to be wielded by those who have Exalted blood, and even then only a select few. (I also have a headcanon that Validar's tome, Grima's Truth, is also a Holy Weapon only able to be wielded by those of the Felblood line.)

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By one having so-and-so's blood, I mostly mean that the powers of so-and-so are coursing through the veins of a bloodline, which seems similar to Jugdral's descendants of the Twelve Crusaders.

So the Exalt's powers are in the Exalted bloodline, allowing for his or her descendants to preform the Awakening to unseal Falchion's power. This bloodlines powers may be powering Ardent, allowing for it to effectively nullify Sable's powers, though since Ardent never leaves the presence of the Exalted line save for when they hand the gems over to Basilio for safe-keeping, this isn't clearly known.

Grima's bloodline seem to mostly be made up of failed vessels of Grima that ends at the Avatar, who can vessel Grima. This bloodline may be capable of powering Sable, allowing for it to corrupt Plegia's ruler or, if my theory were correct, all of Plegia and/or the Grimleal. Though again, the gem is never in a presence where such can be effectively proven.

And Naga's bloodline is... well Naga's bloodline. If the current Naga dies, Tiki is meant to take her place, as seen in the Future Past DLC. Otherwise, it seems to be pretty much the same as Person A being the descendant of WWII Veteran S

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