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Terry Fox Run.


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For those of you who don't know, Terry Fox was a famous Canadian who had cancer that caused his leg to be amputated and replaced with a fake leg. After this experience, he wanted to raise money for cancer research, so he did a "Marathon of Hope" in which he planned to literally run across Canada. On ONE LEG. He started at the Altantic Ocean in Newfoundland, and wanted to run all the way to B.C. and the Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately, he and his cause wasn't recognized when he was in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, but by the time he got to Ontario and Quebec he was famous, and people would clap for him as he ran by on the highway.

And a better description: Terry Fox intended to run across the entire country; from St. John's, Newfoundland to Victoria, BC along the Trans Canada Highway - a distance of almost 8,000 km (4,800 miles), at a pace of 42 km (26.1 miles) a day. The Marathon would have taken 185 days of running, had he maintained his pace

But the sad part of this story was that when he was in Ontario, almost half-way at his goal (He ran 5373km), his cancer returned, and he eventually died from it. So that's why many places all over Canada and all over the world continue Terry's dream for him once every year in September. Including my school (and many many other schools), as every student and teacher be doing the Terry Fox Run tomorrow. Not that running is necessary, as I know many friends who plan on walking it. XD

But I know that I'll be running for sure, like I do every year. Maybe I'm just a sap, but I find Terry Fox really inspiring. It might only be 2.7 km that we're running, but I still find it important. I'll be donating money, too.

So, to ask the question I made this thread for, who else has heard of or is participating in the Terry Fox Run? XD

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Just ran it today! Naturally, My friends and I were ready to drop dead when we finally finished. Not to mention the fact that we have a 30/40-minute walk home that seemed even longer then usual today. D:

But it was still a really nice feeling, like it is every year. We were running near a highway at one point, so it was nice to see how many supporting honks we got once they realized that the 1000 teens running/walking during what's usually school hours were doing it for Terry Fox/cancer research. XD

Plus, we even saw a bunch of elementary students doing a mini-Terry Fox course at one point. It was so cuuuute! *__*

Now all we gotta do is go around asking family and friends for pledges! ;D (Still finds it amusing that in my school, we have to get the pledges after we run it instead of before.)

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