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Tales of Vesperia


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This game has some of the most beautiful graphics I have ever seen in tales history. Theyre 3D and realistic, and look like an anime at the same time. They finally got off their lazy asses and gave the US versions what they deserved, the skits vinally have voices(if you wondered why their mouths moved in the skits in the other US tales games its becasue the japanese versions of the skits the characters actually spoke, but america was TOO LAZY for their voice actors to do so!) And now they have an actual singer in the opening. Its translated and sung in english and I still love it which is rare for me.

I only have 2 characters at the moment but the battles R fun. You can unlock secret missions by doing certain objectives so theres a ton of missable sidequests which yield very good rewards and you dont want to miss them (seven sins was all "GRARGH YOU FUCKER GET THE DAMN SECRET MISSSION!!!!") For the 1st boss battle you're by your self but then halfway through some girl joins you and you cant let her take too much damage if you want to unlock the secret mission. It adds a new touch to the game which i like and I love to finally have a challenge in a tales game for once because when you can Solo Neblim in TotA with tear or natalia...........well if you fought her you get my point.

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lmao at first u got me there, u were like looking forward to this game then u say that, but then i continued reading, sounds fun, makes me wanna have another play-through of ToS again =P

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The first line sure scared the devil in me since I was planning to buy that game in the future. I read a few reviews on it and they said it was gonna be okay, they gave it an 8.5 I believe, so I was gonna get it, but instead, I went for Disgaea 3.

Buying Vesperia is in the future for me, though your first line sure gave me a startle. lol

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Lol, no, I simply bought the ps3 because of the blue ray playback. I have a few games, and they are not bad. XD I also have the other consoles, and I play them all equally during the week. ^^

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Oh. Well what's the game for now anyway? Is it possible to get it without modding a wii or 360 or whatever?

its on the 360 and its out in america (HENCE ME TALKING ABOUT AN ENGLISH OPENING DUH)

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Oh Masu. You should know by now I don't really pay attention to half the stuff you say.

Well faiya did my job for me. Thanks faiya.

ANd Lyle thats stupid on your half. This isnt a topic talking about someone, im giving a quick synopsis on the game so others can enjoy it so ignore if you like. I hope you have a horrible time playing this game if you do and your 360 bursts into flames :lol:

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Well faiya did my job for me. Thanks faiya.

ANd Lyle thats stupid on your half. This isnt a topic talking about someone, im giving a quick synopsis on the game so others can enjoy it so ignore if you like. I hope you have a horrible time playing this game if you do and your 360 bursts into flames :lol:

Geeze Masu. It was just a joke.


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So...does this mean you have a 360?

yes. Kiba bought it for me yesterday

This times fifty million and two point three

Lol hika. My little sister went insane when she saw estelle in the opening so now she keeps using her. XD

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The theme song is EXTREMELY catchy, both Japanese version and English version.

One of the guys on my floor might buy it for his 360 since he's a tales fan.

My fingers are crossed.

I LOVE the song! So much! *has been trying to find it to download BUT CANT FIND IT!!!!!*

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I LOVE the song! So much! *has been trying to find it to download BUT CANT FIND IT!!!!!*

The singer Bonnie Pink is amazing, she's Japanese but sings both versions.

The first Japanese singer I've seen that can sing perfect English and not engrish. :lol:

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I wish this game had got released onto PS3 :(

O well, you can't get everything you want in this stinky world!

When it was announced it WAS heard to be for PS3 and i was like "YES!" then they were like "LOL FUCK YOU ITS FOR THE 360!" and I was like "FUCK"

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