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Pavise/Aegis/Breaker Build in Defence Stance.


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Just checking if anyone can explain how these skills work when a lead character is paired with a second character.

I was thinking of setting up Hidden Kingdom FeMu and Lazward to make a specific skill setup.

FeMu Path - Asset -> Skill - Flaw -> Defence - Trait -> Oni Savage - Ending -> Basara or Dark Flier.

Start at - 1-10 - Nohr Princess - Noble Lineage + Dragon Fang
Parallel - 10-12 - Mercenary - Stubbornness + Patient Assurance
Parallel - 12-14 - Oni Savage - Resistance Seal + Shove
Master - Blacksmith - 1-15 - Smithy Skill + (Lancebreaker)
Parallel - 15-17 - Dark Blood - Draconic Curse + (Nohr)
Buddy Benoit - General - 15-19 - Defense 2 + Confined Defense + Defensive Formation + (Pavise)
Buddy Xander - Paladin - 19-20 - Open Assault
Eternal - 20-23 - Rescue + Defender + (Aegis)
Great Lord - 23-35 - Attack Stance + Charm + Aether + (Awakening)

FeMu skills are Lancebreaker, Nohr, Pavise, Aegis, Aether and Awakening.

Lazward Path
Start at - 16 - Mercenary - Azure Dance + Stubbornness + Patient Assurance
Parallel - 16-18 - Ninja - Lock Touch + Snake Venom
Master - 1-10 - Elite Ninja - (Lethality)
Parallel - 10-15 - Bow Knight - Rally Skill + (Kunaibreaker)
Parallel - 15-17 - Brave Hero - Sol + (Axebreaker)
Parallel - Buddy Hana - 17-20 - Flowing Strike + (Vantage) + (Astra)

Lazward skills are Lethality, Kunaibreaker, Axebreaker, Vantage, Astra, .

Is Nohr used for transferring only just Vantage/Astra/Lethality or do the breakers also need Nohr to bring them to the lead unit.

Edited by Bakinpacman
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Just checking if anyone can explain how these skills work when a lead character is paired with a second character.

I was thinking of setting up Hidden Kingdom FeMu and Lazward to make a specific skill setup.

FeMu Path - Asset -> Skill - Flaw -> Defence - Trait -> Oni Savage - Ending -> Basara or Dark Flier.

Start at - 1-10 - Nohr Princess - Noble Lineage + Dragon Fang

Parallel - 10-12 - Mercenary - Stubbornness + Patient Assurance

Parallel - 12-14 - Oni Savage - Resistance Seal + Shove

Master - Blacksmith - 1-15 - Smithy Skill + (Lancebreaker)

Parallel - 15-17 - Dark Blood - Draconic Curse + (Nohr)

Buddy Benoit - General - 15-19 - Defense 2 + Confined Defense + Defensive Formation + (Pavise)

Buddy Xander - Paladin - 19-20 - Open Assault

Eternal - 20-23 - Rescue + Defender + (Aegis)

Great Lord - 23-35 - Attack Stance + Charm + Aether + (Awakening)

FeMu skills are Lancebreaker, Nohr, Pavise, Aegis, Aether and Awakening.

You have listed too many skills here (one should be out) and the way to get them seems inefficient (Merc and Oni skills that don't get to the final build, so it seems kind of a loss of levels unless you wanted the stats).

It'd be cheaper to use more buddy seals instead of the Eternal one, like buddying Benoit at level 5 Promoted to level 8 to get his first three skills (both knights and the first general skills), then Xander to level 11, then parallel to level 15 to get Nohr, buddy Benoit one more level for Pavise, Xander for Aegis, parallel to blacksmith for Lancebreaker. You'd still be at level 19, but with all the skills and the three buddy/parallel seals you've used still costed half the value of the Eternal seal.

However, the way Nohr works, it should be paired with Hoshido, specially in the third route where you can get both via parallel seals.

Lazward Path

Start at - 16 - Mercenary - Azure Dance + Stubbornness + Patient Assurance

Parallel - 16-18 - Ninja - Lock Touch + Snake Venom

Master - 1-10 - Elite Ninja - (Lethality)

Parallel - 10-15 - Bow Knight - Rally Skill + (Kunaibreaker)

Parallel - 15-17 - Brave Hero - Sol + (Axebreaker)

Parallel - Buddy Hana - 17-20 - Flowing Strike + (Vantage) + (Astra)

Lazward skills are Lethality, Kunaibreaker, Axebreaker, Vantage, Astra, .

Lazward can't buddy Hana, he should marry her instead to get her class. However, you can buddy Odin to tranfer Vengeance or Xander to transfer Aegis and Luna (releasing one slot from Kamui), and transfer Sol himself or by buddying Flannel.

Using Lazward as a Kamui skill feeder via Nohr means that all of his five skills should have a trigger rate, and Lazward can get Sol and Lethality on his own, another one or two from buddy seals (listed above, better get Xander's), and another one or two from his wife (Kamui should be given a class that had the needed skill, like Pavise, Astra, Breaking Sky, Miracle...).

Is Nohr used for transferring only just Vantage/Astra/Lethality or do the breakers also need Nohr to bring them to the lead unit.

I don't think Vantage transfers to Kamui via Nohr, nor the breaker skills.

If I had to set a defensive Kamui-husbando Lazward (without going shopping), I'd give him:

  • Sol
  • Aegis (Xander)
  • Pavise (Kamui-treat)
  • Lethality
  • Luna (Xander or Kamui-treat) to complete the set.

If Lazward could be other character's husband to be a deffensive Kamui-supporter, I'd choose Effie, so his skillset would be as follows:

  • Sol
  • Aegis (Xander)
  • Pavise (Effie)
  • Miracle (Kamui-treat)
  • Lethality or Luna (Xander or Effie) to complete the set.

The reason I wouldn't give Lazward Lethality and/or Luna is Kamui's possible durability decrease due to "accidental killings" when too low on health. If Vantage was secured within Kamui's set, I'd be more confident to set them. Maybe Copycat to rally from the back his personal skill (?) or have yet another deffensive character.

Kamui's skillset would be:

  • Nohr (obviously)
  • Hoshido (for higher skill activation)
  • Flamboyant (just like the previous one)
  • Aether and Awakening (just to complete your set, not that I'd use this exact combo, I'd probably have Vantage instead of the first one, since Sol has a better chance to recover)

If there was a bigger place to cover, one of the last skills would be Draconic Shield to protect both sides' characters.

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