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Lissa: War Cleric, or Sage?


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This may be off topic, but which would pay off better? Reclassing and getting the skills you want, then going back and getting the promoted class? Or just promoting and then reclassing?

I tend to promote, then reclass, since I don't tend to find the skills pre-promotion particularly useful or worth getting. That and some of the skills from promotion may help you when grinding in other classes for skills.

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Her stats don't entirely matter too much, though. Bride and War Cleric can suit her overall, although Sage is the better option if you don't want to grind to increase Lissa's Strength. Melee Lissa master race.

You could always have Bride Lissa with Lancefaire wield Shocksticks if you obtain them. Not only will it have lovely damage outpt but the +5 MAG will increase her staff effectiveness and range. I mean 1 rng kinda smells but she has bows to compensate. I'd use this over Falcon Knight or War Cleric any day. She isn't completely locked into Shocksticks in this class as she gets Lancefaire, not Axefaire, and she also lacks a flying weakness (Iote's Shield would be a waste). I guess Falcon Knight has better move but meh, the higher MAG cap is totally worth it.

Edited by Minedreigon
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Bride only has 4 more Mag than Falco, which equates to 2 more Staff range. Would you really rather have 2 extra staff range over 2 extra Mov (and flight) when you've already got around 20 staff range and only 6 Mov?

Rescuing people from far away is nice, but you can only rescue them to where you are, so mobility on staffbots is important.

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Bride only has 4 more Mag than Falco, which equates to 2 more Staff range. Would you really rather have 2 extra staff range over 2 extra Mov (and flight) when you've already got around 20 staff range and only 6 Mov?

Rescuing people from far away is nice, but you can only rescue them to where you are, so mobility on staffbots is important.

I still think a lack of a flying weakness and the use of bows compensate for the loss of mov. I'm pretty sure that both would be perfectly viable anyway, I just greatly prefer Bride myself for the reasons I stated. And hey, 4 extra MAG is still more Shockstick damage. I'm pretty sure with 52 speed (assuming LB), a pair up and +10 speed rally she should hit that beautiful 69 speed to double all but 3 units in secret Apotheosis, so if she lost speed from losing the Falcon Knight class, it should be ok. Staffbot wise, it's still functioning like it should as well.

Nice to speak to you btw, I've seen you a lot whilst lurking and you seem pretty knowledgable.

Edited by Minedreigon
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Bride Lissa with LB and Rally hits 69 with either a +2 pairup, or All+2, a Spd tonic, and a +0 pairup. That doesn't matter much though, because Apo has very limited deployment slots and you probably wouldn't want to spare a unit to support her (unless you were running Avatar x Lissa and using her as a combat lead). However, that in turn also doesn't matter because she hits 66 with All+2 and the tonic but no support, and the only unit she'd be able to double with the extra 3 Spd is Thronie (who you'd have to be insane to fight at 1-range and she can't damage at range without a pairup), so she still hits the next threshold of not being doubled by Anna. Outside of Apo both of them will double everything with LB anyway (except Lunatic(+) Simia), so they're functionally the same on that count.

As for the flying weakness, lacking it would allow her to survive a single shot from the Luna+/Counter Snipers, but not have much of an effect otherwise in Apo. I imagine it would come in handy more in the other DLC maps, where Lissa would be more of a hybrid combat unit/staffbot. Should Iote's Shield be desired on her (I usually don't use it) she does have room, though (LB/LF/All+2/GF/filler).

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