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I bought a Japanese 3ds for games that release early (like Fire Emblem) and games that will never make it other here (I'm looking at you Dragon Quest T_T) Seriously, there's almost 10 Dragon Quest games on 3ds and not a single one in English.

If you want to buy a 3ds just for FE IF, it's not worth it.

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People here acting like it's some great virtue or accomplishment to wait. Its not. That's bullshit.

If you have the money, it's more than worth it.

Each version is translated in chapter summaries and eveen subtitled youtube videos. There are menu guides, support conversations, items, everything you need.

And if you have half a brain, you memorize all the functions within a day or two.

The people who are saying no either can't afford it, or have some twisted principle going on in their head that they think makes them better.

Source: I bought a jp 3ds and all 3 versions. No regrets and I know everything about the stories and characters.

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Well since I am dirt poor right now, breaking isn't really an option for me.

The only way it might happen is if they decide to release the European version 4+ months after the American version. Then it's personal and I won't care anymore, it's not like I need to eat or anything...

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People here acting like it's some great virtue or accomplishment to wait. Its not. That's bullshit.

If you have the money, it's more than worth it.

Each version is translated in chapter summaries and eveen subtitled youtube videos. There are menu guides, support conversations, items, everything you need.

And if you have half a brain, you memorize all the functions within a day or two.

The people who are saying no either can't afford it, or have some twisted principle going on in their head that they think makes them better.

Source: I bought a jp 3ds and all 3 versions. No regrets and I know everything about the stories and characters.

Did you try it with Awakening too?

Not to say I regret getting any of this (except the Fates Summer DLC) but in the long run it's not as great as it can seem at first. Based on my own experiences even if you get the English version eventually you won't have the motivation to play it as much because of how much you've already explored the game on the Japanese version.

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People here acting like it's some great virtue or accomplishment to wait. Its not. That's bullshit.

If you have the money, it's more than worth it.

Each version is translated in chapter summaries and eveen subtitled youtube videos. There are menu guides, support conversations, items, everything you need.

And if you have half a brain, you memorize all the functions within a day or two.

The people who are saying no either can't afford it, or have some twisted principle going on in their head that they think makes them better.

Source: I bought a jp 3ds and all 3 versions. No regrets and I know everything about the stories and characters.

I'm just saying, maybe it's not so great of an idea to 300+ dollars (what I had to pay because of import taxes) just to play one game. If she's interested in other games only available in Japanese, it makes that deal more worthwhile.

but I'm kind of poor so what do I know?

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Not to say I regret getting any of this (except the Fates Summer DLC) but in the long run it's not as great as it can seem at first. Based on my own experiences even if you get the English version eventually you won't have the motivation to play it as much because of how much you've already explored the game on the Japanese version.

Definitely a drawback unless one can reserve some motivating/exciting external goal (perhaps Lunatic mode or something challenging and/or streaming) for the localized version. This happened with me and FF13 around its release in Japan (back when it was a really big deal). When I got the English version, I was likeeeee...... ehh.

Edited by rainbowResonance
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I'm just saying, maybe it's not so great of an idea to 300+ dollars (what I had to pay because of import taxes) just to play one game. If she's interested in other games only available in Japanese, it makes that deal more worthwhile.

but I'm kind of poor so what do I know?

300+ are you joking? I didn't even pay half that much. Importing is for suckers. Amazon prime + digital copy = efficiency

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Did you try it with Awakening too?

Not to say I regret getting any of this (except the Fates Summer DLC) but in the long run it's not as great as it can seem at first. Based on my own experiences even if you get the English version eventually you won't have the motivation to play it as much because of how much you've already explored the game on the Japanese version.

It's not a draw back, not EVERYONE will feel that way, especially me. That's an opinion "based on your own experiences".

You might have some sort of gamer's remorse but it doesn't mean anyone else has to

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It's not a draw back, not EVERYONE will feel that way, especially me. That's an opinion "based on your own experiences".

You might have some sort of gamer's remorse but it doesn't mean anyone else has to

This is why I asked if you tried it with Awakening. Did you? Or any other game that's been out worldwide for an extended time, for that matter.

The fact that some people will get burnt out faster on the English version is absolutely a drawback. Everyone's experiences will be different, yes, but don't tell other people to expect this to be some huge and fantastic thing in the long run. Again, I do think it was worthwhile for me, but that doesn't make it a great decision in general.

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If you are still in school and school's about starting soon for you or is currently in session I'd advise against it

Stay in school kids

If you're a financially-secure-enough individual who has enough free time in your life and is likely capable of playing FE like 20 times and still be cool with it to end up having 2 different language copies of the same game, then it might be worth.

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300+ are you joking? I didn't even pay half that much. Importing is for suckers. Amazon prime + digital copy = efficiency

I'm not joking, but I wish I was. Blame FedEx. If I had known they would charge 30% in import taxes I would have gone with a different company, although I did buy a game with it so that's also why it's on the high side.

Edited by SilverPants
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Not sure if this helps, but even though I don't have much time to play (relatively speaking), it was still worth it for me to spend 100ish for a regular japanese 3ds to play the game at least 6 months, perhaps more, early. Time can be more valuable than money. I suppose FE is the only series I would do this for, however, as I've really enjoyed every game in the series I've played (3-13). Probably the other use of this money would be just saving it and accruing interest. This community is also immensely helpful is providing resources for gameplay, and translated story/supports more convenient than grinding anyway so the language barrier is less big a deal.

I would say don't purchase if you aren't comfortable with the possibility that it may disappoint. It may seem amazing, but lingering regret is not worth it. I was also comfortable, in the case that it turned out not to be as great as imagined, to not spend money again on the english version. As is tho, it certainly looks like I'll keep supporting IS.

But yes like it's been said, it really depends on one's personal situation, especially financially. Any purchase for entertainment will invite some risk, but eh, something to live with.

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