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No more Nintendo Directs? Or...?


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So, if you guys haven't noticed, it's been about two months since E3. We usually have a Direct every other month, including E3. Sometimes there's a mini direct or something as well in consecutive months, like the one we got in May. But still, it's pretty much that time. Yet we've had no news of one lately. And since Iwata sadly passed, well...does Nintendo not want to do Directs anymore? I really hope that isn't the case, as I feel this would be spitting in Iwata's face (or, well, on his grave now). He's the one that started the Directs, right? But who knows?

Or, and this is what I do hope, maybe Nintendo is just figuring out how to go about them from now on. Who's going to host in Iwata's place? How will stuff be presented? Those kinds of questions have to be answered.

But hopefully we hear something soon. I'd like to know an exact release date for FE Fates. Maybe some new Smash DLC is being worked on. I'd love a new Luigi's Mansion game. That third one could even be a sort of tribute to Iwata since he did the Year of Luigi and all. He was even wearing a Luigi hat in the first Direct of 2013. XD Although, I'd think that if Nintendo was going to do anything to truly tribute the guy, it might be something to do with Balloon Fighter or some other game he helped release a long time ago.

Anyway, yeah, let's pray for a Direct soon!

Edited by Anacybele
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There had been Directs without Iwata, if I'm not mistaken.

And don't worry, I'm pretty sure there will Directs again.

It's just that things at Nintedo are understandably messy right now.

They even haven't announced a new CEO.

Then again Iwata's death was so sudden, so they probably didn't have plans for a new CEO yet.

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Yeah, but those Directs were special occasions, I imagine (like that Mini Direct in May was NA only, so it only made sense for someone at NoA, like Bill Trinen, to host it). Or Iwata was in the hospital at the time and whoever was doing the Directs in his place was just a temporary thing. And even then, Iwata was actually still alive and in charge. Now, he's gone, and someone will have to permanently take his place.

I know Nintendo is having unfortunate troubles right now, and I'm not saying they should rush anything, but they can't keep their fans hanging too long...

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They're probably in a situation where they don't know how to handle it right now. There has not even been a public announcement of who the new president will be, and they have to consider things like if the president will even remain as the spokesperson during Directs. A new Nintendo Direct would probably announce who the new president will be, so there are a lot of things to consider, especially concerning investors and the overall business side of things, so until a decision has been made absolute, I doubt we'll get one for awhile.

I don't think they'll stop them though, they're a good way to give information to the fans.

RIP Iwata.

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Yeah, true. I guess I just thought that they could still make a Direct anyway despite all that... I mean, whoever does a Direct now doesn't have to be the permanent host. But perhaps I'm wrong here...

Edited by Anacybele
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They'll most likely happen again. As mentioned there were directs without Iwata and I don't think that is an issue but some sort of tribute in the Direct would be expected. The reason we probably haven't gotten one is that due to their CEO passing away so suddenly there was no plans to hire/vet for a new CEO so they kind of have bigger fish to fry to right now.

Edited by LordTaco42
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Nintendo actually did introduce a new host way back in April when Iwata turned the presentation over to Mr. Morimoto from their PR department. Ever since then the Directs have been hosted by him. I think there are two factors here.

1) It's been a month since Iwata passed away, so out of respect they put a temporary freeze on the Directs

2) It's summer, and outside of E3 the summer has always been light with regards to Nintendo news

We'll probably see a new Direct at the tail end of this month or the start of September to promote Super Mario Maker.

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Remember that this is Nintendo. Sometimes we wouldn't know there would be a direct until just days beforehand. I think that they are just delaying them so that they will have more to show of upcoming games such as Star Fox. For the western directs maybe we'll get a release date/window for fates and monster hunter as well. I also think that there will be some sort of Iwata tribute in the next direct, be it his mii,puppet or the bananas.

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Ugh, that would be awful for any fan to act like that.

I can just imagine them speaking:

"I miss Iwata's broken english!"

"This guy doesn't speak funny like Iwata!"

"Iwata's direct would always announce new games!"

"I rather have no Directs if Iwata is not in them!"

As amazing as Iwata was, he wasn't going to be presenting Directs forever, but some people won't accept that.

But anyway back on topic:

Maybe another reason for why they are not having a Direct now is because other than Mario Maker, there aren't any big games coming right now.

I mean, there's Star Fox, but it was just revealed at E3, making a direct about them now is kinda pointless.

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Directs can reveal brand new games too, not just talk about already-announced titles. Heck, FE Fates was first announced in a Direct, remember? :P

But man, you're right, some people will complain about the new host not being like Iwata or something. Admittedly, I'm going to miss Iwata's entertaining English myself, but still. Maybe the new guy's English will be just as funny, you never know.

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I don't think Nintendo has anything new to announce, hence why there have been no Directs. I haven't been updated to Nintendo news or speculations since Iwata passed away. I guess they're just taking a break and have retreated a bit in that aspect to define the CEO and how things are going to be handled, etc. I guess they'll do a direct by Sept or Oct

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I don't think Nintendo has anything new to announce, hence why there have been no Directs. I haven't been updated to Nintendo news or speculations since Iwata passed away. I guess they're just taking a break and have retreated a bit in that aspect to define the CEO and how things are going to be handled, etc. I guess they'll do a direct by Sept or Oct

this honestly. What else is there to announce really? We have Mario Maker, Star Fox Zero and maybe some more information of the games that have been announced almost 2 years ago? Maybe some splatoon updates? Animal Crossing amiibo board game?

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Directs can reveal brand new games too, not just talk about already-announced titles. Heck, FE Fates was first announced in a Direct, remember? :P

Last year the first general ND after E3 was presented in the last week of August, so we're not really behind schedule at all.

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