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The Redeem Myself Lunatic+ Playthrough

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Mercenary and Myrmidon are really only viable if one is willing to buy a large stock of Spotpass Levin Swords. Otherwise, Counter becomes that much worse. However, if Myrmidon can be pulled off, then rushed through Assassin to Sorcerer, a VV build should have little issue handling the rest of the game.

He does have the Levin Sword from Renown rewards, so that can last him for at least one class, or even both if he gets lucky with Armsthrift, and lucky with Luk.

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Maybe for just Merc, but he's already rigging for a lot of things. Adding another luck factor or thing to manipulate will probably draw things out unnecessarily. Going for both has the logistical problems of needing to throw yet another Second Seal at Robin when the things are relatively rare (if relying on Anna Shops, yet another luck factor) and getting stuck ramming tier 1 caps in a third tier 1 class when Robin should really be moving on and pushing his advantage with tier 2 (plus, this will add even more internal level, which isn't a big deal in a Robin/Chrom duo, but he's running a fuller deploy, so other units will suffer if Robin doesn't).

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