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[FE7] Boosting Class Maximums Past 31/60?


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Is there a way to work around the hard caps of 60 for friendly/player character max HP and 31 for the other stats for maximums? I thought I vaguely remembered a few hacking projects that successfully worked around the limit.

Something that I've seen mentioned a couple times is ASM, but as far as I found no one actually ended up working it out.

The enemy HP caps at 80, from my experience. I just want to upgrade my characters to be able to do the same.

Also, is it not possible to have class growths be over 100%? It seems that every 3 digit value I input causes the growth to become 0%. For characters I recall that it could be up to 254%


Edited by cleverfool27
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hp cap is pretty easy and the search will get you to that

the other ones are slightly more difficult because of the way the game handles suspend data; it's perfectly valid to have caps over 31 (and the game will accept it), but if you load a save with stats over 31 they'll only keep the last 5 bits (read: take the remainder when dividing by 32)

FEditor, on first use, will change this behavior so the maximum value in a non-hp stat will be their base+31 (instead of a flat 31). This is why using an existing save before and after editing a ROM with FEditor will cause this random stat inflation. Making it more than that would probably involve a way more extensive rewrite of the game engine

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hp cap is pretty easy and the search will get you to that

the other ones are slightly more difficult because of the way the game handles suspend data; it's perfectly valid to have caps over 31 (and the game will accept it), but if you load a save with stats over 31 they'll only keep the last 5 bits (read: take the remainder when dividing by 32)

FEditor, on first use, will change this behavior so the maximum value in a non-hp stat will be their base+31 (instead of a flat 31). This is why using an existing save before and after editing a ROM with FEditor will cause this random stat inflation. Making it more than that would probably involve a way more extensive rewrite of the game engine

So as soon as I open up my rom in FEditor the base+31 effect will occur?

Also, I'm probably just bad at using the forum, but "HP Cap" are too short for the search criteria. I tried "stats" and "maximum" but didn't find anything good.

I did find an article that allows you to get to 63 via some hex editing, but that's it.

EDIT: Encountered an additional phenomenon, not entirely sure how to address it just yet.

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So as soon as I open up my rom in FEditor the base+31 effect will occur?

well, you'll need to save but yeah

Also, I'm probably just bad at using the forum, but "HP Cap" are too short for the search criteria. I tried "stats" and "maximum" but didn't find anything good.

this thread is the first result for "HP Cap" on FEU; I don't blame you for not knowing to check there but... always check FEU first.

I did find an article that allows you to get to 63 via some hex editing, but that's it.

yeah there's a second step involved

EDIT: Encountered an additional phenomenon, not entirely sure how to address it just yet.

are you going to tell us what that is?
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Thank you for your answers!

I had added the phenomenon in the OP when I originally did it, sorry for the confusion.

Basically, when I set class growth rates to any three digit number it resets to 0. It doesn't show 0 in Nightmare but the growth is definitely 0 upon examining it in game.

For example, if the Fighter class has 140% HP growth listed in Nightmare, and a base HP of 20, a level 20 Fighter will generate consistently with a 20 base HP (and all the other stats properly leveled).

Also, the FEditor trick worked! The stats now seem to show, but the bar just looks wonky. Too much to hope for a display fix, maybe I'll be able to make one myself later on. Also, upon resuming the chapter, the stats over 32 get mod 32'd. How do I stop this from happening?

EDIT 1: It turns out that this does not work with the "Render" edition of Feditor Adv, but does for the older version. Good to know!

EDIT 2: This trick preserves stats on player characters but the suspend/resume still resets enemy stats. When you say bases, do you mean the class bases? That's the assumption I went off of. Either way, a stat cap of 34 still rounding it off.

As for the HP cap breaking thread, do I use some sort of hex editor to change the code in the rom? Is that what HexD is for?

Edited by cleverfool27
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