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[FE7] ASM Error [Solved]


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So I tried compiling an .asm file with the Assemble ARM batch program I got through blazers Ultimate Tutorial and got this https://gyazo.com/215e9171e02cd41e703884d8fe5d11de. It only produced the .symbols file. And the code I was using is a modified force Hector hard Mode that I was using to test the compiler.

.org 0x00
ldr r1, =0x0202BC13
mov r0, #0x03
strb r0, [r1]
ldr r1, =0x0202BC0C
mov r0, #0x40
strb r0, [r1]
bx r14

Edited by Shamison
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you need to install devkit pro

"Assemble ARM.bat" doesn't actually do anything other than automate an otherwise somewhat annoying process that involves multiple programs from devkitARM

Edited by CT075
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I did install Devkit Pro and made sure to do the custom installation and check everything. That is why I have not been able to figure out the problem.

Is it possible I need to edit the batch file to correspond with where my devkit pro is installed?

Edited by Shamison
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the apps might have the prefix "arm-none-eabi" instead of "arm-eabi" (so it'd be "arm-none-eabi-as")

you'd have to check your own devkitpro installation to figure out which

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