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Some Questions to Those of You Who've Played the Game


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So, my question to you is... do you like it?

Is the gameplay good? Is the story good? Do you like the characters? etc.

I'm really interested in what people think in general. Please say which version(s) you've played and compare them if you wish.

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So, Knight, my friend, I'm responding because I hate to see a thread go unanswered and would like to help. That said, there is a huge issue with your topic, and why it has been neglected. That being, basically there are a handful of existing threads answering these questions. A rule of thumb for forums is to check active threads for the information you seek. I would suggest taking a look. You may find great interest in the Love thread and Hate thread for a less descriptive analysis with a large participation pool.

I'm mobile, so this'll be quick and decise. The games overall are quite enjoyable, yes. Each version has their own style of play, though Nohr obviously feels the most unique. The new weapon triangle is super great, giving bows the boost in usefulness they've needed. Hidden Weapons are a fantastic addition, specially for the tacticians who think outside the box. Seems the change from weapon durability to buff/debuff and limited supply is the most strange at first. It certainly adds more strategy and balance, but I'm actually still on the fence about which I prefer. The new Attack Stance and Defense Stance are a fantastic way to balance Awakenings Pair Up.

The story (in all three routes) is laughable and my 10 year old aunt (yes, she's real) could write better. The premise is great (excluding IK) and so much could have been done to really make it shine. Instead we get cliches and anime out the ass. What we wanted, was something real, with a blurred line of right and wrong. For both sides to be equal, but different. And for IK to be, uh, completely different all together? Like, to war against both, not unite both to stop an unseen evil. Ugh.

The characters are great. I even like the Awakening cast brought in. I was first worried they were just recycling concepts, but to know it is actually THEM? That pleased me. We have the obvious problem of Kamui is love, Kamui is life, specifically with all the siblings. While as individuals most of them are well fleshed out, if not complete tropes, they harp far too hard on Kamui. It is easily the worst part about the characters. I love the children, even as much hate as they get conceptually, some of my favorite personalities are the children. The supports are... well, better than Radiant Dawns? Look, the good ones are pretty great, but the bad ones are worse than Awakenings. And considering the limit of who can support who, that's unacceptable.

The really new stuff, like My Castle and PvP, are wonderful additions that are by no means perfected. The game has a LOT of fan servise. I mean, a LOT. Overall, a great title, but hardly the golden age of Fire Emblem at its bet. Rather, this is an obvious cash grab safe best. Here's hoping after its success, IS will be financially stable enough to give us longtime fans the Fire Emblem we deserve.

Edited by Xylaugheon Daily
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I think Xylaugheon summed up a lot of my thoughts on the game. Some characters are the best I've seen in the series out of the now six games I've played, hands down; good supports and quite a few of them have a good presence in the main story. You really feel like the developers and writers spent extra time and care to portray them in a well-thought-out way. That said, there are a worrying amount of characters that have absolutely nothing going for them - let's take Kinu as an example: she never says or does anything that isn't related to "playing". That's her entire character; her critical hit lines, her My Castle lines, her skinship lines, her shop lines and supports simply revolve around playing. Thankfully, she's a non-canon child unit, but she's still a character you can recruit; I don't want to spoil more important characters, but I wanted to give you an idea of how bad the bad ones are.

The good support conversations are the best in the series hands down, while the bad ones are by far some of the worst. There are examples of actual offensive supports (and I dislike how lightly that term is thrown around) as well as ones that just don't make any sense in the slightest and are just there to allow two people to hook up.

The gameplay is for the most part amazing. Conquest's map design is a treat, especially if you like a challenge. They've really balanced the pair up system with the two different stances, and the music and environments are just wonderful. That said, there are quite a few maps which are overly gimmicky, presumably to make up for Awakening's rather plain maps. They're slow, tedious and occasionally unfair - the third route also has a problem with the incredible level difference between characters who join: a guy will join as a promoted class at level 10 at the same map as another character who level nine and unpromoted.

And now the story. Look, I've complained about this so much here that everyone on the forum is tired of me, but it really is atrocious. It's by far one of the worst stories I've ever personally experienced, and it's downright insulting to sell it as a more complex game than previous installments in the series. Conquest has the worst story, but believe me when I say the other two don't have a lot to offer. It's fragmented, unfocused, boring, convoluted and doesn't take advantage of the incredible premise in the slightest. Certain characters are only there to worship the protagonist, and it's sadly not restricted to minor ones.

Now, I think Fire Emblem has steadily improved as a series, and the gameplay here is the best it has to offer, but the story is worse than Blazing Sword, a story I thoroughly disliked as well. I don't regret my purchase, but I am really baffled by the abyssmal writing.

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So, my question to you is... do you like it?

Is the gameplay good? Is the story good? Do you like the characters? etc.

I'm really interested in what people think in general. Please say which version(s) you've played and compare them if you wish.

yes the gamplay is very good , the story has enough to keep any fan hapy and the fact there are 3 routes make it even more enjoyable(i have all three) and i love all the charcters but Marx (Xander) but my fave characters personally are Ryouma , Charlotte, Elise, flora & felica from nhor and sharna(the lesbian one) sakura is cute too buut my top favourites are Sharna and Charlotte. but for game i like the most i love all three paths but im more a fan of the invisible kingdom (dlc story)

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I'm going to keep things short for once.

First, I love the gameplay. It is amazing. Improvement over Awakening's gameplay by a long shot and feels less broken. Keep in mind that I've only played normal mode (because lol going any harder when I don't even understand the language well), but it is still enjoyable. Even Hoshido is fun despite its straightforward maps. Fuck a certain map on Invisible route, though.

The story, from what I can tell and from what I heard, is really not good. I won't elaborate here.

Characters … is a bit of a difficult question. Compared to Awakening, there are less characters that I like by sheer number. But the characters that I do like in Fates, I like more than I've ever liked any character in Awakening (and possibly the other FEs as well). It really depends on the person, I guess.

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